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Diego Perini dperini

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dperini / namespaces-and-tag-name-case.html
Last active May 25, 2018 11:48
Influence of namespace in tag name case (lower, upper, mixed)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>Namespace testing</title>
body { font: 16px monospace; text-align: center; }
.table { display: table; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #000; }
.row { display: table-row; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; border-style: solid; border-color: #000; }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><title>CSS and Selectors-API parsing differences</title>
/* these rules have a correct "selectorText" so their style declaration are applied */
a[href="#"] { background-color: red; } /* style some elements */
a:not([href="#"]) { background-color: lime; } /* style some elements */
/* these rules have a incorrect "selectorText" so their style declaration are not applied */
a:not([href="#"] { background-color: #f00; } /* doesn't style any element */
dperini / scope-test.js
Created October 22, 2016 17:24
Simulate behavior of the new "Selectors Level 4" :scope selector
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>NWMatcher Test</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../src/nwmatcher-noqsa.js"></script>
<div class="a">
<div class="a1"></div>
* How to detect which element is the scrolling element in charge of scrolling the viewport:
* - in Quirks mode the scrolling element is the "body"
* - in Standard mode the scrolling element is the "documentElement"
* webkit based browsers always use the "body" element, disrespectful of the specifications:
dperini / has_load_capture_support.js
Created June 25, 2013 12:05
Here is an example on how to feature detect an Asynchronous event using a Synchronous event. Being able to capture 'load' events of each resource in a web page is a very interesting feature. All resources could be logged, or modified with just one 'load'' capturing event handler. This works for external link elements (CSS), for iframes, images, …
* Feature detect support for capturing load events
* Author: Diego Perini
* Updated: 2013/06/25
* the feature test can be performed before
* both 'load' and 'DOMContentLoaded' events
dperini / loadFT.js
Created August 23, 2011 19:28
Feature testing browser support for 'load' events
<script type="text/javascript">
// 'load' events should be supported by every browser
// this was just an exercise to find a way to test it
var isLoadSupported = 'onload' in window, loadHandler = window.onload;
document.createElement('body').setAttribute('onload', 'return');
isLoadSupported = isLoadSupported || typeof window.onload == 'function';
window.onload = loadHandler;
dperini / snippets-compression
Created May 25, 2011 22:19
Comparison between manual and automated minification/compression
Testing on code snippet at:
Note: used "gzip -n9 file" on Mac to do this comparison.
Not very readable, minifier obsoleted & gzip makes size grow
* readfile.js - Spidermonkey/V8 readfile wrapper
* Author: Diego Perini <[email protected]>
* Released under the Creative Commons license:
// Regular Expression for URL validation
// Author: Diego Perini
// Created: 2010/12/05
// Updated: 2018/09/12
// License: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Diego Perini (
* Author: Diego Perini <[email protected]>
* this is what I have in my build system to embed
* the packed version of NWMatcher in a PNG file;
* actually any data like JSON or XML can be
* transported in compressed PNG files and
* avoids HTTP compression requirements.