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Created December 8, 2024 06:42
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UN Security Council XML File
// URL of the XML file
$url = '';
// Load the XML file into a SimpleXMLElement
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
// Check if loading was successful
if ($xml === false) {
echo "Failed to load XML.\n";
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo $error->message . "\n";
// The root element should be something like <CONSOLIDATED_LIST>. Let’s explore the structure.
// For example, we can look into the INDIVIDUALS section.
if (isset($xml->INDIVIDUALS->INDIVIDUAL)) {
foreach ($xml->INDIVIDUALS->INDIVIDUAL as $individual) {
// Each INDIVIDUAL might have elements like FIRST_NAME, SECOND_NAME, etc.
$firstName = (string)$individual->FIRST_NAME;
$secondName = (string)$individual->SECOND_NAME;
$thirdName = (string)$individual->THIRD_NAME;
// Print out some details
echo "Name: " . trim($firstName . ' ' . $secondName . ' ' . $thirdName) . "<br/>";
// You can also inspect other tags like COMMENTS1, DESIGNATION, DATE_OF_BIRTH, etc.
if (!empty($individual->COMMENTS1)) {
echo "Comments: " . (string)$individual->COMMENTS1 . "<br/>";
// If there are NATIONALITY entries, for example:
if (isset($individual->NATIONALITY)) {
foreach ($individual->NATIONALITY as $nationality) {
echo "Nationality: " . (string)$nationality->VALUE . "<br/>";
echo "<hr/>";
} else {
echo "No INDIVIDUAL data found in the XML.";
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Before Processing XML Data


After Processing It Via this PHP Code
Security Council

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