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Explanation of the MITRE ATT&CK Data Format

MITRE ATT&CK Data Format

The MITRE ATT&CK JSON file is a flat JSON structure which is difficult to parse. To parse this JSON file, there are several different approaches but the type key is the, well, key!

The types within this JSON are the following (as well as the common wording used for this type):

  • attack-pattern (Techniques)
  • relationship (This is a unique type that contains relationships between types)
  • course-of-action (Mitigations)
  • identity (unused)
  • intrusion-set (Actors or Groups)
  • malware (Malware)
  • tool (Tools)
  • x-mitre-tactic (Tactics)
  • x-mitre-matrix (MITRE ATT&CK MATRIX)(unused)
  • marking-definition (unused)

An example of getting all techniques in PowerShell:

$test = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''
$test.objects.foreach({ $_  | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'attack-pattern' } })

An example of getting all techniques in Python:

import requests

response = requests.get('').json()

for item in response['objects]:
    if 'type' in item:
        if 'attack-pattern' in item['type']:


These are the tricky ones and give you access to which techniques an actor uses or what tools belong to a specific technique.

The main thing to understand about the the relationship type is that there is a source_ref and a target_ref key and value within that JSON object.

These two keys reference a match the id field of the other types (e.g. actors, techniques, etc.)

So my approach, and a suggested approach from @IISResetMe was the following approach:

  1. Get all relationship object types
  2. Add the source_ref and target_ref to a list/array if they are not already in the array/list.
  3. Use this list when you want to check if an object has a known relationship mapped within ATT&CK.

Example in Python (Getting all relationships into a single list)

import requests

response = requests.get('').json()

relationship_list = []
for item in response['objects]:
    if 'type' in item:
        if item['type'] == 'relationship:
            source_id = item['source_ref']
            target_id = item['target_ref']
            if source_id not in relationship_list:
                relationship_list[source_id] = []

            if target_id not in relationship_list:
                relationship_list[target_id] = []


Example in PowerShell (Getting all relationships into a single list)

$ATTCKJSON = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ''

$relationshipObj = @{}
$ATTCKJSON.objects.Where{$_.type -eq 'relationship'}.ForEach{
    $sourceID = $_.source_ref
    $targetID = $_.target_ref
    if(-not $relationshipObj.ContainsKey($sourceID)){
        $relationshipObj[$sourceID] = @()
    $relationshipObj[$sourceID] += $targetID

    if(-not $relationshipObj.ContainsKey($targetID)){
        $relationshipObj[$targetID] = @()
    $relationshipObj[$targetID] += $sourceID

Write-Host $relationshipObj

Example Getting Relationship (Python) of a Technique and Which actors use this technique

import requests

response = requests.get('').json()

single_technique = None
return_list = []
item_dict = {}
for item in self.response['objects]:
    if 'type' in item:
        if item['type'] == 'attack-pattern':
            if 'powershell' in item['name']:
                single_technique = item
        # Getting all actor items/objects
        if item['type'] == 'intrusion-set':
            item_dict[item['id']] = item

# this is not normally how I would approach this but it's a demo time.
# Now lets find are single_technique ID value in our list of actors
for item in self.response['objects]:
    if 'type' in item:
            for item in relationship_list[single_technique['id']]:
                if item in item_dict:

I know this can seem complex but if you have any questions let me know. :)

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