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Telegram Web App Bot (Validate hash) on PHP
$data_check_string = 'XXX'; // get from Telegram.WebAppData
$data_check_arr = explode('&', rawurldecode($data_check_string));
$needle = 'hash=';
$check_hash = FALSE;
foreach($data_check_arr AS &$val){
if(substr($val, 0, strlen($needle)) === $needle){
$check_hash = substr_replace($val, '', 0, strlen($needle));
$val = NULL;
$data_check_arr = array_filter($data_check_arr);
$data_check_string = implode("\n", $data_check_arr);
$secret_key = hash_hmac('sha256', $bot_token, "WebAppData", true);
$hash = bin2hex(hash_hmac('sha256', $data_check_string, $secret_key, true) );
if(strcmp($hash, $check_hash) === 0){
} else {
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it works like a charm

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