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Created December 20, 2021 08:33
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Lumberjack Notification Demo
// show a crash notifcation - on notification click the user can send a feedback mail including the log file
L.showCrashNotification(context, logFile /* may be null */, "[email protected]", R.mipmap.ic_launcher, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */)
// show a notification to allow the user the report some interesting internal proplems
L.showCrashNotification(context, fileLoggingSetup, "[email protected]", R.mipmap.ic_launcher, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */)
// show an information notification to the user (or for dev purposes)
L.showInfoNotification(context, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */, "Notification Title", "Notification Text", R.mipmap.ic_launcher)
// as above, but on notification click it will open the log viewer showing the provided log file
L.showInfoNotification(context, logFile, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */, "Notification Title", "Notification Text", R.mipmap.ic_launcher)
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