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Last active May 20, 2016 05:58
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Save MateoV/ba40e501d03416177e7a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use Tile Reduce and OSM QA Tiles to find gaps in road networks
//identify disconnected major roads
var turf = require('turf');
var tilebelt = require('tilebelt');
var flatten = require('geojson-flatten');
module.exports = function(tileLayers, tile, done){
var bbox = tilebelt.tileToBBOX(tile);
var minDistance = 50/5280; // 50 ft in miles
var disconnects = turf.featurecollection([]);
var caps = [];
// OSM tag we are looking for
var tag = 'highway';
// Types of highways we are looking for disconnected ends for
var preserve_type = { "motorway" : true, "primary" : true, "secondary" : true, "tertiary" : true, "trunk": true, "residential": true };
// First pass: finding road ends that don't connect to anything
for (var layer in tileLayers.osmdata) {
var i, j, k, f, g;
for (var i = 0; i < tileLayers.osmdata[layer].features.length; i++) {
var flat = flatten(tileLayers.osmdata[layer].features[i]);
for (var f = 0; f < flat.length; f++) {
var line = flat[f];
if (preserve_type[[tag]] && (line.geometry.type === 'LineString')) {
var endps = [ 0, line.geometry.coordinates.length - 1 ];
endps.forEach(function(endp) {
var end = line.geometry.coordinates[endp];
// It's not dangling if it's a loop connecting back to itself
for (var g = 0; g < flat.length; g++) {
var line2 = flat[g];
for (var j = 0; j < line2.geometry.coordinates.length; j++) {
if (end[0] == line2.geometry.coordinates[j][0] && end[1] == line2.geometry.coordinates[j][1]) {
if (f != g) {
} else {
if (j != endp) {
// It's not dangling if it's outside the bounding box and was just clipped here
if (end[0] < bbox[0] || end[0] > bbox[2] || end[1] < bbox[1] || end[1] > bbox[3]) {
var dup = false;
// It's also not dangling if it connects to any other road
for (var layer2 in tileLayers.osmdata) {
for (var j = 0; j < tileLayers.osmdata[layer2].features.length; j++) {
var flat2 = flatten(tileLayers.osmdata[layer2].features[j]);
flat2.forEach(function(line2) {
if (layer === layer2 && i == j) {
for (var k = 0; !dup && k < line2.geometry.coordinates.length; k++) {
if (end[0] === line2.geometry.coordinates[k][0] && end[1] === line2.geometry.coordinates[k][1]) {
dup = true;
if (!dup) {
caps.push({layer: layer, i: i, point: turf.point(end), line: line});
// Second pass: find other roads that are near the dangling ends
caps.forEach(function(cap) {
var best = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var bestline = null;
for (var layer in tileLayers.osmdata) {
var i;
for (var i = 0; i < tileLayers.osmdata[layer].features.length; i++) {
var flat = flatten(tileLayers.osmdata[layer].features[i]);
flat.forEach(function(line) {
// Don't try to match an endpoint to the way that it came from
if (layer == cap.layer && i == cap.i) {
if ([tag] && line.geometry.type === 'LineString') {
var distance = turf.distance(cap.point, turf.pointOnLine(line, cap.point));
if (distance < best) {
var already = false;
// Don't try to match an endpoint to a way that the
// way that it comes from already connects to
cap.line.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(capp) {
line.geometry.coordinates.forEach(function(linep) {
if (capp[0] == linep[0] && capp[1] == linep[1]) {
already = true;
if (!already) {
best = distance;
bestline = line;
if (best < minDistance) { =; =[tag]; = best * 5280; =;
// return points where distance is less than 50 feet
done(null, disconnects);
var TileReduce = require('tile-reduce');
var turf = require('turf');
var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
// Pass area and setup options
var area = JSON.parse(argv.area);
var opts = {
zoom: 15,
tileLayers: [
name: 'osmdata',
mbtiles: 'latest.planet.mbtiles',
layers: ['osm']
map: __dirname+'/disconnect.js'
// Initialize TileReduce
var tilereduce = TileReduce(area, opts);
// Create featurecollection
var gaps = turf.featurecollection([]);
// Collect results from TileReduce workers
tilereduce.on('reduce', function(result){
gaps.features = gaps.features.concat(result.features);
// Out put results when TileReduce completes
tilereduce.on('end', function(error){
// run TileReduce;
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