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Created July 30, 2020 02:51
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* @name RenderCustomHTML
* @ invite inviteCode...
* @ authorId 51512151151651...
* @ authorLink
* @ donate
* @ patreon
* @website
* @source
module.exports = class RenderCustomHTML {
getName() {
return "Render Custom HTML";
} // Name of your plugin to show on the plugins page
getDescription() {
return "Will render the HTML contained in codeblocks after \"/RCH\" in messages";
} // Description to show on the plugins page
getVersion() {
return "0.0.1";
} // Current version. I recommend following semantic versioning <> (e.g. 0.0.1)
getAuthor() {
return "MajorBarnulf";
} // Your name
load() {
console.log("%c[MB][Render Custom HTML] %cloading", 'color:red', 'color: inherit');
} // Called when the plugin is loaded in to memory
start() {
console.log("%c[MB][Render Custom HTML] %cstarting", 'color:red', 'color: inherit');
window.lastChange = false;
window.stringUnsanitizer = (str) => {
return str = str.split("&amp;").join("&").split("&lt;").join("<").split("&gt;").join(">").split("&quot;").join('"').split("&#039;").join("'");
window.stringToHtml = (str) => {
var parser = new DOMParser();
str = window.stringUnsanitizer(str);
var doc = parser.parseFromString(str, 'text/html');
return doc.body;
window.securizeDOMElement = (element) => {
var unsafeElements = element.querySelectorAll("script, style, link");
for (let i = 0; i < unsafeElements.length; i++) {
var element = unsafeElements[i];
} // Called when the plugin is activated (including after reloads)
stop() {
console.log("%c[MB][Render Custom HTML] %cstopping", 'color:red', 'color: inherit');
} // Called when the plugin is deactivated
observer(changes) {
console.log("%c[MB][Render Custom HTML] %cchanged: ", 'color:red', 'color: inherit');
if (changes.type === "childList"){
let messageCollection = document.getElementsByClassName("da-messageContent")
for (let i = 0; i < messageCollection.length; i++) {
var element = messageCollection[i];
if (element.classList.contains("mb-checked") === false) {
if (element.innerHTML.includes("/RCH")){
var htmlData = element.innerHTML.replace("/RCH", "");
var newDocument = window.stringToHtml(htmlData);
//window.focusNewDocument = newDocument;
console.log(htmlData, newDocument);
element.innerHTML = "";
} // Observer for the `document`. Better documentation than I can provide is found here: <>
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