- Copy the provided script (gatherChannelInfo.erl) onto one of the rabbitmq vms
bosh -d <yourDeploymentName> scp gatherChannelInfo.erl rmq/b9b26ca8-6a15-4bf6-9881-68486042f46b:/tmp/gatherChannelInfo.erl
- Ssh onto the same rabbitmq vms and switch to root (
sudo -i
bosh -d <yourDeploymentName> ssh rmq/b9b26ca8-6a15-4bf6-9881-68486042f46b
- Make sure erl is on the path
which erl
- Run the following command to connect to one of the erlang VMs:
erl -sname "remsh-1" -hidden -remsh "$RABBITMQ_NODENAME"
- Copy and paste this command onto the erl shell:
c("/tmp/gatherChannelInfo", [{outdir, "/tmp"}] ).
- Copy and paste this command onto the erl shell. Replace VirtualHost(e.g./) and queue name (e.g.test-1) with yours.
gatherChannelInfo:main(<<"/">>, <<"test-1">>).
Send us the outcome from the last command
To exit from erl shell :
^g q Enter