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Created November 25, 2013 10:31
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from __future__ import print_function
import random, itertools, string, operator, copy
import constraint, networkx, sympy, glpk
# Basic parameters
def n_rows(boxsize): return boxsize**2
def n_cols(boxsize): return boxsize**2
def n_boxes(boxsize): return boxsize**2
def n_symbols(boxsize): return max(n_rows(boxsize), n_cols(boxsize))
def n_cells(boxsize): return n_rows(boxsize)*n_cols(boxsize)
# Cell label functions
def cell(row, column, boxsize): return (row - 1) * n_rows(boxsize) + column
def column(cell, boxsize): return (cell - 1) % n_rows(boxsize) + 1
def row(cell, boxsize): return (cell - 1) / n_cols(boxsize) + 1
def box_representative(box, boxsize):
i = boxsize * ((box - 1) / boxsize)
j = boxsize * ((box - 1) % boxsize) + 1
return boxsize**2*i + j
# Convenient ranges
def cells(boxsize): return range(1, n_cells(boxsize) + 1)
def symbols(boxsize): return range(1, n_symbols(boxsize) + 1)
def rows(boxsize): return range(1, n_rows(boxsize) + 1)
def cols(boxsize): return range(1, n_cols(boxsize) + 1)
def boxes(boxsize): return range(1, n_boxes(boxsize) + 1)
def row_r(row, boxsize):
"""Cell labels in 'row' of Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'."""
nr = n_rows(boxsize)
return range(nr * (row - 1) + 1, nr * row + 1)
def col_r(column, boxsize):
"""Cell labels in 'column' of Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'."""
nc = n_cols(boxsize)
ncl = n_cells(boxsize)
return range(column, ncl + 1 - (nc - column), nc)
def box_r(box, boxsize):
"""Cell labels in 'box' of Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'."""
return [box_representative(box, boxsize) + j + k - 1 for j in range(0, boxsize * n_rows(boxsize), n_cols(boxsize)) for k in range(1, boxsize + 1)]
def cells_by_row(boxsize):
"""cells_by_row(boxsize) -> list
Returns a list of cell labels ordered by row for the given boxsize."""
return [row_r(row, boxsize) for row in rows(boxsize)]
def cells_by_col(boxsize):
"""cells_by_col(boxsize) -> list
Returns a list of cell labels ordered by column for the given boxsize."""
return [col_r(column, boxsize) for column in cols(boxsize)]
def cells_by_box(boxsize):
"""cells_by_box(boxsize) -> list
Returns a list of cell labels ordered by box for the given boxsize."""
return [box_r(box, boxsize) for box in boxes(boxsize)]
def puzzle_rows(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Cell values, ordered by row."""
return [map(puzzle.get, row_r(row, boxsize)) for row in rows(boxsize)]
def puzzle_columns(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Cell values, ordered by column."""
return [map(puzzle.get, col_r(column, boxsize)) for column in cols(boxsize)]
def puzzle_boxes(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Cell values, ordered by box."""
return [map(puzzle.get, box_r(box, boxsize)) for box in boxes(boxsize)]
# Convenient functions
def ordered_pairs(range):
"""All ordered pairs from objects in 'range'."""
return itertools.combinations(range, 2)
def flatten(list_of_lists):
"Flatten one level of nesting"
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(list_of_lists)
def int_to_printable(i):
"""Convert an integer to a printable character."""
return string.printable[i]
def printable_to_int(c):
"""Convert a printable character to a integer."""
return string.printable.index(c)
def are_all_different(l):
"""Test whether all elements in range 'l' are different."""
return all(itertools.starmap(, ordered_pairs(l)))
def are_all_different_nested(l):
"""Test whether every range in range 'l' is a range of all different
return all(map(are_all_different, l))
def strip_ws(puzzle_string):
"""Remove newline and space characters from a string."""
return puzzle_string.replace('\n', '').replace(' ','')
def colorize(c, color = '1'):
CSI = '\x1b['
reset = CSI + 'm'
return CSI + "3" + color + "m" + c + reset
def diff_s(s1, s2):
s = ''
for i in range(len(s1)):
if s1[i]!=s2[i]:
s += colorize(s2[i])
s += s2[i]
return s
# Cell dependencies
def dependent_cells(boxsize):
"""List of all pairs (x, y) with x < y such that x and y either lie in the
same row, same column or same box."""
