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Created August 17, 2020 20:58
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module Network.Curl.Prim
import Data.Bytes.Lazy
import Control.App
import Network.Curl.Types
import Network.Curl.Option
import Data.Bytes.Strict
import Data.Word.Word8
import Data.IORef
import Data.List as List
import Util
data HandlePtr : Type where
data FunPtr : Type where
data ObjPtr : Type where
data HandleType = Easy | Multi
data CurlHandle : HandleType -> Type where
MkH : (1 _ : Ptr HandlePtr) -> CurlHandle ty
data OptTag = LongTag | FunPtrTag | ObjPtrTag | OffTTag
-- paramTy : OptType -> Type
-- paramTy LongTag = Int
-- paramTy FunPtrTag = Ptr FunPtr
-- paramTy ObjPtrTag = Ptr ObjPtr
-- paramTy OffTTag = AnyPtr
-- data CurlOption : OptTag -> Type where
-- Opt1 : Int -> CurlOption LongTag
-- Opt2 : Int -> CurlOption FunPtrTag
%foreign "C:curl_global_init,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_global_init : Int -> PrimIO Int
||| We use CURL_GLOBAL_ALL since that's the only useful flag in this libcurl version
||| CURL_GLOBAL_ALL = 3 on my system
curl_global_init : HasIO io => io CurlCode
curl_global_init = fromCode <$> primIO (prim_curl_global_init 3)
%foreign "C:curl_global_init,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_global_cleanup : PrimIO ()
curl_global_cleanup : HasIO io => io ()
curl_global_cleanup = primIO prim_curl_global_cleanup
%foreign "C:curl_easy_init,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_easy_init : PrimIO (Ptr HandlePtr)
curl_easy_init : HasIO io => io (Maybe (CurlHandle Easy))
curl_easy_init = do r <- primIO prim_curl_easy_init
pure $ if believe_me r == 0 then Nothing
else Just (MkH r)
%foreign "C:curl_easy_init,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_easy_cleanup : Ptr HandlePtr -> PrimIO ()
curl_easy_cleanup : HasIO io => CurlHandle Easy -> io ()
curl_easy_cleanup (MkH ptr) = primIO (prim_curl_easy_cleanup ptr)
%foreign "C:curl_easy_strerror,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
curl_easy_strerror : (curlcode : Int) -> PrimIO String
-- It's just a lookup, expect this to work unless curl itself is broken
curlEasyStrError : CurlCode -> String
curlEasyStrError c = unsafePerformIO $ primIO $ curl_easy_strerror (toCode c)
-- -> IO LBytes
-- we can use IORef as an accumulator for this
-- write_callback : (Buffer -> Int -> Int -> AnyPtr -> IO Int) -> IO Int
-- write_callback f = ?write_callback_rhs
%foreign "C:curl_easy_setopt,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_easy_setopt_string : Ptr HandlePtr -> Int -> String -> PrimIO Int
%foreign "C:curl_easy_setopt,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_easy_setopt_long : Ptr HandlePtr -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO Int
%foreign "C:curl_easy_setopt,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_easy_setopt_fcallback : Ptr HandlePtr -> Int -> (String -> Int -> Int -> AnyPtr -> PrimIO Int) -> PrimIO Int
-- curl_easy_setopt_fcallback : Ptr HandlePtr -> Int -> (AnyPtr -> Int -> Int -> AnyPtr -> IO Int) -> PrimIO Int
-- curl_easy_setopt_fcallback h y f z = ?curl_easy_setopt_fcallback_rhs
curl_easy_setopt : HasIO io => {ty : _} -> CurlHandle Easy -> CurlOption ty -> paramTy ty -> io CurlCode
curl_easy_setopt (MkH h) op {ty = CURLOPTTYPE_LONG} v
= fromCode <$> primIO (prim_curl_easy_setopt_long h (toCode op) v)
curl_easy_setopt (MkH h) op {ty = CURLOPTTYPE_STRINGPOINT} v
= fromCode <$> primIO (prim_curl_easy_setopt_string h (toCode op) v)
curl_easy_setopt (MkH h) op {ty = CURLOPTTYPE_FUNCTIONPOINT} v
= map fromCode . primIO $ prim_curl_easy_setopt_fcallback h (toCode op) (\a,b,c,d => toPrim (v a b c d))
curl_easy_setopt (MkH h) op {ty = CURLOPTTYPE_OBJECTPOINT} v = ?dsf_3
curl_easy_setopt (MkH h) op {ty = CURLOPTTYPE_SLISTPOINT} v = ?dsf_5
