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Forked from ageyev/StringsAndBytes.sol
Created March 26, 2019 23:08
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pragma solidity ^0.4.15;
contract StringsAndBytes {
/* --- public variables for storing tests results */
string public lastTestStringResult; //
bytes32 public lastTestBytes32Result; //
bytes public lastTestBytesResult; // bytes: dynamically-sized byte array
bool public lastTestBoolResult; //
function stringToBytes32(string memory source) public constant returns (bytes32 result) {
// require(bytes(source).length <= 32); // causes error
// but string have to be max 32 chars
assembly {
result := mload(add(source, 32))
function stringToBytes32Test(string _string) returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 _bytes32 = stringToBytes32(_string);
lastTestBytes32Result = _bytes32;
StringToBytes32(_string, _bytes32);
return _bytes32;
event StringToBytes32(
string _string,
bytes32 _bytes32
function isStringEqualOrShorterThan(string memory str, uint256 length) public constant returns (bool){
return bytes(str).length <= length;
function isStringEqualOrShorterThanTest(string memory str, uint256 length) returns (bool){
lastTestBoolResult = isStringEqualOrShorterThan(str, length);
IsStringEqualOrShorterThan(str, length, lastTestBoolResult);
return lastTestBoolResult;
} //
event IsStringEqualOrShorterThan(string str, uint256 length, bool result);
/* bytes to string */
function bytesArrayToString(bytes memory _bytes) public constant returns (string) {
return string(_bytes);
} //
function bytesArrayToStringTest(bytes memory _bytes) public returns (string) {
string memory result = bytesArrayToString(_bytes);
BytesToString(_bytes, result);
lastTestStringResult = result;
return result;
} //
event BytesToString(
bytes _bytes,
string _string
/* string to bytes */
function stringToBytesArray(string memory str) public constant returns (bytes){
return bytes(str);
} //
function stringToBytesArrayTest(string memory str) public returns (bytes){
bytes memory result = stringToBytesArray(str);
lastTestBytesResult = result;
StringToBytesArray(str, result);
return result;
} //
event StringToBytesArray(string _string, bytes _bytes);
/* bytes32 (fixed-size array) to bytes (dynamically-sized array) */
function bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 _bytes32) public constant returns (bytes){
// string memory str = string(_bytes32);
// TypeError: Explicit type conversion not allowed from "bytes32" to "string storage pointer"
bytes memory bytesArray = new bytes(32);
for (uint256 i; i < 32; i++) {
bytesArray[i] = _bytes32[i];
return bytesArray;
function bytes32ToBytesTest(bytes32 _bytes32) public returns (bytes){
lastTestBytesResult = bytes32ToBytes(_bytes32);
Bytes32ToBytes(_bytes32, lastTestBytesResult);
return lastTestBytesResult;
event Bytes32ToBytes(bytes32 _bytes32, bytes _bytes);
/* bytes32 to string */
// see also:
function bytes32ToString(bytes32 _bytes32) public constant returns (string){
bytes memory bytesArray = bytes32ToBytes(_bytes32);
return string(bytesArray);
function bytes32ToStringTest(bytes32 _bytes32) public returns (string){
lastTestStringResult = bytes32ToString(_bytes32);
Bytes32ToString(_bytes32, lastTestStringResult);
return lastTestStringResult;
event Bytes32ToString(bytes32 _bytes32, string _string);
function bytes32ToSring(bytes32 _bytes32) public returns (string){
// string memory str = string(_bytes32);
// TypeError: Explicit type conversion not allowed from "bytes32" to "string storage pointer"
bytes memory bytesArray = new bytes(32);
for (uint256 i; i < 32; i++) {
bytesArray[i] = _bytes32[i];
string memory str = string(bytesArray);
// for test:
lastStringResult = str;
Bytes32ToString(_bytes32, str);
return str;
function bytes32ToString(bytes32 x) public constant returns (string) {
bytes memory bytesString = new bytes(32);
uint charCount = 0;
for (uint j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
byte char = byte(bytes32(uint(x) * 2 ** (8 * j)));
if (char != 0) {
bytesString[charCount] = char;
bytes memory bytesStringTrimmed = new bytes(charCount);
for (j = 0; j < charCount; j++) {
bytesStringTrimmed[j] = bytesString[j];
string memory result = string(bytesStringTrimmed);
return result;
/* ethereum address to string */
function addressToAsciiString(address _address) public constant returns (string) {
bytes memory s = new bytes(40);
for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
byte b = byte(uint8(uint(_address) / (2 ** (8 * (19 - i)))));
byte hi = byte(uint8(b) / 16);
byte lo = byte(uint8(b) - 16 * uint8(hi));
s[2 * i] = char(hi);
s[2 * i + 1] = char(lo);
return string(s);
} //
function char(byte b) returns (byte c) {
if (b < 10) return byte(uint8(b) + 0x30);
else return byte(uint8(b) + 0x57);
function addressToString(address _address) public constant returns (string) {
return stringsConcatenation("0x", addressToAsciiString(_address));
function messageSenderAddressToString() public constant returns (string){
return addressToString(msg.sender);
function messageSenderAddressToStringTest() public returns (string) {
string memory senderString = addressToAsciiString(msg.sender);
MsgSenderAddressToStringTest(msg.sender, senderString);
lastTestStringResult = senderString;
return senderString;
} //
event MsgSenderAddressToStringTest(address msgSenderAddress, string msgSenderAsString);
/* --------------------- strings functions begin */
/* --- */
struct slice {uint _len; uint _ptr;}
function memcpy(uint dest, uint src, uint len) private {
for (; len >= 32; len -= 32) {
assembly {
mstore(dest, mload(src))
dest += 32;
src += 32;
uint mask = 256 ** (32 - len) - 1;
assembly {
let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask))
let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask)
mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart))
* @dev Returns a slice containing the entire string.
* @param self The string to make a slice from.
* @return A newly allocated slice containing the entire string.
function toSlice(string self) internal returns (slice) {
uint ptr;
assembly {
ptr := add(self, 0x20)
return slice(bytes(self).length, ptr);
* @dev Returns a newly allocated string containing the concatenation of `self` and `other`.
* @param self The first slice to concatenate.
* @param other The second slice to concatenate.
* @return The concatenation of the two strings.
function concat(slice self, slice other) internal returns (string) {
var ret = new string(self._len + other._len);
uint retptr;
assembly {retptr := add(ret, 32)}
memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);
memcpy(retptr + self._len, other._ptr, other._len);
return ret;
* @dev Joins an array of slices, using `self` as a delimiter, returning a newly allocated string.
* @param self The delimiter to use.
* @param parts A list of slices to join.
* @return A newly allocated string containing all the slices in `parts`, joined with `self`.
function join(slice self, slice[] parts) internal returns (string) {
if (parts.length == 0)
return "";
uint length = self._len * (parts.length - 1);
for (uint i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
length += parts[i]._len;
var ret = new string(length);
uint retptr;
assembly {retptr := add(ret, 32)}
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
memcpy(retptr, parts[i]._ptr, parts[i]._len);
retptr += parts[i]._len;
if (i < parts.length - 1) {
memcpy(retptr, self._ptr, self._len);
retptr += self._len;
return ret;
/* --------------------- strings -- end */
function stringsConcatenation(string str1, string str2) public constant returns (string) {
return concat(toSlice(str1), toSlice(str2));
} //
function stringsConcatenationTest(string str1, string str2) public returns (string) {
string memory result = stringsConcatenation(str1, str2);
lastTestStringResult = result;
TestStringsConcatenation(str1, str2, result);
return result;
} //
event TestStringsConcatenation(string str1, string str2, string result);
function stringsJoin(string str1, string str2, string str3) public constant returns (string) {
slice memory delimiter = toSlice(" ");
// see:
slice[] memory slicesArray = new slice[](3);
slicesArray[0] = toSlice(str1);
slicesArray[1] = toSlice(str2);
slicesArray[2] = toSlice(str3);
string memory result = join(delimiter, slicesArray);
return result;
} //
function stringsJoinTest(string str1, string str2, string str3) public returns (string) {
string memory result = stringsJoin(str1, str2, str3);
lastTestStringResult = result;
TestStringsJoin(str1, str2, str3, result);
return result;
} //
event TestStringsJoin(string str1, string str2, string str3, string result);
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