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Created November 5, 2019 16:30
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import Nat@0
import Base
fold : {N : Ind2, ~A : Type, ~B : Type, id : !(A -> B), op : !(B -> B -> B)} -> ! {arr : Array(A, $ind2_depth(N))} -> B
dup op = op
dup id = id
let moti = {n} Array(A, $ind2_depth(n)) -> B
let step = {~n, a, b, arr}
get [x, y] = arr
op(a(x), b(y))
let base = {n} id(n)
dup fold = (use(N))(~moti, #step, #base)
# {arr} fold(arr)
#query.test : ![arr : Array(Word, 0n4), Word]
let arr = [[[[0,1],[2,3]],[[4,5],[6,7]]], [[[8,9],[10,11]],[[12,13],[14,15]]]]
let qry = {x} cpy x = x; [x, x .+. 100] // adds 100 to the element, returns the old value
get [arr, a] = ($query*4)(~Word, 4, qry, arr)
get [arr, b] = ($query*4)(~Word, 8, qry, arr)
get [arr, c] = ($query*4)(~Word, 12, qry, arr)
[arr, a .+. b .+. c]
f64_add : {case a : Double, case b : Double} -> Double
| f64 f64 => f64(a.value .++. b.value)
f64_sub : {case a : Double, case b : Double} -> Double
| f64 f64 => f64(a.value .--. b.value)
f64_mul : {case a : Double, case b : Double} -> Double
| f64 f64 => f64(a.value .**. b.value)
f64_div : {case a : Double, case b : Double} -> Double
| f64 f64 => f64(a.value .//. b.value)
f64_to_float : {case a : Double} -> Word
| f64 => a.value
f64_to_uint : {case a : Double} -> Word
| f64 => .u.(a.value)
f64_from_float : Word -> Double
f64_from_uint : {a : Word} -> Double
// Helper for reverse
#reverse.go*n :
!{ ~T : Type
, case halt list : List(T)
, result : List(T)
} -> List(T)
| cons => reverse.go(~T, list.tail, cons(~T, list.head, result))
| nil => result
N_Words : {n : Word} -> Type
if n .<. 2:
[:Word, N_Words(n .-. 1)]
[1, 2] :: [x : Word, (if x: Word else: Bool)]
#query_builder*N : !{~A : Type, path : Num, query : A -> [:A, A]} -> [path : Num, QueryBuilder(A, ($nat(N)))]
get [abc, builder] = query_builder(~&A, path, query)
cpy path_rest = abc
[path_rest .>>. 1, query_builder.succ(~&A, ~%($nat(+N)), path_rest .&. 1, builder)]
[path,, query)]
main : {f : Bool -> Nat} -> Nat
main : Output
main : {a : Bool, b : Bool} -> Bool
case/Bool a
+ b : Bool
| true => b
| false => not(b)
: Bool
prove_1_is_2 : {e : Empty} -> Equal(Word, %1, %2)
case/Empty e
: Equal(Word, %1, %2)
1 .#. 2
1 .++. 2
1 .--. 2
1 .**. 2
1 .//. 2
1 .%%. 2
1 .%. 2
1 .^. 2
a .+. b
a .-. b
a .**. b
a .#. 2
a .++. 2
a .--. 2
a .**. 2
a .//. 2
a .%%. 2
a .%. 2
// comment
#array.test : ![:Word, :Word, :Word, :Word, Word]
// Prepares functions
//Prepares funcstion
// Prepares functions
// comment
let cop = {x : Word} cpy x = x; [x, x]
let set = set*8(~Word, #cop)
let mut = mut*8(~Word, #cop) // comment
let got = got*8(~Word, #cop)
unstep_step_is_id : {i : Ind} -> ! Equal(Ind, %unstep(step(i)), %i)
let motive = {i} &Equal(Ind, %unstep(step(i)), %i)
let case_s = # {~n, h} cong(~Ind, ~Ind, ~%unstep(step(+n)), ~%+n, ~%step, h)
dup F = (use(i))(~motive, case_s)
# F(refl(~Ind, ~%base))
: Double}-> Double
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