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Last active July 21, 2023 13:46
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  • Save MaddTheSane/d236feae5645b4b35719 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MaddTheSane/d236feae5645b4b35719 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A header for bridging between ARC and non-ARC code, I.E., 32- vs. 64-bit OS X.
#ifndef PPMacho_ARCBridge_h
#define PPMacho_ARCBridge_h
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
#define RELEASEOBJ(obj)
#define RETAINOBJ(obj) obj
#define AUTORELEASEOBJ(obj) obj
#define BRIDGE(toType, obj) (__bridge toType)(obj)
#define arcstrong strong
#define arcweak weak
#define __arcweak __weak
#define arcweak unsafe_unretained
#define __arcweak __unsafe_unretained
#define SUPERDEALLOC [super dealloc]
#define RELEASEOBJ(obj) [obj release]
#define RETAINOBJ(obj) [obj retain]
#define RETAINOBJNORETURN(obj) [obj retain]
#define AUTORELEASEOBJ(obj) [obj autorelease]
#define AUTORELEASEOBJNORETURN(obj) [obj autorelease]
#define BRIDGE(toType, obj) (toType)obj
#ifdef __OBJC_GC__
#define arcstrong strong
#define arcweak weak
#define __arcweak __weak
#define arcstrong retain
#define arcweak assign
#define __arcweak
#define arcretain arcstrong
// Other useful functions for ARC/CoreFoundation data exchange:
// CFBridgingRetain(), CFBridgingRelease()
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