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MMK21Hub /
Created July 20, 2023 08:18
All Cloudflare domains that aren't changing price
MMK21Hub /
Last active October 28, 2022 06:10
A simple bash script to install the font. Needs more error handling and some documentation. And the code is horrible.
rel() {
echo $(echo $latest_release | jq --raw-output "$1")
MMK21Hub /
Last active October 4, 2023 16:14
Notable customisation tips and tricks

Tips & Tricks for Notable's Custom CSS

Customising colours

Adjusting the colour of various parts of the UI is a fun way to get started with Custom CSS.

Unfortunately, due to the way that Notable applies its own styles, you have to use !important whenever you want to change the colour of something - this includes background colours. On that note, be sure to use the background-color property over the shorthand background property so that the background colour is overridden correctly.

You may also need to use !important to override some other properties. Use the Styles pane in DevTools to check if that is the case.

MMK21Hub / custom.css
Last active April 8, 2022 16:10
Notable Custom CSS: Fixes for the Dracula custom theme in v1.9-beta.2 to v1.9-beta.7
body, html {
--bg-primary: #292a36;
--bg-primary-border: #404154;
--bg-secondary: #21222c;
--bg-secondary-border: #424457 /* --bg-secondary + 15% Lightness */;
--bg-secondary-hover: #2c2d3a /* --bg-secondary + 5% Lightness */;
--bg-secondary-active: #373849 /* --bg-secondary + 10% Lightness */;
--bg-tertiary: #1e1f29;


Tags Key Description Cause Notes Dupes
MC-219840 The Mossy Stone Brick recipe cannot be unlocked mossy_moss
MC-219841 Lighting Rod particle effects render incorrectly AR
MC-219842 The Mossy Cobblestone and Mossy Stone Brick recipes aren't grouped in the recipe book mossy_moss
MC-219846 The water fog is too intense at low render distances
MMK21Hub / shortcuts.json
Last active February 11, 2022 17:01
Notable: Default keybindings [1.9.0-beta.0]
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+I", "command": "devtools.toggle" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I", "command": "devtools.toggle" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/", "command": "help.tutorial" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+Shift+/", "command": "help.cheatsheet" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+P", "command": "processExplorer.toggle" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P", "command": "processExplorer.toggle" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+Q", "command": "app.quit" },
{ "shortcut": "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R", "command": "app.reload" },
{ "shortcut": "Shift+F5", "command": "app.reload" },
MMK21Hub / commands.json
Created January 11, 2021 09:52
Notable: All commands [1.9.0-beta.0]
{ "command": "about.close", "title": "About: Close", "description": "Close the about window" },
{ "command": "", "title": "About: Open", "description": "Open the about window" },
{ "command": "about.toggle", "title": "About: Toggle", "description": "Open/close the about window", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "app.exit", "title": "App: Exit", "description": "Exit the app, this is just an alias for \"app.quit\"" },
{ "command": "app.quit", "title": "App: Quit", "description": "Quit the app" },
{ "command": "app.reload", "title": "App: Reload", "description": "Reload the app" },
{ "command": "attachment.copy", "title": "Attachment: Copy...", "description": "Copy the relative path of an attachment to the clipboard", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "attachment.copyLink", "title": "Attachment: Copy Link...", "description": "Copy the link to an attachment to the clipboard", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "attachment.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Attachment: Copy Markdown Li
MMK21Hub /
Created January 2, 2021 16:08
Knowledge Base: what's new?
We couldn’t find that file to show.
MMK21Hub /
Last active December 16, 2020 14:18
Things to watch


  • bootstrap
  • angular
  • vue
  • react
  • docker
  • jquery
  • typescript
  • node.js