return list(set(flatten(map(list, map(ordered_pairs, cells_by_row(boxsize) + cells_by_col(boxsize) + cells_by_box(boxsize))))))
# String/dictionary conversions
def dict_to_string_(fixed, boxsize, padding = 0, rowend = "", row_sep = "", box_sep = "", col_sep = "", last_row_hack = ""):
"""Returns a puzzle string of dimension 'boxsize' from a dictionary of
'fixed' cells."""
s = ''
s += row_sep
for row in rows(boxsize):
s += box_sep
for col in cols(boxsize):
symbol = fixed.get(cell(row, col, boxsize))
if symbol:
s += int_to_printable(symbol) + " "*padding
s += '.' + ' '*padding
if col % boxsize == 0:
s += box_sep
if col < boxsize*boxsize:
s += col_sep
s += rowend
if (row % boxsize == 0 and row < boxsize*boxsize):
s += row_sep
elif row == boxsize*boxsize:
s += last_row_hack
return s
def dict_to_string(fixed, boxsize, padding = 0, rowend = ""):
"""Returns a puzzle string of dimension 'boxsize' from a dictionary of
'fixed' cells with some suitably chosen row/column seperators."""
row_sep = boxsize*('+' + (2*boxsize + 1) * '-') + '+' + '\n'
box_sep = '| '
return dict_to_string_(fixed, boxsize, padding, rowend, row_sep, box_sep, "")
def string_to_dict(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Returns a dictionary based on a Sudoku puzzle string."""
puzzle = strip_ws(puzzle)
d = {}
for cell in cells(boxsize):
if puzzle[cell - 1] != '.':
d[cell] = int(printable_to_int(puzzle[cell - 1]))
return d
def graph_to_dict(graph):
"""Colored graph to dictionary conversion."""
nodes = graph.node
return dict([(vertex, nodes[vertex].get('color')) for vertex in nodes])
# Graph output
def dimacs_string(graph):
"""Returns a string in Dimacs-format representing 'graph'."""
s = ""
s += "p " + "edge " + str(graph.order()) + " " + str(graph.size()) + "\n"
for edge in graph.edges():
s += "e " + str(edge[0]) + " " + str(edge[1]) + "\n"
return s
# Constraint models
def add_row_constraints(problem, boxsize):
"""add_row_constraints(problem, boxsize)
Adds to constraint problem 'problem', all_different constraints on rows."""
for row in cells_by_row(boxsize):
problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), row)
def add_col_constraints(problem, boxsize):
"""add_col_constraints(problem, boxsize)
Adds to constraint problem 'problem', all_different constraints on columns."""
for col in cells_by_col(boxsize):
problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), col)
def add_box_constraints(problem, boxsize):
"""add_box_constraints(problem, boxsize)
Adds to constraint problem 'problem', all_different constraints on boxes."""
for box in cells_by_box(boxsize):
problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), box)
def empty_puzzle_as_CP(boxsize):
"""empty_puzzle(boxsize) -> constraint.Problem
Returns a constraint problem representing an empty Sudoku puzzle of
box-dimension 'boxsize'."""
p = constraint.Problem()
p.addVariables(cells(boxsize), symbols(boxsize))
add_row_constraints(p, boxsize)
add_col_constraints(p, boxsize)
add_box_constraints(p, boxsize)
return p
def puzzle_as_CP(fixed, boxsize):
"""puzzle_as_CP(fixed, boxsize) -> constraint.Problem
Returns a constraint problem representing a Sudoku puzzle, based on
'fixed' cell dictionary."""
