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Created March 5, 2021 00:31
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import sys
import glob
import tqdm
import imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# USAGE: python '*.png' /tmp/test_poses.txt
tfl_url = ''
def run_posenet(*inputs):
tfl_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file('model.tflite', tfl_url, cache_dir='/tmp/')
model = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=tfl_path)
input_details = model.get_input_details()
output_details = model.get_output_details()
assert len(input_details) == len(inputs)
for input, det in zip(inputs, input_details):
model.set_tensor(det['index'], input)
outputs = {det['name']: model.get_tensor(det['index']) for det in output_details}
return outputs
def predict_pose(img):
assert img.dtype == np.uint8
assert img.ndim == 3
orig_size = img.shape[:2]
final_size = np.max(orig_size)
xy_borders = [final_size - s for s in orig_size]
boxed_img = tf.cast(tf.image.resize_with_pad(img, final_size, final_size), tf.uint8)
pose_boxed = predict_pose_square_img(boxed_img)
pose_boxed_px = pose_boxed * final_size - np.array(xy_borders)[::-1] / 2
return pose_boxed_px
def predict_pose_square_img(img):
assert img.dtype == np.uint8
input_size, pred_stride, n_joints = 257, 32, 17
output_size = (input_size - 1) // pred_stride + 1
img_re = tf.image.resize(img, (input_size, input_size))[..., :3]
img_re_11 = tf.cast(img_re, 'float32') / 128 - 1
outputs = run_posenet(img_re_11[None])
heatmap = outputs['MobilenetV1/heatmap_2/BiasAdd'][0]
flat_ht = heatmap.reshape(output_size*output_size, n_joints)
atgmax_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(flat_ht, axis=0), (output_size, output_size))
argmax_xy = np.vstack(atgmax_idx)[::-1].T
offsets = outputs['MobilenetV1/offset_2/BiasAdd'][0]
offests_x = offsets[argmax_xy[:, 1], argmax_xy[:, 0], np.arange(n_joints)]
offests_y = offsets[argmax_xy[:, 1], argmax_xy[:, 0], n_joints + np.arange(n_joints)]
offests_xy = np.vstack([offests_x, offests_y])[::-1].T
positions = offests_xy + argmax_xy * pred_stride
positions_01 = positions / input_size
return positions_01
if __name__ == '__main__':
_, img_folder, out_fn = sys.argv
with open(out_fn, 'w') as f:
for img_path in tqdm.tqdm(glob.glob(img_folder)):
img = imageio.imread(img_path)
pose = predict_pose(img)
short_idx = [0] + list(range(5, 17))
short_pose = pose[short_idx]
coord_str = ['%d' % x for x in np.ravel(short_pose)]
f.write(img_path + ' ' + ' '.join(coord_str) + '\n')
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