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Manouchehri /
Created June 1, 2024 23:00 — forked from d0now/
Binary Ninja RTTI lookup for class name
from binaryninja.binaryview import BinaryView
from binaryninja.lowlevelil import LowLevelILStore, LowLevelILOperation
from binaryninja.variable import RegisterValueType
from binaryninja.demangle import demangle_gnu3
from binaryninja.exceptions import ILException
def get_llil_lifted(bv: BinaryView):
Manouchehri / build-cpio
Created February 26, 2024 16:57 — forked from krasCGQ/build-cpio
Scripts to build static-PIE binary of the following; only works on Alpine Linux and other Musl libc based Distros, as some may segfault when done with Glibc.
#!/usr/bin/env dash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
# -fuse-ld= tells compiler to use specific linker above
Manouchehri /
Created July 27, 2023 18:27 — forked from sillyfrog/
pip in Jython

To use pip, you must be running Jython v2.7.1 (downloaded from here: This is not compatible with Esper, so be sure to remove all of these files before upgrading, ie:

rm -rf ./automation/jsr223/000_components/ ./automation/lib/python/esper

With v2.7.1 installed, we can run the Jython from the openHAB installation to install pip

java -jar /openhab/conf/automation/jython/jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar -m ensurepip
Manouchehri /
Created July 9, 2023 14:49
Convert a OBS Capture (in HEVC) to a .mov that Apple Keynote and Final Cut Pro can import
# sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
# paste all of this text into that file
# sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
# now you can run: your_obs_screencap.mkv
# you'll end up with a that Final Cut Pro and Apple Keynote can import
# Define a function that takes an input file, converts it, and saves it as a .mov
convert_to_mov() {
Manouchehri /
Created April 10, 2023 17:47 — forked from p7cq/
SSH Authentication with TPM 2.0 and PKCS#11 on Arch Linux

SSH Authentication with TPM 2.0 and PKCS#11 on Arch Linux

Hardware: a TPM 2.0 module based on Infineon SLB9665 cryptographic processor available in the system as /dev/tpmrm0.


Required software:

# pacman -S tpm2-tools tpm2-pkcs11
Manouchehri / hook.js
Created April 7, 2023 02:15 — forked from tony0x59/hook.js
frida script for modify device info in Any iOS App
if (ObjC.available) {
try {
// list methods
// ObjC.classes.XXXClassName.$ownMethods.forEach(function (m) {
// console.log('method: ' + m);
// })
// watch method callstack
// if (1) {
// // -[NSTimeZone secondFromGMT]
Manouchehri /
Created March 14, 2023 19:12 — forked from jasonmfehr/
Writes mitmproxy data in CSV format to a file
import mitmproxy
from datetime import datetime
import math
class RequestsToCSV:
def load(self, loader):
# note: update this path to change the data file name and/or location
self.file_handle = open("requests-" +".")[0] + ".csv", "w")
IDrive e2 - $0.005/GB - $0 for download bandwidth - 1:3 upload:download ratio allowed <- questionable data privacy - custom domains offered - no audit logging - not recommended - $0.005/GB/Month overage on bandwidth
Backblaze B2 - $0.006/GB - $0 for download bandwidth if through Worker (or $0.01/GB) <- decent data privacy record - no custom domains - no audit logging
Vultr - $0.006/GB - $0.01/GB for download <-
Wasabi - $0.0069/GB - $0 for download bandwidth - 1:1 and billed for 90 days <- cheapest with audit logging - no custom domains - min object size billed at 4 kilobytes
Storj - $0.004/GB - $0.007/GB for download <- not good for small files due to segment pricing
Scaleway - $0.013/GB - $0.011/GB for download <- estimate, had to do EUR to USD conversion
Cloudflare R2 - $0.015/GB - $0.00/GB for download, $4.50 / million for uploads and $0.36 / million for downloads requ
Manouchehri /
Last active January 31, 2025 12:13
Get a random ephemeral port number
shuf -i 49152-60999 -n1
# This obeys:
# RFC 6335 49152-65535 -
# Linux 32768-60999 -
# Windows 49152-65535 -
# Why does this matter? Naively, this gives us the best chance of not having our port changed when going through NAT.
# In reality, it probably doesn't help.
Manouchehri /
Created January 10, 2023 23:28 — forked from rmoriz/
S/MIME is the industry standard for secure E-Mail and build into every relevant mail client. From Outlook to Thunderbird, from Blackberry to Apple Mail on OSX and iOS.