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import spark.SparkContext | |
import SparkContext._ | |
/** | |
* A port of [[http://blog.echen.me/2012/02/09/movie-recommendations-and-more-via-mapreduce-and-scalding/]] | |
* to Spark. | |
* Uses movie ratings data from MovieLens 100k dataset found at [[http://www.grouplens.org/node/73]] | |
*/ | |
object MovieSimilarities { | |
def main(args: Array[String]) { | |
/** | |
* Parameters to regularize correlation. | |
*/ | |
val PRIOR_COUNT = 10 | |
val TRAIN_FILENAME = "ua.base" | |
val TEST_FIELNAME = "ua.test" | |
val MOVIES_FILENAME = "u.item" | |
/** | |
* Spark programs require a SparkContext to be initialized | |
*/ | |
val master = args(0) | |
val sc = new SparkContext(master, "MovieSimilarities") | |
// get movie names keyed on id | |
val movies = sc.textFile(MOVIES_FILENAME) | |
.map(line => { | |
val fields = line.split("\\|") | |
(fields(0).toInt, fields(1)) | |
}) | |
val movieNames = movies.collectAsMap() // for local use to map id <-> movie name for pretty-printing | |
// extract (userid, movieid, rating) from ratings data | |
val ratings = sc.textFile(TRAIN_FILENAME) | |
.map(line => { | |
val fields = line.split("\t") | |
(fields(0).toInt, fields(1).toInt, fields(2).toInt) | |
}) | |
// get num raters per movie, keyed on movie id | |
val numRatersPerMovie = ratings | |
.groupBy(tup => tup._2) | |
.map(grouped => (grouped._1, grouped._2.size)) | |
// join ratings with num raters on movie id | |
val ratingsWithSize = ratings | |
.groupBy(tup => tup._2) | |
.join(numRatersPerMovie) | |
.flatMap(joined => { | |
joined._2._1.map(f => (f._1, f._2, f._3, joined._2._2)) | |
}) | |
// ratingsWithSize now contains the following fields: (user, movie, rating, numRaters). | |
// dummy copy of ratings for self join | |
val ratings2 = ratingsWithSize.keyBy(tup => tup._1) | |
// join on userid and filter movie pairs such that we don't double-count and exclude self-pairs | |
val ratingPairs = | |
ratingsWithSize | |
.keyBy(tup => tup._1) | |
.join(ratings2) | |
.filter(f => f._2._1._2 < f._2._2._2) | |
// compute raw inputs to similarity metrics for each movie pair | |
val vectorCalcs = | |
ratingPairs | |
.map(data => { | |
val key = (data._2._1._2, data._2._2._2) | |
val stats = | |
(data._2._1._3 * data._2._2._3, // rating 1 * rating 2 | |
data._2._1._3, // rating movie 1 | |
data._2._2._3, // rating movie 2 | |
math.pow(data._2._1._3, 2), // square of rating movie 1 | |
math.pow(data._2._2._3, 2), // square of rating movie 2 | |
data._2._1._4, // number of raters movie 1 | |
data._2._2._4) // number of raters movie 2 | |
(key, stats) | |
}) | |
.groupByKey() | |
.map(data => { | |
val key = data._1 | |
val vals = data._2 | |
val size = vals.size | |
val dotProduct = vals.map(f => f._1).sum | |
val ratingSum = vals.map(f => f._2).sum | |
val rating2Sum = vals.map(f => f._3).sum | |
val ratingSq = vals.map(f => f._4).sum | |
val rating2Sq = vals.map(f => f._5).sum | |
val numRaters = vals.map(f => f._6).max | |
val numRaters2 = vals.map(f => f._7).max | |
(key, (size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, ratingSq, rating2Sq, numRaters, numRaters2)) | |
}) | |
// compute similarity metrics for each movie pair | |
val similarities = | |
vectorCalcs | |
.map(fields => { | |
val key = fields._1 | |
val (size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, ratingNormSq, rating2NormSq, numRaters, numRaters2) = fields._2 | |
val corr = correlation(size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, ratingNormSq, rating2NormSq) | |
val regCorr = regularizedCorrelation(size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, | |
ratingNormSq, rating2NormSq, PRIOR_COUNT, PRIOR_CORRELATION) | |
val cosSim = cosineSimilarity(dotProduct, scala.math.sqrt(ratingNormSq), scala.math.sqrt(rating2NormSq)) | |
val jaccard = jaccardSimilarity(size, numRaters, numRaters2) | |
(key, (corr, regCorr, cosSim, jaccard)) | |
}) | |
// test a few movies out (substitute the contains call with the relevant movie name | |
