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Created July 29, 2024 18:39
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  • Save MHaggis/5af86a70a0e7d6eb0c3953059f2b8e5f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MHaggis/5af86a70a0e7d6eb0c3953059f2b8e5f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compile with Be sure to modify the path to where a driver is located for testing purposes ("path\to\your\ListOpenedFileDrv_32.sys"). Compile with .\makensis.exe C:\users\Administrator\Desktop\AtomicRedTeam.nsi or via the NSIS UI.
; NSIS Script for Atomic Red Team Tests (AutoIt, T1218.009, and driver load)
; Source and credit
!macro T1218_009_CS_CONTENT
FileWrite $0 "using System;$\r$\n\
using System.EnterpriseServices;$\r$\n\
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;$\r$\n\
namespace regsvcser$\r$\n\
public class Bypass : ServicedComponent$\r$\n\
public Bypass() { Console.WriteLine($\"I am a basic COM Object$\"); }$\r$\n\
[ComRegisterFunction] //This executes if registration is successful$\r$\n\
public static void RegisterClass ( string key )$\r$\n\
Console.WriteLine($\"I shouldn't really execute$\");$\r$\n\
[ComUnregisterFunction] //This executes if registration fails$\r$\n\
public static void UnRegisterClass ( string key )$\r$\n\
Console.WriteLine($\"I shouldn't really execute either.$\");$\r$\n\
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"
OutFile "AtomicRedTeamTest.exe"
InstallDir "$TEMP\AtomicRedTeamTest"
RequestExecutionLevel user
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
Var AutoItExe
Section "MainSection" SEC01
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
; AutoIt Test
DetailPrint "Starting AutoIt Test..."
; Download AutoIt
DetailPrint "Downloading AutoIt..."
NSISdl::download "" "$INSTDIR\"
Pop $0
${If} $0 != "success"
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to download AutoIt. Error: $0"
DetailPrint "AutoIt downloaded successfully."
; Extract AutoIt
DetailPrint "Extracting AutoIt..."
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\AutoIt"
nsExec::ExecToLog 'powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Expand-Archive -Path \"$INSTDIR\\" -DestinationPath \"$INSTDIR\AutoIt\" -Force"'
Pop $0
${If} $0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to extract AutoIt. Error code: $0"
DetailPrint "AutoIt extracted successfully."
; Locate AutoIt3.exe
StrCpy $AutoItExe "$INSTDIR\AutoIt\install\autoit3.exe"
${If} ${FileExists} $AutoItExe
DetailPrint "AutoIt3.exe found at: $AutoItExe"
DetailPrint "AutoIt3.exe not found at $AutoItExe. Searching..."
FindFirst $0 $1 "$INSTDIR\AutoIt\*"
StrCmp $1 "" done
${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\AutoIt\$1\install\autoit3.exe"
StrCpy $AutoItExe "$INSTDIR\AutoIt\$1\install\autoit3.exe"
DetailPrint "AutoIt3.exe found at: $AutoItExe"
Goto done
FindNext $0 $1
Goto loop
FindClose $0
${If} $AutoItExe == ""
MessageBox MB_OK "Could not find AutoIt3.exe in the extracted folders."
; Write the AutoIt script
DetailPrint "Creating AutoIt script..."
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\atomic_script.au3" w
FileWrite $0 'MsgBox(0, "Atomic Message", "hello from Atomic Red Team")'
FileClose $0
DetailPrint "AutoIt script created at: $INSTDIR\atomic_script.au3"
; Execute the AutoIt script
DetailPrint "Executing AutoIt script..."
ExecWait '"$AutoItExe" "$INSTDIR\atomic_script.au3"'
Pop $0
DetailPrint "AutoIt execution finished with exit code: $0"
${If} $0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK "AutoIt script execution failed. Error code: $0"
DetailPrint "AutoIt script executed successfully."
; T1218.009 Test
DetailPrint "Starting T1218.009 Test..."
; Write T1218.009.cs to disk
DetailPrint "Writing T1218.009.cs to disk..."
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\T1218.009.cs" w
!insertmacro T1218_009_CS_CONTENT
FileClose $0
DetailPrint "T1218.009.cs written successfully."
; Compile T1218.009.cs
DetailPrint "Compiling T1218.009.cs..."
nsExec::ExecToLog 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /r:System.EnterpriseServices.dll /out:"$INSTDIR\T1218.009.dll" /target:library "$INSTDIR\T1218.009.cs"'
Pop $0
${If} $0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to compile T1218.009.cs. Error code: $0"
DetailPrint "T1218.009.cs compiled successfully."
; Execute regasm
DetailPrint "Executing regasm..."
nsExec::ExecToLog 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe /U "$INSTDIR\T1218.009.dll"'
Pop $0
DetailPrint "Regasm execution finished with exit code: $0"
${If} $0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK "Regasm execution failed. Error code: $0"
DetailPrint "Regasm executed successfully."
; Embed and extract the driver
DetailPrint "Extracting driver..."
File "/oname=$INSTDIR\driver.sys" "path\to\your\ListOpenedFileDrv_32.sys"
DetailPrint "Driver extracted to $INSTDIR\driver.sys"
; Attempt to load the driver as a service
DetailPrint "Attempting to load the driver as a service..."
nsExec::ExecToLog 'sc.exe create TestDriver type= kernel binPath= "$INSTDIR\driver.sys"'
Pop $0
DetailPrint "Service creation attempt finished with exit code: $0"
${If} $0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK "Service creation may have failed. Error code: $0"
DetailPrint "Service created successfully."
; Attempt to start the service
nsExec::ExecToLog 'sc.exe start TestDriver'
Pop $0
DetailPrint "Service start attempt finished with exit code: $0"
${If} $0 != "0"
MessageBox MB_OK "Service start may have failed. Error code: $0"
DetailPrint "Service started successfully."
; Pause before cleanup
MessageBox MB_OK "Both tests execution complete. Press OK to clean up and exit."
; Clean up
DetailPrint "Cleaning up..."
Delete "$INSTDIR\atomic_script.au3"
Delete "$INSTDIR\"
Delete "$INSTDIR\T1218.009.cs"
Delete "$INSTDIR\T1218.009.dll"
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\AutoIt"
DetailPrint "Cleanup complete."
; Attempt to stop and remove the service
nsExec::ExecToLog 'sc.exe stop TestDriver'
nsExec::ExecToLog 'sc.exe delete TestDriver'
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