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Created May 9, 2017 20:34
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``inspect_mate`` provides more methods to get information about class attribute than the standard library ``inspect``.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
``inspect_mate`` provides more methods to get information about class attribute
than the standard library ``inspect``.
This module is Python2/3 compatible, tested under Py2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.
Includes tester function to check:
- is regular attribute
- is property style method
- is regular method, example: ``def method(self, *args, **kwargs)``
- is static method
- is class method
These are 5-kind class attributes.
and getter function to get each kind of class attributes of a class.
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__author__ = "Sanhe Hu"
__license__ = "MIT"
import inspect
import functools
def is_attribute(klass, attr, value=None):
"""Test if a value of a class is attribute. (Not a @property style
:param klass: the class
:param attr: attribute name
:param value: attribute value
if value is None:
value = getattr(klass, attr)
assert getattr(klass, attr) == value
if not inspect.isroutine(value):
if not isinstance(value, property):
return True
return False
def is_property_method(klass, attr, value=None):
"""Test if a value of a class is @property style attribute.
:param klass: the class
:param attr: attribute name
:param value: attribute value
if value is None:
value = getattr(klass, attr)
assert getattr(klass, attr) == value
if not inspect.isroutine(value):
if isinstance(value, property):
return True
return False
def is_regular_method(klass, attr, value=None):
"""Test if a value of a class is regular method.
class MyClass(object):
def to_dict(self):
:param klass: the class
:param attr: attribute name
:param value: attribute value
if value is None:
value = getattr(klass, attr)
assert getattr(klass, attr) == value
if inspect.isroutine(value):
if not is_static_method(klass, attr, value) \
and not is_class_method(klass, attr, value):
return True
return False
def is_static_method(klass, attr, value=None):
"""Test if a value of a class is static method.
class MyClass(object):
def method():
:param klass: the class
:param attr: attribute name
:param value: attribute value
if value is None:
value = getattr(klass, attr)
assert getattr(klass, attr) == value
for cls in inspect.getmro(klass):
if inspect.isroutine(value):
if attr in cls.__dict__:
binded_value = cls.__dict__[attr]
if isinstance(binded_value, staticmethod):
return True
return False
def is_class_method(klass, attr, value=None):
"""Test if a value of a class is class method.
class MyClass(object):
def method(cls):
:param klass: the class
:param attr: attribute name
:param value: attribute value
if value is None:
value = getattr(klass, attr)
assert getattr(klass, attr) == value
for cls in inspect.getmro(klass):
if inspect.isroutine(value):
if attr in cls.__dict__:
binded_value = cls.__dict__[attr]
if isinstance(binded_value, classmethod):
return True
return False
def _get_members(klass, tester_func, return_builtin):
:param klass: a class.
:param tester_func: is_xxx function.
:param allow_builtin: bool, if False, built-in variable or method such as
``__name__``, ``__init__`` will not be returned.
if not inspect.isclass(klass):
raise ValueError
pairs = list()
for attr, value in inspect.getmembers(klass):
if tester_func(klass, attr, value):
if return_builtin:
pairs.append((attr, value))
if not (attr.startswith("__") or attr.endswith("__")):
pairs.append((attr, value))
return pairs
get_attributes = functools.partial(
_get_members, tester_func=is_attribute, return_builtin=False)
get_attributes.__doc__ = "Get all class attributes members."
get_property_methods = functools.partial(
_get_members, tester_func=is_property_method, return_builtin=False)
get_property_methods.__doc__ = "Get all property style attributes members."
get_regular_methods = functools.partial(
_get_members, tester_func=is_regular_method, return_builtin=False)
get_regular_methods.__doc__ = "Get all non static and class method members"
get_static_methods = functools.partial(
_get_members, tester_func=is_static_method, return_builtin=False)
get_static_methods.__doc__ = "Get all static method attributes members."
get_class_methods = functools.partial(
_get_members, tester_func=is_class_method, return_builtin=False)
