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Marcus MarcusJT

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* jQuery TextChange Plugin
* Copyright 2010, ZURB
* Released under the MIT License
(function ($) {
$.event.special.textchange = {
cowboy / jquery-pluginization.js
Created July 12, 2010 17:36
jQuery Pluginization (see comment for slide order)
// Store fetched long URLs here.
var cache = {};
$.longUrl = function( url, callback, options ) {
// Override defaults with specified options.
options = $.extend( {}, $.longUrl.options, options );
var params = {};
var HttpStatusCode = {
100: "continue",
101: "switchingProtocols",
200: "ok",
201: "created",
202: "accepted",
203: "nonAuthoritativeInformation",
204: "noContent",
205: "resetContent",
206: "partialContent",
var ImprovedNoise = function () {
var p = [151,160,137,91,90,15,131,13,201,95,96,53,194,233,7,225,140,36,103,30,69,142,8,99,37,240,21,10,
mislav /
Created October 12, 2010 17:20
"Pagination 101" by Faruk Ateş

Pagination 101

Article by Faruk Ateş, [originally on][original] which is currently down

One of the most commonly overlooked and under-refined elements of a website is its pagination controls. In many cases, these are treated as an afterthought. I rarely come across a website that has decent pagination, and it always makes me wonder why so few manage to get it right. After all, I'd say that pagination is pretty easy to get right. Alas, that doesn't seem the case, so after encouragement from Chris Messina on Flickr I decided to write my Pagination 101, hopefully it'll give you some clues as to what makes good pagination.

Before going into analyzing good and bad pagination, I want to explain just what I consider to be pagination: Pagination is any kind of control system that lets the user browse through pages of search results, archives, or any other kind of continued content. Search results are the o

jrochkind / jQuery.collapsible.js
Created November 3, 2010 22:23
modified collapsible.js
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* jQuery collapsible plugin
* Author: Scott Jehl, [email protected]
* Copyright (c) 2009 Filament Group
* licensed under MIT (
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* See:
cowboy /
Last active February 27, 2025 12:24
jQuery Tiny Pub/Sub: A really, really, REALLY tiny pub/sub implementation for jQuery.
// Regular Expression for URL validation
// Author: Diego Perini
// Created: 2010/12/05
// Updated: 2018/09/12
// License: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Diego Perini (
balupton /
Last active February 10, 2025 05:38
Ajaxify a Website with the HTML5 History API using History.js, jQuery and ScrollTo
necolas / contain-floats.css
Created April 22, 2011 00:36
Cross-browser, consistent float-containment methods
* Containing floats in a consistent manner
* By Jonathan Neal and Nicolas Gallagher
* New block formatting context method
* IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 4+, Opera 9+, Chrome