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Created March 26, 2025 11:01
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void step_agent(CCpr *env, int i) {
int action = env->actions[i];
int dr = 0;
int dc = 0;
switch (action) {
case 0:
dr = -1;
break; // UP
case 1:
dr = 1;
break; // DOWN
case 2:
dc = -1;
break; // LEFT
case 3:
dc = 1;
break; // RIGHT
if (action != 4)
env->logs[i].moves += 1;
// Get next row and column
Agent *agent = &env->agents[i];
int next_r = agent->r + dr;
int next_c = agent->c + dc;
int prev_grid_idx = grid_index(env, agent->r, agent->c);
int next_grid_idx = env->width * next_r + next_c;
int tile = env->grid[next_grid_idx];
// Anything above should be obstacle
if (tile >= INTERACTIVE_FOOD) {
env->logs[i].score += env->reward_move;
env->rewards[i] += env->reward_move;
next_r = agent->r;
next_c = agent->c;
next_grid_idx = env->width * next_r + next_c;
tile = env->grid[next_grid_idx];
// Interactive food logic
int neighboors[4] = {
grid_index(env, next_r - 1, next_c), // Up
grid_index(env, next_r + 1, next_c), // Down
grid_index(env, next_r, next_c + 1), // Right
grid_index(env, next_r, next_c - 1) // Left
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
int grid_idx = neighboors[j];
// If neighbooring grid tile is interactive food
if (env->grid[grid_idx] == INTERACTIVE_FOOD) {
// If was already marked as "ready to collect"
if (CHECK_BIT(env->interactive_food_agent_count, grid_idx)) {
reward_agents_near(env, grid_idx);
} else {
// First agent detected
SET_BIT(env->interactive_food_agent_count, grid_idx);
switch (tile) {
env->logs[i].score += env->reward_food;
env->rewards[i] = env->reward_food;
// spawn_food(env);
remove_food(env, next_grid_idx);
add_log(env->log_buffer, &env->logs[i]);
env->logs[i] = (Log){0};
case EMPTY:
env->logs[i].score += env->reward_move;
env->rewards[i] = env->reward_move;
int agent_tile = get_agent_tile_from_id(agent->id);
env->grid[prev_grid_idx] = EMPTY;
env->grid[next_grid_idx] = agent_tile;
agent->r = next_r;
agent->c = next_c;
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