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Last active July 10, 2019 22:28
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Creating a Textmate

I highly recommend using Iro when creating a new language syntax highlight. It allows a simple interface for defining rules and generates files for Textmate (plist), Atom, Ace, Sublime3.

References for Textmate:

Regex and scope naming

Obs: some of them doesn't work directly on Debuggex, but works in the IDE (e.g: VSCode)

Scope naming Regex Example
keyword.operator.logical `(<= >=
keyword.operator.arithmetic `(- +
keyword.conditional `\bif\s \bthen[\s
constant.numeric.integer.binary (\b[01]+\b) 10010
constant.numeric.integer.octal (^0[0-7]+$) 07
constant.numeric.integer.decimal (^[\d.]+$) 70
constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal `(0[a-z A-Z][0-9a-fA-F]+)`
constant.numeric.float `[+-]?((\d+.?\d*) (.\d+))`

Examples of textmate:

Example of Iro:

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