p = empty_puzzle_as_CP(boxsize)
for cell in fixed:
p.addConstraint(constraint.ExactSumConstraint(fixed[cell]), [cell])
return p
def to_minion_3_string_s(fixed, boxsize):
n = n_rows(boxsize)
s = n_symbols(boxsize)
def header():
return "MINION 3\n"
def variables():
return "**VARIABLES**\nDISCRETE l[" + str(n) + "," + str(n) +"] {1.." + str(s) +"}\n"
def search():
return "**SEARCH**\nPRINT ALL\n"
def row_constraint(row):
return "alldiff(l[" + str(row - 1) + ",_])\n"
def column_constraint(col):
return "alldiff(l[_," + str(col - 1) + "])\n"
def box_constraint(box):
return 'alldiff([' + string.strip(reduce(operator.add, ['l[' + str(row(cell, boxsize) - 1) + ',' + str(column(cell, boxsize) - 1)+'],' for cell in box]),',') + '])\n'
def clue_constraint(clue):
return "eq(l[" + str(row(clue, boxsize) - 1) + "," + str(column(clue, boxsize) - 1) + "]," + str(fixed[clue]) +")\n"
def row_constraints():
return reduce(operator.add, [row_constraint(row) for row in rows(boxsize)])
def column_constraints():
return reduce(operator.add, [column_constraint(col) for col in cols(boxsize)])
def box_constraints():
return reduce(operator.add, [box_constraint(box) for box in cells_by_box(boxsize)])
def clue_constraints():
if len(fixed)==0:
return ""
return reduce(operator.add, flatten([clue_constraint(clue) for clue in fixed]))
def constraints():
return "**CONSTRAINTS**\n" + row_constraints() + column_constraints() + box_constraints() + clue_constraints()
def footer():
return "**EOF**"
return header() + variables() + search() + constraints() + footer()
# Graph models
def empty_puzzle_as_graph(boxsize):
"""empty_puzzle_as_graph(boxsize) -> networkx.Graph
Returns the Sudoku graph of dimension 'boxsize'."""
g = networkx.Graph()
return g
def puzzle_as_graph(fixed, boxsize):
"""Graph model of Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize' with 'fixed'
g = empty_puzzle_as_graph(boxsize)
for cell in fixed:
g.node[cell]['color'] = fixed[cell]
return g
# Vertex coloring algorithms
def neighboring_colors(graph, node):
"""Returns list of colors used on neighbors of 'node' in 'graph'."""
return filter(None, [graph.node[neighbor].get('color') for neighbor in graph.neighbors(node)])
def n_colors(graph):
"""The number of distinct colors used on vertices of 'graph'."""
return len(set([graph.node[i]['color'] for i in graph.nodes()]))
def least_missing(colors):
"""The smallest integer not in 'colors'."""
for color in colors:
if color + 1 not in colors:
return color + 1
def first_available_color(graph, node):
"""The first color not used on neighbors of 'node' in 'graph'."""
used_colors = neighboring_colors(graph, node)
if len(used_colors) == 0:
return 1
return least_missing(used_colors)
def saturation_degree(graph, node):
"""Saturation degree of 'node' in 'graph'."""
return len(set(neighboring_colors(graph, node)))
class FirstAvailableColor():
"""First available color choice visitor."""
def __call__(self, graph, node):
return first_available_color(graph, node)
class InOrder():
"""Natural vertex ordering strategy."""
def __init__(self, graph):
self.graph = graph
def __iter__(self):
return self.graph.nodes_iter()
class RandomOrder():
"""Random vertex ordering strategy."""
def __init__(self, graph):
self.graph = graph
self.nodes = self.graph.nodes()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.nodes)
class DSATOrder():
"""Saturation degree vertex ordering strategy."""
def __init__(self, graph):
self.graph = graph
self.nodes = self.graph.nodes()
self.value = 0
def dsatur(self, node):
return saturation_degree(self.graph, node)
def next(self):
self.value += 1
if self.value > self.graph.order(): raise StopIteration
self.nodes.sort(key = self.dsatur)
return self.nodes.pop()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def vertex_coloring(graph, nodes = InOrder, choose_color = FirstAvailableColor):
"""Generic vertex coloring algorithm. Node ordering specified by 'nodes'
iterator. Color choice strategy specified by 'choose_color'."""
nodes = nodes(graph)
for node in nodes:
if not graph.node[node].get('color'):
graph.node[node]['color'] = choose_color()(graph, node)
return graph
# Polynomial system models
def cell_symbol_names(boxsize):
"""The names of symbols (e.g. cell 1 has name 'x1') used in the polynomial
return map(lambda cell:'x' + str(cell), cells(boxsize))
def cell_symbols(boxsize):
"""The cells as symbols."""
return map(sympy.Symbol, cell_symbol_names(boxsize))
def symbolize(pair):
"""Turn a pair of symbol names into a pair of symbols."""
return (sympy.Symbol('x' + str(pair[0])),sympy.Symbol('x' + str(pair[1])))
def dependent_symbols(boxsize):
"""The list of pairs of dependent cells as symbol pairs."""
return map(symbolize, dependent_cells(boxsize))
def node_polynomial(x, boxsize):
"""The polynomial representing a cell corresponding to symbol 'x'."""
