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Last active November 5, 2019 16:30
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  • Save MaisaMilena/e881318918cf4bd144bdb867dce1aaab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MaisaMilena/e881318918cf4bd144bdb867dce1aaab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name = fm
file_extensions [] = fm;
## Styles
styles [] {
.comment.line : style {
color = light_green
italic = true
textmate_scope = comment.line.double-slash
pygments_scope = Comment.Single
.keyword : style {
color = cyan
textmate_scope = keyword
pygments_scope = Keyword
.keyword.operator.logical: style {
color = cyan
textmate_scope = keyword.operator.logical
pygments_scope = Keyword
.punctuation : style {
color = red_2
textmate_scope = punctuation
pygments_scope = Punctuation
.punctuation.definition.variable : style {
color = yellow
textmate_scope = punctuation.definition.variable
pygments_scope = Punctuation
.text : style {
color = yellow
ace_scope = text
textmate_scope = text
pygments_scope = String
.storage.type : style {
color = purple
textmate_scope = storage.type
pygments_scope = String
.variable.language : style {
textmate_scope = variable.language
pygments_scope = Keyword
.keyword.conditional : style {
color = pink
textmate_scope = keyword.conditional
pygments_scope = Keyword
.keyword.operator.arithmetic : style {
color = pink
textmate_scope = keyword.operator.arithmetic
pygments_scope = Keyword
.keyword.control.import : style {
color = orange
textmate_scope = keyword.control.import
pygments_scope = Keyword
.keyword.other : style {
color = orange
textmate_scope = keyword.other
pygments_scope = Keyword
.variable.other : style {
color = yellow
textmate_scope = variable.other
pygments_scope = String
.string : style {
color = green
textmate_scope = string
pygments_scope = String
.punctuation.definition.comment : style {
color = green
textmate_scope = punctuation.definition.comment
pygments_scope = Keyword
.punctuation.definition.generic : style {
color = green
textmate_scope = punctuation.definition.generic
pygments_scope = Keyword
.meta.function : style {
color = cyan
textmate_scope = meta.function
pygments_scope = Keyword
.constant.numeric.integer.decimal : style {
color = gold
textmate_scope = constant.numeric.integer.decimal
pygments_scope = Number
.constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal : style {
color = gold
textmate_scope = constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal
pygments_scope = Number
.constant.numeric.integer.octal : style {
color = gold
textmate_scope = constant.numeric.integer.octal
pygments_scope = Number
.constant.numeric.integer.binary : style {
color = gold
textmate_scope = constant.numeric.integer.binary
pygments_scope = Number
.constant.numeric.float : style {
color = gold
textmate_scope = constant.numeric.float
pygments_scope = Number
.constant.language : style {
color = gold
textmate_scope = constant.language
pygments_scope = Keyword
## Parse contexts
contexts [] {
## Main Context - Entry point context
main : context {
: include "keyword";
: include "punctuations";
: include "numeric";
: pattern {
regex \= (\blet\s|\bdup\s|\bcpy\s|\bget\s)
styles [] = .storage.type;
: inline_push {
regex \= (\")
styles [] = .string;
default_style = .string
: pop {
regex \= (\")
styles [] = .string;
: pattern {
regex \= ((\s*|\t*)//.*)
styles [] = .comment.line;
keyword : context {
: pattern {
regex \= (\bT\s|\bprint\b|\blog\b|\bhalt\b)
styles [] = .keyword.other;
: pattern {
regex \= (import\s\w*@?\d?)
styles [] = .keyword.control.import;
: pattern {
regex \= (\s.<.\s|\s.>.\s|\s.!.\s| \.\|\. | \.&\.| \.>>\. | \s\.<<.\s | .==.)
styles [] = .keyword.operator.logical;
: pattern {
regex \= (.-. | .\+. | \.\*\. | .%. | \d\s?\./\.\s?\d | \.\^\. | \.\ˆ\. | .#. | \.\+\+\. | .--. | .\*\*. | \.//\. | .%%. | \.u\. | \.f\. )
styles [] = .keyword.operator.arithmetic;
: pattern {
regex \= (\bif\s|\belse[\s|\:]|\bthen[\s|\:]|@\s|\bcase\b)
styles [] = .keyword.conditional;
punctuations : context {
: pattern {
regex \= (#|~|!|\$|\.|\?|\+|%|&|\*)
styles [] = .punctuation.definition.variable;
: pattern {
regex \= (=|:|=[>]|=>|\s->\s|~[>]|,|<|>|;)
styles [] = .punctuation;
: pattern {
regex \= (\[|\]|\{|\}|\(|\)|\|)
styles [] = .punctuation;
numeric : context {
: pattern {
regex \= (\b[01]+\b)
styles [] = .constant.numeric.integer.binary;
: pattern {
regex \= (^0[0-7]+$)
styles [] = .constant.numeric.integer.octal;
: pattern {
regex \= (^[\d.]+$)
styles [] = .constant.numeric.integer.decimal;
: pattern {
regex \= (0[a-z\x{007c}A-Z][0-9a-fA-F]+)
styles [] = .constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal;
: pattern {
regex \= (\b[\x{002b}-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+)
styles [] = .constant.numeric.float;
## End of Contexts
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MaisaMilena commented Aug 21, 2019

Creating .vsix:

$ cd myExtension
$ vsce package
   # myExtension.vsix generated
$ vsce publish
   # <publisherID>.myExtension published to VS Code MarketPlace

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After update, on the folder of language-formality use apm publish version-type

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