Initial Setup In Lumen
run composer install to install all the important packages, (can be viewed in composer.json).
run composer dump-autoload.
run php artisan migrate.
Install PHPRedis a PHP extension for Redis from
In config/database.php there are following configurations that can be configured for redis.
- host => IP Address of server where Redis is running.
- port => Port of server where Redis is running. (By default Redis run on 6379 port)
- database => Instance to use as database on Redis.
- password => If password for Redis server is set, then set it's value.
- read_timeout => Timeout Redis will honor before abandoning lookup for a request in store.
- token_timeout => Timeout for user device information to stay in Redis store.
- token_expiry_threshold => Message API will look for this value to decide whether token_timeout for the device shoud be updated or not.
In config/push_notification.php following configurations are available for FCM and APNS.
- apns.certificate_path => by default set to look for APNS generated certificate in StoragePath/certificates.
- pass_phrase => Generated by APNS alongwith certificate.
- fcm.api_key => Generated via FCM.
API will automatically decide whether to choose sandbox URI of APNS or production based on DEBUG value in env.
Set QUEUE_DRIVER=redis in .env file
Setup Redis
- run wget
- run tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
- cd redis-stable
- make
- Change redis.conf for listening to different port or password protecting it or listening to different IP.
Run Redis
- cd redis-stable/src
- run ./redis-server (Redis server is now up).
- run ./redis-cli (Optional if you want to check redis functionality on CLI otherwise not required).
Install and configure Supervisor (A process control system) from
Configure Supervisor to run following command PHP artisan queue:listen --tries=3 so that if for some reason queues are stopped they are automatically restarted by Supervisor otherwise new push notifications won't be delivered to user.
Supervisor configuration
- Create laravel_worker.conf inside "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/" directory because supervisor listens to this directory by default for new configurations files (For further confirmation check [include] portion in supervisor configuration).
- Contents of laravel_worker.conf
command=php /home/gostrive-dev/strive-admin/artisan queue:work redis --sleep=3 --tries=3 --daemon
- After creating laravel_worker.conf run following commands
sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl update
sudo supervisorctl start laravel-worker:*