return sympy.expand(reduce(operator.mul, [(x - symbol) for symbol in symbols(boxsize)]))
def edge_polynomial(x, y, boxsize):
"""The polynomials representing the dependency of cells corresponding to
symbols 'x' and 'y'."""
return sympy.expand(sympy.cancel((node_polynomial(x, boxsize) - node_polynomial(y, boxsize))/(x - y)))
def node_polynomials(boxsize):
"""All cell polynomials."""
return [node_polynomial(x, boxsize) for x in cell_symbols(boxsize)]
def edge_polynomials(boxsize):
"""All dependency polynomials."""
return [edge_polynomial(x, y, boxsize) for x, y in dependent_symbols(boxsize)]
def empty_puzzle_as_polynomial_system(boxsize):
"""The polynomial system for an empty Sudoku puzzle of dimension
return node_polynomials(boxsize) + edge_polynomials(boxsize)
def fixed_cell_polynomial(cell, symbol):
"""A polynomial representing the assignment of symbol 'symbol' to the cell
return sympy.Symbol('x' + str(cell)) - symbol
def fixed_cells_polynomials(fixed):
"""Polynomials representing assignments of symbols to cells given by
'fixed' dictionary."""
return [fixed_cell_polynomial(cell, symbol) for cell, symbol in fixed.iteritems()]
def puzzle_as_polynomial_system(fixed, boxsize):
"""Polynomial system for Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize' with fixed
cells given by 'fixed' dictionary."""
return empty_puzzle_as_polynomial_system(boxsize) + fixed_cells_polynomials(fixed)
# Linear program models
def lp_matrix_ncols(boxsize): return n_cells(boxsize) * n_symbols(boxsize)
def lp_matrix_nrows(boxsize): return 4*boxsize**4 # what is the origin of this number?
def lp_vars(boxsize):
"""Variables for Sudoku puzzle linear program model."""
return list(itertools.product(cells(boxsize), symbols(boxsize)))
def lp_col_index(cell, symbol, boxsize):
"""The column of the coefficient matrix which corresponds to the variable
representing the assignment of 'symbol' to 'cell'."""
return (cell - 1)*n_symbols(boxsize) + symbol - 1
def lp_occ_eq(cells, symbol, boxsize):
"""Linear equation (as list of coefficients) which corresponds to the cells
in 'cells' having one occurence of 'symbol'."""
coeffs = lp_matrix_ncols(boxsize)*[0]
for cell in cells:
coeffs[lp_col_index(cell, symbol, boxsize)] = 1
return coeffs
def lp_nonempty_eq(cell, boxsize):
"""Linear equation (as list of coefficients) which corresponds to 'cell'
being assigned a symbol from 'symbols'."""
coeffs = lp_matrix_ncols(boxsize)*[0]
for symbol in symbols(boxsize):
coeffs[lp_col_index(cell, symbol, boxsize)] = 1
return coeffs
def lp_occ_eqs(cells_r, boxsize):
"""Linear equations (as lists of coefficients) which correspond to the
cells in cells_r having one occurence of every symbol."""
return [lp_occ_eq(cells, symbol, boxsize) for cells in cells_r for symbol in symbols(boxsize)]
def lp_nonempty_eqs(boxsize):
"""Linear equations (as lists of coefficients) which correspond to
every cell having one symbol."""
return [lp_nonempty_eq(cell, boxsize) for cell in cells(boxsize)]
def lp_coeffs(boxsize):
"""Linear equations (as lists of coefficients) which correspond to
the empty Sudoku puzzle."""
return lp_occ_eqs(cells_by_row(boxsize), boxsize) + lp_occ_eqs(cells_by_col(boxsize), boxsize) + lp_occ_eqs(cells_by_box(boxsize), boxsize) + lp_nonempty_eqs(boxsize)
def lp_matrix(boxsize):
"""Linear equations (as list of coefficients) which correspond to
the empty Sudoku puzzle."""
return list(flatten(lp_coeffs(boxsize)))
def empty_puzzle_as_lp(boxsize):
"""Linear program for empty Sudoku puzzle."""
lp = glpk.LPX()
for c in lp.cols:
c.bounds = 0.0, 1.0
for r in lp.rows:
r.bounds = 1.0, 1.0
lp.matrix = lp_matrix(boxsize)
return lp
def add_clue_eqn(cell, symbol, boxsize, lp):
"""Add to 'lp' the linear equation representing the assignment of 'symbol'
to 'cell'."""
