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Last active May 11, 2020 13:36
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powernoise for octave
% Arbitrary Spectral Slope Noise Generation %
% with OCTAVE Implementation %
% %
% From Little, 1992. Adapted from R. Rosa (08/08/14) %
function x = powernoise(beta, N, varargin)
% Generate samples of power law noise. The power spectrum
% of the signal scales as f^(-beta).
% Usage:
%  x = powernoise(beta, N)
%  x = powernoise(beta, N, 'option1', 'option2', ...)
% Inputs:
%  beta - power law scaling exponent
% For instance:
% white noise -> beta = 0;
% pink noise -> beta = -1;
% red noise -> beta = -2;
%  N     - number of samples to generate
% Output:
%  x     - N x 1 vector of power law samples
% With no option strings specified, the power spectrum is
% deterministic, and the phases are uniformly distributed in the range
% -pi to +pi. The power law extends all the way down to 0Hz (DC)
% component. By specifying the 'randpower' option string however, the
% power spectrum will be stochastic with Chi-square distribution. The
% 'normalize' option string forces scaling of the output to the range
% [-1, 1], consequently the power law will not necessarily extend
% right down to 0Hz.
% (cc) Max Little, 2008. This software is licensed under the
% Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic Creative Commons license:
% If you use this work, please cite:
% Little MA et al. (2007), "Exploiting nonlinear recurrence and fractal
% scaling properties for voice disorder detection", Biomed Eng Online, 6:23
% As of 20080323 markup
% If you use this work, consider saying hi on comp.dsp
% Dale B. Dalrymple
opt_randpow = false;
opt_normal = false;
for j = 1:(nargin-2)
switch varargin{j}
case 'normalize', opt_normal = true;
case 'randpower', opt_randpow = true;
N2 = floor(N/2)-1;
f = (2:(N2+1))';
A2 = 1./(f.^(beta/2));
if (~opt_randpow)
p2 = (rand(N2,1)-0.5)*2*pi;
d2 = A2.*exp(1i*p2);
% 20080323
p2 = randn(N2,1) + 1i * randn(N2,1);
d2 = A2.*p2;
d = [1; d2; 1/((N2+2)^beta); flipud(conj(d2))];
x = real(ifft(d));
if (opt_normal)
x = ((x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) - 0.5) * 2;
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