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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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--Authored by Grant Slatton on 2013 October 10
--All code is released to the public domain under the terms of []
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
magicSquare = [8,1,6,3,5,7,4,9,2]
type Game = ([Int], [Int], [Int], Int)
blankGame = ([1..9], [], [], 1)::Game
aboutToWin = move (move (move (move blankGame 8) 3) 1) 5
move :: Game -> Int -> Game
move g@(free, p1, p2, turn) x
| not $ elem x free = g
| turn == 1 = (delete x free, x:p1, p2, -turn)
| otherwise = (delete x free, p1, x:p2, -turn)
powerSet :: [a] -> [[a]]
powerSet = (filterM (const [True, False]))
powerSet3 :: [a] -> [[a]]
powerSet3 xs = filter (\x -> 3 == length x) $ powerSet xs
winner :: Game -> Maybe Int
winner (free, p1, p2, _)
| elem 15 $ map sum $ powerSet3 p1 = Just 1
| elem 15 $ map sum $ powerSet3 p2 = Just (-1)
| null free = Just 0
| otherwise = Nothing
negamax :: Game -> (Int, Int)
negamax g@(free, p1, p2, turn)
| not $ isNothing $ win = (turn * (fromJust win), 0)
| otherwise = maximumBy (compare `on` fst) $ zip (map (negate . fst . negamax) children) free
win = winner g
children = map (move g) free
scores = map negamax children
main = do
play blankGame
putStrLn "Game Over"
play :: Game -> IO ()
play g@(_, _, _, 1) = do
xy <- getLine
let x = xy !! 0
let y = xy !! 2
let nextState = move g $ magicSquare !! ((read [x]::Int)*3+(read [y]::Int))
if isNothing $ winner nextState
then play nextState
else return ()
play gs@(_, _, _, (-1)) = do
putStrLn ((show (div index 3)) ++ " " ++ (show (mod index 3)))
if isNothing $ winner nextState
then play nextState
else return ()
nextMove = snd $ negamax gs
index = fromJust $ elemIndex nextMove magicSquare
nextState = move gs nextMove
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