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Created May 15, 2019 19:10
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Assembly Programming Language
;CODE by Mahe Karim
;Date: 16 May 2019
.STACK 100H ; stack size 100 hexadecimal
; the $ sign means end OF the string
; MSG just a variable
.CODE ; code segmentation start
MAIN PROC ; procedure start from here
MOV AX, DATA ; address data to ax
MOV DS, AX ; initialize DS
; from here we start display message actually msg variable
LEA DX, MSG ; get message
MOV AH, 9 ; AH, 9 is a string display function
INT 21H ; display that msg and executing
; return to DOS
INT 21H ; exit from DOS / exit()
MAIN ENDP ; main func (main proc) end
ENDP ; program end
; LEA means Load Effective Address. It's puts the copy of the source address to destination
; DATA => is defined by data segment
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