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MakMukhi /
Last active February 28, 2019 04:09
gRPC-Go: Optimize read path

gRPC-Go: Optimize read path

Status: (Final)

Authors: [email protected]

Reviewers: dfawley@, menghanl@, yuxuanli@, psrini@

Last Updated: 2018-02-25

MakMukhi /
Created July 17, 2017 00:27
NeuralNet to learn and play Atari pong based on Q-learning.
import numpy as np
import _pickle as pickle
import gym
# Fully connected NeuralNet with minimum two layers.
# This is a simple implementation with no bias parameters.
# To work with RL this neural net is such that it feedforwards
# for only example at a time but backprops a batch.
class NeuralNet: