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Created February 5, 2025 13:20
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SureCart integration service for MemberPress
namespace SureCart\Integrations\MemberPress;
use SureCart\Integrations\Contracts\IntegrationInterface;
use SureCart\Integrations\Contracts\PurchaseSyncInterface;
use SureCart\Integrations\IntegrationService;
use SureCart\Models\Purchase;
use SureCart\Support\Currency;
* Controls the MemberPress integration.
class MemberPressService extends IntegrationService implements IntegrationInterface, PurchaseSyncInterface {
* Get the slug for the integration.
* @return string
public function getName() {
return 'surecart/memberpress';
* Get the model for the integration.
* @return string
public function getModel() {
return 'product';
* Get the slug for the integration.
* @return string
public function getLogo() {
return esc_url_raw( trailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( SURECART_PLUGIN_FILE ) ) . 'images/integrations/memberpress.svg' );
* Get the slug for the integration.
* @return string
public function getLabel() {
return __( 'MemberPress Membership', 'surecart' );
* Get the slug for the integration.
* @return string
public function getItemLabel() {
return __( 'Membership Access', 'surecart' );
* Get the slug for the integration.
* @return string
public function getItemHelp() {
return __( 'Enable access to a MemberPress membership.', 'surecart' );
* Is this enabled?
* @return boolean
public function enabled() {
return defined( 'MEPR_VERSION' );
* Get item listing for the integration.
* @param array $items The integration items.
* @param string $search The search term.
* @return array The items for the integration.
public function getItems( $items = [], $search = '' ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'MeprProduct' ) ) {
return [];
$membership_query = new \WP_Query(
'post_type' => \MeprProduct::$cpt,
's' => $search,
'per_page' => 10,
if ( ( isset( $membership_query->posts ) ) && ( ! empty( $membership_query->posts ) ) ) {
$items = array_map(
function( $post ) {
return (object) [
'id' => $post->ID,
'label' => $post->post_title,
return $items;
* Get the individual item.
* @param string $id Id for the record.
* @return object The item for the integration.
public function getItem( $id ) {
$course = get_post( $id );
if ( ! $course ) {
return [];
return (object) [
'id' => $id,
'provider_label' => __( 'MemberPress Membership', 'surecart' ),
'label' => $course->post_title,
* Enable Access to the course.
* @param \SureCart\Models\Integration $integration The integrations.
* @param \WP_User $wp_user The user.
* @return boolean|void Returns true if the user course access updation was successful otherwise false.
public function onPurchaseCreated( $integration, $wp_user ) {
$this->updateAccess( $integration->integration_id, $wp_user, true );
* Enable access when purchase is invoked
* @param \SureCart\Models\Integration $integration The integrations.
* @param \WP_User $wp_user The user.
* @return boolean|void Returns true if the user course access updation was successful otherwise false.
public function onPurchaseInvoked( $integration, $wp_user ) {
$this->onPurchaseCreated( $integration, $wp_user );
* Remove a user role.
* @param \SureCart\Models\Integration $integration The integrations.
* @param \WP_User $wp_user The user.
* @return boolean|void Returns true if the user course access updation was successful otherwise false.
public function onPurchaseRevoked( $integration, $wp_user ) {
$this->updateAccess( $integration->integration_id, $wp_user, false );
* Update access to a course.
* @param integer $membership_id The membership product id.
* @param \WP_User $wp_user The user.
* @param boolean $add True to add the user to the course, false to remove.
* @return boolean|void Returns true if the user course access updation was successful otherwise false.
public function updateAccess( $membership_id, $wp_user, $add = true ) {
// we don't have Memberpress installed.
if ( ! class_exists( 'MeprTransaction' ) ) {
// make sure we have a purchase id.
if ( empty( $this->getPurchaseId() ) ) {
// get order, invoice needed to sync the purchase.
$purchase = Purchase::with( [ 'order', 'invoice' ] )->find( $this->getPurchaseId() );
$status = $add ? 'completed' : 'failed';
$existing = false;
$transaction_num = $purchase->id;
$existing_transaction = \MeprTransaction::get_one_by_trans_num( $transaction_num );
// get purchase order or invoice.
if ( ! empty( $purchase->order->id ) ) {
$object = $purchase->order;
if ( ! empty( $purchase->invoice->id ) ) {
$object = $purchase->invoice;
// It doesn't exist.
if ( ! isset( $existing_transaction->id ) || empty( $existing_transaction->id ) ) {
$transaction = new \MeprTransaction();
$transaction->amount = $this->convertAmount( $object->amount_due, $object->currency );
$transaction->total = $this->convertAmount( $object->total_amount, $object->currency );
$transaction->tax_amount = $this->convertAmount( $object->tax_amount, $object->currency );
$transaction->user_id = $wp_user->ID;
$transaction->product_id = $membership_id;
$transaction->trans_num = $transaction_num;
$transaction->txn_type = \MeprTransaction::$payment_str;
$transaction->gateway = 'manual';
$transaction->created_at = gmdate( 'c' );
$transaction->expires_at = \MeprUtils::mysql_lifetime();
} else {
// It does exist.
$transaction = new \MeprTransaction( $existing_transaction->id );
$existing = true;
// Fire some hooks for Corporate Accounts.
if ( ! $existing ) {
$transaction->status = \MeprTransaction::$pending_str;
do_action( 'mepr-signup', $transaction );
// Set the txn's status.
if ( 'failed' === $status ) {
$transaction->status = \MeprTransaction::$failed_str;
} else {
$transaction->status = \MeprTransaction::$complete_str;
// Store the transaction.
return $transaction->store();
* Maybe convert to non-zero decimal.
* @param integer $amount The amount as an integer.
* @param string $currency The currency.
* @return float|integer The new amount.
public function convertAmount( $amount, $currency ) {
return Currency::isZeroDecimal( $currency ) ? $amount : round( $amount / 100, 2 );
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