r = lp_matrix_ncols(boxsize)*[0]
r[lp_col_index(cell, symbol, boxsize)] = 1
lp.rows[-1].matrix = r
lp.rows[-1].bounds = 1.0, 1.0
def puzzle_as_lp(fixed, boxsize):
"""Linear program for Sudoku with 'fixed' clues."""
lp = empty_puzzle_as_lp(boxsize)
for cell in fixed:
symbol = fixed[cell]
add_clue_eqn(cell, symbol, boxsize, lp)
return lp
def lp_to_dict(lp, boxsize):
names = lp_vars(boxsize)
sol = {}
for c in lp.cols:
if c.value == 1:
sol[names[c.index][0]] = names[c.index][1]
return sol
def solve_lp_puzzle(lp, boxsize):
"""Solve a linear program Sudoku and return puzzle dictionary."""
for col in lp.cols:
col.kind = int
return lp_to_dict(lp, boxsize)
# Puzzle solving
def solve_as_CP(fixed, boxsize):
"""Use constraint programming to solve Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'
with 'fixed' cells."""
return puzzle_as_CP(fixed, boxsize).getSolution()
def solve_as_lp(fixed, boxsize):
"""Use linear programming to solve Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'
with 'fixed' cells."""
return solve_lp_puzzle(puzzle_as_lp(fixed, boxsize), boxsize)
def solve_as_groebner(fixed, boxsize):
"""Use groebner bases algorithm to solve Sudoku puzzle of dimension
'boxsize' with 'fixed' cells."""
g = puzzle_as_polynomial_system(fixed, boxsize)
h = sympy.groebner(g, cell_symbols(boxsize), order = 'lex')
s = sympy.solve(h, cell_symbols(boxsize))
keys = [int('x','')) for symbol in s.keys()]
values = [i.__int__() for i in s.values()]
return dict(zip(keys, values))
def solve_as_graph(fixed, boxsize):
"""Use vertex coloring to solve Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'
with 'fixed' cells."""
g = puzzle_as_graph(fixed, boxsize)
cg = vertex_coloring(g, DSATOrder)
return graph_to_dict(cg)
def solve_puzzle(fixed, boxsize, model = 'CP'):
"""Solve 'puzzle' exploiting 'model' ('lp', 'graph', 'CP', 'groebner')."""
if model == 'CP':
return solve_as_CP(fixed, boxsize)
elif model == 'lp':
return solve_as_lp(fixed, boxsize)
elif model == 'graph':
return solve_as_graph(fixed, boxsize)
elif model == 'groebner':
return solve_as_groebner(fixed, boxsize)
raise NameError('No such model.')
def solve_puzzles(puzzles, boxsize, model = 'CP'):
"""Solve every puzzle in iterable 'puzzles'."""
return [solve_puzzle(puzzle, boxsize, model) for puzzle in puzzles]
def solve_puzzles_s(puzzles_s, boxsize, model = 'CP'):
"""Solve every puzzle string in iterable 'puzzles'."""
return solve_puzzles(map(lambda puzzle:string_to_dict(puzzle, boxsize), puzzles_s), boxsize, model)
# File handling
def dimacs_file(graph, outfile):
"""Output to 'outfile' a graph in Dimacs format."""
out = open(outfile, 'w')
# Puzzle generators
def random_filter(puzzle_d, n_fixed, boxsize):
"""A puzzle dictionary of a random Sudoku puzzle of 'fixed' size
based on the Sudoku 'puzzle' dictionary."""
fixed = copy.deepcopy(puzzle_d)
keys = fixed.keys()
indices = keys[:len(keys) - n_fixed]
for i in indices:
del fixed[i]
return fixed
def random_fixed(n_fixed, boxsize, model = 'CP'):
"""Random puzzle generator, based on solution of empty puzzle."""
s = solve_puzzle({}, boxsize, model)
return random_filter(s, n_fixed, boxsize)
# Verification
def is_row_latin(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Test latin-ness of 'puzzle' rows."""
return are_all_different_nested(puzzle_rows(puzzle, boxsize))
def is_column_latin(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Test latin-ness of 'puzzle' columns."""
return are_all_different_nested(puzzle_columns(puzzle, boxsize))
def is_box_latin(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Test latin-ness of 'puzzle' boxes."""
return are_all_different_nested(puzzle_boxes(puzzle, boxsize))
def is_sudoku(puzzle, boxsize):
"""Test whether 'puzzle' is a Sudoku puzzle of dimension 'boxsize'."""
