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Created March 4, 2015 11:57
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Save Mark-H/af009f895ffbabd3dc58 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Object Oriented Snippets for MODX :D There are a couple of files here. The first one (`1_interface_and_base_class.php`) contains an interface and the base abstract class for creating snippets. The second file (`2_example_snippet.php`) is a real basic example of a snippet. The third file (`3_modSnippet.php`) is the code that is in the actual modS…
namespace mhwd\Donations;
* Interface ObjectOrientedSnippet
* @see Snippet class
* @package mhwd\Donations
interface ObjectOrientedSnippet {
public function __construct(\modX $modx, array $properties = array());
public function execute();
public function getDefaultProperties();
public function getProperties();
public function getProperty($key, $default = null);
* Class Snippet
* Base implementation of the ObjectOrientedSnippet interface. Implement the execute() method.
* @package mhwd\Donations
abstract class Snippet implements ObjectOrientedSnippet {
protected $modx;
protected $properties = array();
* Creates a new ObjectOrientedSnippet instance, setting $modx to the internal $this->modx and setting
* properties to $this->properties.
* @param \modX $modx
* @param array $properties
public function __construct(\modX $modx, array $properties = array())
$this->modx =& $modx;
$this->properties = array_merge($this->getDefaultProperties(), $properties);
* Returns an array of each property passed to the snippet.
* @return array
public function getProperties()
return $this->properties;
* Grabs a specific property and returns its value, or the default value.
* @param $key
* @param null $default
* @return mixed
public function getProperty($key, $default = null)
if (isset($this->properties[$key])) {
return $this->properties[$key];
return $default;
namespace mhwd\Donations;
class DonationsSnippet extends Snippet {
* Executes the snippet and returns the result (string).
* @return string
public function execute()
return 'Whoohee! It works! ' . print_r($this->getProperties(), true);
* Returns an array of default properties for the snippet.
* @return array
public function getDefaultProperties()
return array(
'foo' => 'bar'
* @var modX $modx
* @var Donations $donations
* @var array $scriptProperties
$modelPath = $modx->getOption('donations.core_path', null, MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/donations/') . 'model/donations/';
$donations = $modx->getService('donations', 'Donations', $modelPath);
if (!$donations || !($donations instanceof Donations)) {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[Donations] Could not load Donations service class from ' . $modelPath);
return '<p class="error">Sorry, donations are currently unavailable.</p>';
return $donations->runSnippet('Donations', $scriptProperties);
class Donations
/** @var modX $modx */
public $modx;
public $config = array();
public $debug = 0;
* Creates a new Donations instance.
* @param \modX $modx
* @param array $config
function __construct(\modX &$modx, array $config = array())
$this->modx =& $modx;
$corePath = $this->modx->getOption(
$this->modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/donations/'
$assetsUrl = $this->modx->getOption(
$this->modx->getOption('assets_url') . 'components/donations/'
$assetsPath = $this->modx->getOption(
$this->modx->getOption('assets_path') . 'components/donations/'
$this->config = array_merge(
'basePath' => $corePath,
'corePath' => $corePath,
'modelPath' => $corePath . 'model/',
'controllersPath' => $corePath . 'controllers/',
'processorsPath' => $corePath . 'processors/',
'elementsPath' => $corePath . 'elements/',
'templatesPath' => $corePath . 'templates/',
'assetsPath' => $assetsPath,
'jsUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'js/',
'cssUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'css/',
'assetsUrl' => $assetsUrl,
'connectorUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'connector.php',
public function runSnippet($snippet, array $properties = array())
if (!class_exists('Snippet')) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Snippet.php';
$fqn = '\mhwd\Donations\\' . ucfirst($snippet) . 'Snippet';
$file = $this->config['modelPath'] . 'donations/' . ucfirst($snippet) . 'Snippet.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require_once $file;
if (class_exists($fqn)) {
$snippet = new $fqn($this->modx, $properties);
if ($snippet instanceof \mhwd\Donations\ObjectOrientedSnippet) {
return $snippet->execute();
return 'Snippet ' . $snippet . ' not found :(';
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