val sample = similarities.filter(m => { | |
val movies = m._1 | |
(movieNames(movies._1).contains("Star Wars (1977)")) | |
}) | |
// collect results, excluding NaNs if applicable | |
val result = sample.map(v => { | |
val m1 = v._1._1 | |
val m2 = v._1._2 | |
val corr = v._2._1 | |
val rcorr = v._2._2 | |
val cos = v._2._3 | |
val j = v._2._4 | |
(movieNames(m1), movieNames(m2), corr, rcorr, cos, j) | |
}).collect().filter(e => !(e._4 equals Double.NaN)) // test for NaNs must use equals rather than == | |
.sortBy(elem => elem._4).take(10) | |
// print the top 10 out | |
result.foreach(r => println(r._1 + " | " + r._2 + " | " + r._3.formatted("%2.4f") + " | " + r._4.formatted("%2.4f") | |
+ " | " + r._5.formatted("%2.4f") + " | " + r._6.formatted("%2.4f"))) | |
} | |
// ************************* | |
// ************************* | |
/** | |
* The correlation between two vectors A, B is | |
* cov(A, B) / (stdDev(A) * stdDev(B)) | |
* | |
* This is equivalent to | |
* [n * dotProduct(A, B) - sum(A) * sum(B)] / | |
* sqrt{ [n * norm(A)^2 - sum(A)^2] [n * norm(B)^2 - sum(B)^2] } | |
*/ | |
def correlation(size : Double, dotProduct : Double, ratingSum : Double, | |
rating2Sum : Double, ratingNormSq : Double, rating2NormSq : Double) = { | |
val numerator = size * dotProduct - ratingSum * rating2Sum | |
val denominator = scala.math.sqrt(size * ratingNormSq - ratingSum * ratingSum) * | |
scala.math.sqrt(size * rating2NormSq - rating2Sum * rating2Sum) | |
numerator / denominator | |
} | |
/** | |
* Regularize correlation by adding virtual pseudocounts over a prior: | |
* RegularizedCorrelation = w * ActualCorrelation + (1 - w) * PriorCorrelation | |
* where w = # actualPairs / (# actualPairs + # virtualPairs). | |
*/ | |
def regularizedCorrelation(size : Double, dotProduct : Double, ratingSum : Double, | |
rating2Sum : Double, ratingNormSq : Double, rating2NormSq : Double, | |
virtualCount : Double, priorCorrelation : Double) = { | |
val unregularizedCorrelation = correlation(size, dotProduct, ratingSum, rating2Sum, ratingNormSq, rating2NormSq) | |
val w = size / (size + virtualCount) | |
w * unregularizedCorrelation + (1 - w) * priorCorrelation | |
} | |
/** | |
* The cosine similarity between two vectors A, B is | |
* dotProduct(A, B) / (norm(A) * norm(B)) | |
*/ | |
def cosineSimilarity(dotProduct : Double, ratingNorm : Double, rating2Norm : Double) = { | |
dotProduct / (ratingNorm * rating2Norm) | |
} | |
/** | |
* The Jaccard Similarity between two sets A, B is | |
* |Intersection(A, B)| / |Union(A, B)| | |
*/ | |
def jaccardSimilarity(usersInCommon : Double, totalUsers1 : Double, totalUsers2 : Double) = { | |
val union = totalUsers1 + totalUsers2 - usersInCommon | |
usersInCommon / union | |
} | |
} |
Thank you.This program gives dissimilar movie names.What has to be changed to get similar movie names
Nice script, but yes, it does provide a list of movies that are most dissimilar. To get the similar names, just need to change the sort in result. We can do that by adding a minus sign in the sortby, change line 129 to:
.sortBy(elem =>- elem._4).take(10)
Just had a doubt at this step "val sample = similarities.filter(m => {
val movies = m._1
(movieNames(movies._1).contains("Star Wars (1977)"))
Don't we miss few recommendations if we just do a find on m._1 ?
Who can tell me the source of the regularizedCorrelation formula and how to understand the regularizedCorrelation formula?
Compute listed vertex-based similarity measures for all the pairs of nodes in label
data file. These similarity measures are computed between two nodes by utilizing
neighborhood and/or node information of both nodes.
Common neighbors
Jaccard coefficient
---------------------Anyone can tell me how to solve this problem using scala ?
Sir, I am facing problem in creating a weighted bipartite graph using spark graphx.
I want to create from a csv file.
The data has three columns
user product weight. user is a string, product is a string and weight is an integer. Kindly suggest.
Nice job. Thx