get_class_methods.__doc__ = "Get all class method attributes members."
def get_all_attributes(klass):
"""Get all attribute members (attribute, property style method).
if not inspect.isclass(klass):
raise ValueError
pairs = list()
for attr, value in inspect.getmembers(
klass, lambda x: not inspect.isroutine(x)):
if not (attr.startswith("__") or attr.endswith("__")):
pairs.append((attr, value))
return pairs
def get_all_methods(klass):
"""Get all method members (regular, static, class method).
if not inspect.isclass(klass):
raise ValueError
pairs = list()
for attr, value in inspect.getmembers(
klass, lambda x: inspect.isroutine(x)):
if not (attr.startswith("__") or attr.endswith("__")):
pairs.append((attr, value))
return pairs
#--- Unittest ---
if __name__ == "__main__":
class Base(object):
attribute = "attribute"
def property_method(self):
return "property_method"
def regular_method(self):
return "regular_method"
def static_method():
return "static_method"
def class_method(cls):
return "class_method"
class MyClass(Base):
def export_true_table():
"""Export value, checker function output true table.
Help to organize thought.
import pandas as pd
attr_value_paris = [
("attribute", MyClass.attribute),
("property_method", MyClass.property_method),
("regular_method", MyClass.regular_method),
("__dict__['static_method']", Base.__dict__["static_method"]),
("__dict__['class_method']", Base.__dict__["class_method"]),
("static_method", MyClass.static_method),
("class_method", MyClass.class_method),
tester_list = [
("inspect.isroutine", lambda v: inspect.isroutine(v)),
("inspect.isfunction", lambda v: inspect.isfunction(v)),
("inspect.ismethod", lambda v: inspect.ismethod(v)),
("", lambda v: isinstance(v, property)),
("isinstance.staticmethod", lambda v: isinstance(v, staticmethod)),
("isinstance.classmethod", lambda v: isinstance(v, classmethod)),
df = pd.DataFrame()
for attr, value in attr_value_paris:
col = list()
for name, tester in tester_list:
if tester(value):
flag = 1
flag = 0
df[attr] = col
df.index = [name for name, _ in tester_list]
import sys
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY2:
fname = "PY2"
elif PY3:
fname = "PY3"
writer = pd.ExcelWriter("%s.xlsx" % fname)
df.to_excel(writer, fname, index=True)
def test_is_attribute_property_method_regular_method_static_method_class_method():
assert is_attribute(MyClass, "attribute", MyClass.attribute)
assert is_property_method(
MyClass, "property_method", MyClass.property_method)
assert is_regular_method(
MyClass, "regular_method", MyClass.regular_method)
assert is_static_method(
MyClass, "static_method", MyClass.static_method)
assert is_class_method(MyClass, "class_method", MyClass.class_method)
attr_list = [
(MyClass, "attribute", MyClass.attribute),
(MyClass, "property_method", MyClass.property_method),
(MyClass, "regular_method", MyClass.regular_method),
(MyClass, "static_method", MyClass.static_method),
(MyClass, "class_method", MyClass.class_method),
checker_list = [
for i, pair in enumerate(attr_list):
klass, attr, value = pair
for j, checker in enumerate(checker_list):
if i == j:
assert checker(klass, attr, value) is True
assert checker(klass, attr, value) is False
def test_getter():
def items_to_keys(items):
return set([item[0] for item in items])
assert items_to_keys(get_attributes(MyClass)) == {"attribute"}
assert items_to_keys(
get_property_methods(MyClass)) == {"property_method"}
assert items_to_keys(
get_regular_methods(MyClass)) == {"regular_method"}
assert items_to_keys(
get_static_methods(MyClass)) == {"static_method"}
assert items_to_keys(
get_class_methods(MyClass)) == {"class_method"}
assert items_to_keys(
get_all_attributes(MyClass)) == {"attribute", "property_method"}
assert items_to_keys(
get_all_methods(MyClass)) == {"regular_method", "static_method", "class_method"}
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radzak commented Jun 24, 2018

As mentioned on StackOverflow in this comment is_static_method function has a bug.

class A(object):
  def static_lie():

class B(A):
  def static_lie():
>>> is_static_method(A, 'static_lie')

This gives the correct result. However the following:

>>> is_static_method(B, 'static_lie')

should return False. You might wanna consider fixing it. Instead:

if isinstance(binded_value, staticmethod):
    return True

do this:

return isinstance(binded_value, staticmethod)

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