curl_easy_setopt (MkH h) op {ty = CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T} v = ?dsf_6
-- = fromCode <$> primIO (prim_curl_easy_setopt x (toCode y) (believe_me z))
%foreign "C:curl_easy_perform,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
prim_curl_easy_perform : Ptr HandlePtr -> PrimIO Int
curl_easy_perform : HasIO io => CurlHandle Easy -> io CurlCode
curl_easy_perform (MkH ptr) = fromCode <$> primIO (prim_curl_easy_perform ptr)
easy_to_bytes : CurlHandle Easy -> IO (Either CurlCode Bytes)
easy_to_bytes h = do
ref <- newIORef {a=List Bytes} []
CURLE_OK <- curl_easy_setopt h CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION $ \dat,s,len,_ => do
let (b,used) = stringToBytes dat (s*len)
modifyIORef ref (b ::)
pure used
| r => do putStrLn $ "setopt not ok: " ++ show r
pure (Left r)
CURLE_OK <- curl_easy_perform h
| r => do putStrLn $ "perform not ok: " ++ show r
pure (Left r)
res <- readIORef ref
pure $ maybe (Left CURLE_OK) Right (concat' (List.reverse res))
#include <curl/curl.h>
size_t write_callback(char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata);
CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback);
-- %foreign "C:curl_easy_setopt,libcurl,curl/curl.h"
-- curl_easy_setopt : CurlHandle -> CurlOption opt_ty -> (param : paramTy opt_ty) -> PrimIO (Maybe CurlHandle)
data CurlOpt : Type where
Semigroup CurlOpt where
x <+> y = ?sdff
data CurlState = GOpen | GClosed | EasyOpen | EasyClosed
data CurlError = Faf
interface Has [Exception CurlError] e => CurlIO e where
newGlobal : (1 p : (1 s : Int ) -> App e CurlCode) -> App e CurlCode
withEasy : App e ()
-- every init must have a cleanup, but we can re-use things before cleanup too,
-- so allow for this
-- e.g. 'If you want to re-use an easy handle that was added to the multi handle
-- for transfer, you must first remove it from the multi stack and then re-add
-- it again'
fef : CurlState -> List CurlState -> Bool
data RunCurl : List CurlState -> List CurlState -> Type -> Type where
GlobalInit : (b : CurlCode) -> RunCurl [] (case b of CURLE_OK => [GOpen]
_ => []) ()
EasyInit : (b : Bool) -> RunCurl [GOpen] (case b of False => []
True => EasyOpen :: [GOpen]) ()
-- EasyCleanup : RunCurl (GOpen :: xs)
GlobalCleanup : RunCurl [GOpen] [] ()
-- MultiInit :
Bind : RunCurl s1 s2 a -> (a -> RunCurl s1 s2 b) -> RunCurl s1 s2 b
Pure : a -> RunCurl s1 s2 a
(>>=) : RunCurl s1 s2 a -> (a -> RunCurl s1 s2 b) -> RunCurl s1 s2 b
(>>=) = Bind
pure : a -> RunCurl s1 s2 a
pure = Pure
-- faf : RunCurl
globalinit : RunCurl [] [GOpen] ()
-- all curl has to start with global init and and with global cleanup
-- each 'easy' has to then start with easy init and end with easy cleanup
-- 'multi' is many easy with a multiperform instead of easy perform
-- How do I enforce that multi eats all easy in scope?
-- Can I simply curl_multi_add_handle with a linear easy to eat it up?
runCurl : IO ()
runCurl = do
CURLE_OK <- curl_global_init
| r => putStrLn $ "global init not ok: " ++ show r
Just h <- curl_easy_init
| Nothing => putStrLn "dsf"
CURLE_OK <- curl_easy_setopt h CURLOPT_URL ""
| r => putStrLn $ "setopt not ok: " ++ show r
Right b <- easy_to_bytes h
| Left r => putStrLn $ "tobytes not ok: " ++ show r
-- printLn b
printLn $ foldr (\b,ss => strCons (cast (cast {to=Int} b)) ss) "" b
CURLE_OK <- curl_easy_perform h
| r => putStrLn $ "perform not ok: " ++ show r
curl_easy_cleanup h
-- globalinit
-- easyinit
-- set url
-- set where/how to save
-- perform
-- easycleanup
-- globalcleanup
-- ?runCurl_rhs
main : IO ()
main = runCurl
-- It would be a good idea to query for all the settings on global init so we
-- can save and restore them for certain operations, sort of a ReaderT 'local'
-- kind of thing maybe
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