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Another day, another mind-boggling adventure!

David Dumas MaesterZ

Another day, another mind-boggling adventure!
  • Freelance
  • Nantes
  • 12:30 (UTC +01:00)
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MaesterZ /
Created September 29, 2020 10:19
Ubuntu 20.04 - Gnome behaving like Unity aka "Saving private screen space"
# Upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04/20.04 you quickly realize that Gnome didn't really
# got better for the past 10 years. Yep Gnome 3 got released in 2011.
# The amount of screen space wasted is so real. Multi-monitor is so bad.
# Install and tweak extensions to behave like Unity, which had:
# (1) consistent UI
# (2) multi-monitor management
# (3) stable code
MaesterZ /
Last active August 29, 2023 08:25
Zoom on Linux - Automatic installer / updater for Debian based distros [ bash script ]
set -euo pipefail
# Who knew? Zoom is very probably coded like crap, they are not able to setup
# a proper APT repository, but at least there is a Linux client...
# The recent versions eat all your CPU if you have don not have a real GPU,
# not like Intel has between 60% and 80% market share! Right? RIGHT?