return is_row_latin(puzzle, boxsize) and is_column_latin(puzzle, boxsize) and is_box_latin(puzzle, boxsize)
def is_solution(fixed, puzzle, boxsize):
"""Test whether 'fixed' cells have same values in 'puzzle'."""
return all(map(lambda x: fixed[x] == puzzle[x], fixed))
def is_sudoku_solution_d(fixed, puzzle, boxsize):
"""Test whether 'puzzle' is a solution of 'fixed'."""
return is_sudoku(puzzle, boxsize) and is_solution(fixed, puzzle, boxsize)
def is_sudoku_solution_s(fixed_s, puzzle_s, boxsize):
"""Test whether 'puzzle_s' string is a solution of 'fixed_s' string."""
fixed = string_to_dict(fixed_s, boxsize)
puzzle = string_to_dict(puzzle_s, boxsize)
return is_sudoku_solution_d(fixed, puzzle, boxsize)
def verify_solutions(puzzles, solutions, boxsize, verify_solution = is_sudoku_solution_d):
"""Test whether the iterable 'puzzles' has a solution in the
corresponding position of iterable 'solutions'."""
return all(itertools.imap(lambda puzzle, solution: verify_solution(puzzle, solution, boxsize), puzzles, solutions))
# Enumeration
def count_solutions_d(puzzle_d, boxsize):
return len(puzzle_as_CP(puzzle_d, boxsize).getSolutions())
def count_and_solve_d(puzzle_d, boxsize):
s = puzzle_as_CP(puzzle_d, boxsize).getSolutions()
return len(s), s[0]
def is_well_formed_d(puzzle_d, boxsize):
return count_solutions_d(puzzle_d, boxsize) == 1
def well_formed_solution_d(puzzle_d, boxsize):
n, s = count_and_solve_d(puzzle_d, boxsize)
if n != 1:
raise NameError("Not well-formed")
return s
# Puzzle
class Puzzle:
def __init__(self, fixed, boxsize, format = 'd'):
self.boxsize = boxsize
if format == 'd':
self.fixed = fixed
elif format == 's':
self.fixed = string_to_dict(fixed, boxsize)
raise NameError('No such format: ' + format)
def __repr__(self):
return dict_to_string(self.fixed, self.boxsize, padding = 1, rowend = "\n")
def _repr_latex_(self):
s = r"""$$\begin{array}"""
s += '{' + self.boxsize*('|' + self.boxsize*'c') + '|' + '}'
s += dict_to_string_(self.fixed, self.boxsize, padding = 0, rowend = "\\\\ \n", row_sep = "\hline ", box_sep = "", col_sep = " & ", last_row_hack = "\hline")
s += r"""\end{array}$$"""
return s
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def get_boxsize(self):
return self.boxsize
def get_fixed(self):
return self.fixed
def random_puzzle(n_fixed, boxsize, model = 'CP'):
return Puzzle(random_fixed(n_fixed, boxsize, model), boxsize)
def solve(puzzle, model = 'CP'):
fixed = puzzle.get_fixed()
boxsize = puzzle.get_boxsize()
return Puzzle(solve_puzzle(fixed, boxsize, model), boxsize)
def is_sudoku_solution(puzzle, solution):
puzzle_f = puzzle.get_fixed()
solution_f = solution.get_fixed()
boxsize = solution.get_boxsize()
return is_sudoku_solution_d(puzzle_f, solution_f, boxsize)
def count_solutions(puzzle):
puzzle_d = puzzle.get_fixed()
boxsize = puzzle.get_boxsize()
return count_solutions_d(puzzle_d, boxsize)
def is_well_formed(puzzle):
puzzle_d = puzzle.get_fixed()
boxsize = puzzle.get_boxsize()
return is_well_formed_d(puzzle_d, boxsize)
def well_formed_solution(puzzle):
puzzle_d = puzzle.get_fixed()
boxsize = puzzle.get_boxsize()
return Puzzle(well_formed_solution_d(puzzle_d, boxsize), boxsize)
def diff(p1, p2):
p1_s = p1.__repr__()
p2_s = p2.__repr__()
print(diff_s(p1_s, p2_s))
def to_minion_string(puzzle):
puzzle_d = puzzle.get_fixed()
boxsize = puzzle.get_boxsize()
return to_minion_3_string_s(puzzle_d, boxsize)
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