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Mahdi Mirzadeh MahdiMirzade

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MahdiMirzade / hellos.txt
Created November 21, 2021 02:45
A lot of translations of the word "hello" in one list
Dia dhuit
MahdiMirzade /
Created July 30, 2021 09:40
Donation Page


This project is free and everyone who was a part of this are volunteers. Please consider donating to this project. We've put some time into this, it's nice to have the effort we’ve put into it recognised.

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With Words

MahdiMirzade /
Last active May 13, 2024 19:23
Font Configuration in Linux

Font Configuration in Linux

A computer font (or font) is an electronic data file containing a set of glyphs, characters, or symbols such as dingbats.

Most computer fonts used today are in either bitmap(BDF) or outline data(otf/ttf) formats.

Many non-English users have problems with their language's rendering, at least Persian users have problems with viewing Persian charactars that can happen because:

  1. Proper fonts are not installed/found by fontconfig. Click here
  2. Fontconfig order is wrong and the latin fonts are above Persian fonts and don't have a good support that causes problems. Click Here


MahdiMirzade / iran.states.cities.json
Last active May 30, 2021 12:00
Iran Country Divisions in JSON, SQL
{"name":"آذربایجان شرقی","cities":["کشکسرای","سهند","سیس","دوزدوزان","تیمورلو","صوفیان","سردرود","هادیشهر","هشترود","زرنق","ترکمانچای","ورزقان","تسوج","زنوز","ایلخچی","شرفخانه","مهربان","مبارک شهر","تیکمه داش","باسمنج","سیه رود","میانه","خمارلو","خواجه","بناب مرند","قره آغاج","وایقان","مراغه","ممقان","خامنه","خسروشاه","لیلان","نظرکهریزی","اهر","بخشایش","آقکند","جوان قلعه","کلیبر","مرند","اسکو","شندآباد","شربیان","گوگان","بستان آباد","تبریز","جلفا","اچاچی","هریس","یامچی","خاروانا","کوزه کنان","خداجو(خراجو)","آذرشهر","شبستر","سراب","ملکان","بناب","هوراند","کلوانق","ترک","عجب شیر","آبش احمد"]},
{"name":"آذربایجان غربی","cities":["تازه شهر","نالوس","ایواوغلی","شاهین دژ","گردکشانه","باروق","سیلوانه","بازرگان","نازک علیا","ربط","تکاب","دیزج دیز","سیمینه","نوشین","میاندوآب","مرگنلر","سلماس","آواجیق","قطور","محمودآباد","خوی","نقده","سرو","خلیفان","پلدشت","میرآباد","اشنویه","زرآباد","بوکان","پیرانشهر","چهاربرج","قوشچی","شوط","ماکو","سیه چشمه","سردشت","کشاورز","فیرورق","محمدیار","ارومیه","مهاباد","قره ضیاءالدین"]},