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Last active March 1, 2024 20:44
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libcst vs refactor, an unfair trial

This analysis of libcst vs refactor is incomplete. I probably won't come back and complete it (maybe your case warrants more analysis than my case did).

I had a difficult time with refactor a while back, so I recently tried libcst. I couldn't remember exactly why I had a difficult time, maybe I just didn't sleep well the night before or some kind of non-reason like that. Rather than justify this to myself, I just went with libcst.

I ended up with this:

import sys
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copytree
from textwrap import dedent
import libcst as cst
def apply_transformers(file: Path, transformers: list[cst.CSTTransformer]):
Applies the given transformers (which mutate code based on its AST) to the
indicated file.
tree = cst.parse_module(file.read_text())
for transformer in transformers:
tree = tree.visit(transformer)
class Prefixer(cst.CSTTransformer):
Adds code to the beginning of a module
def __init__(self, prefix: str):
self.prefix = prefix
def leave_Module(self, original_node: cst.Module, updated_node: cst.Module) -> cst.Module:
prefix_module = cst.parse_module(self.prefix)
prefix_statements = list(prefix_module.body)
return updated_node.with_changes(body=prefix_statements + list(updated_node.body))
class Suffixer(cst.CSTTransformer):
Adds code to the end of a module
def __init__(self, suffix: str):
self.suffix = suffix
def leave_Module(self, original_node: cst.Module, updated_node: cst.Module) -> cst.Module:
suffix_module = cst.parse_module(self.suffix)
suffix_statements = list(suffix_module.body)
return updated_node.with_changes(body=list(updated_node.body) + suffix_statements)
class AppLifespanReplacer(cst.CSTTransformer):
Used by patch_build_app on src/laminar/
Disables all background services.
def leave_FunctionDef(self, original_node, updated_node):
if == "app_lifespan":
replacement_code = dedent(
async def app_lifespan(app: FastAPI) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]:
replacement_module = cst.parse_module(replacement_code)
replacement_function = replacement_module.body[0]
return replacement_function
return updated_node
class MatchStatementReplacer(cst.CSTTransformer):
Used by patch_build_app on src/laminar/
- initializes the Mocks class
- enables apiserver routes
- enables /mock route
def leave_FunctionDef(self, original_node, updated_node):
if == "build_app":
new_body = []
for statement in updated_node.body.body:
if isinstance(statement, cst.Expr) and "db_connection_scope_middleware" in statement.code:
continue # don't enable any db stuff
if isinstance(statement, cst.Match):
# replace the match block which checks the AppKind
replacement_module = cst.parse_module(
from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks
from .apiserver import router as module # type: ignore[no-redef]
from .apitest import router as mock_module
app.state.mocks = Mocks()
return updated_node.with_changes(body=updated_node.body.with_changes(body=tuple(new_body)))
return updated_node
def patch_build_app(src: Path):
file = src / "laminar" / ""
apply_transformers(file, [MatchStatementReplacer(), AppLifespanReplacer()])
class MockHandlerReplacer(cst.CSTTransformer):
def __init__(self, path, method, new_handler):
self.path = f'"{path}"'
self.method = method
self.new_handler = new_handler
def leave_FunctionDef(self, original_node, updated_node):
for decorator in original_node.decorators:
if isinstance(decorator.decorator, cst.Call):
call = decorator.decorator
if isinstance(call.func, cst.Attribute) and call.func.attr.value == self.method:
if len(call.args) > 0 and isinstance(call.args[0].value, cst.SimpleString):
arg_value = call.args[0].value.value
if arg_value == self.path:
replacement_module = cst.parse_module(self.new_handler)
return replacement_module.body[0]
return updated_node
dag_structure_replacer = MockHandlerReplacer(
async def dag_structure(request: Request) -> JSONResponse:
mock = get_mock_handler(
return await mock(request=request, log=log)
def mock_handlers(src: Path):
src / "laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/",
from fastapi import Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from laminar.apitest.mocks import get_mock_handler
def patch_dependencies(src: Path):
src / "laminar/apiserver/",
Prefixer("from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks"),
def mocks() -> "Mocks":
from import app
return cast("Mocks", app.state.mocks)
def main():
src = Path.cwd() / sys.argv[1]
assert src.exists()
assert src.is_dir()
copytree(Path(__file__).parent, src / "laminar" / "apitest")
if __name__ == "__main__":

It does what I need it to:

 ❯ poetry run python tools/apitest/ ./src/

 ❯ git --no-pager diff src
diff --git a/src/laminar/apiserver/ b/src/laminar/apiserver/
index 1306d72..9027dc2 100644
--- a/src/laminar/apiserver/
+++ b/src/laminar/apiserver/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

@@ -8,3 +9,7 @@ def deployment_service() -> "AstroDeploymentService":
     from import app

     return cast("AstroDeploymentService", app.state.deployment_service)
+def mocks() -> "Mocks":
+    from import app
+    return cast("Mocks", app.state.mocks)
diff --git a/src/laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/ b/src/laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/
index af85135..f748e5e 100644
--- a/src/laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/
+++ b/src/laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+from fastapi import Request
+from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
+from laminar.apitest.mocks import get_mock_handler
 from collections import Counter
 from import AsyncIterable
 from typing import Annotated
@@ -35,28 +38,14 @@ async def get_deployment(
     # Make this Async so that the context vars we set persist to the views too.
     with structlog.contextvars.bound_contextvars(deployment=deployment.deployment_id):
         yield deployment
-    "/deployments/{deployment_id}/dags/{dag_id}/structure",
-    dependencies=[Depends(read_permission)],
-async def dag_structure(
-    dag_id: str,
-    deployment: Deployment = Depends(get_deployment),
-) -> schemas.v1.DagStructure:
-    async with await deployment.session as session:
-        airflow_models = await session.airflow_models
-        serialized_dag: SerializedDag | None = await session.get(airflow_models.SerializedDag, dag_id)
-        if not serialized_dag:
-            raise DagNotFoundError(deployment.deployment_id, dag_id)
-        try:
-            return serialized_dag.graph_data()  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
-        except Exception:
-            log.exception("Error generating graph_data", dag_id=dag_id)
-            raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Unable to understand SerializedDag data")
+async def dag_structure(request: Request) -> JSONResponse:
+    mock = get_mock_handler(
+        route_path="/deployments/{deployment_id}/dags/{dag_id}/structure",
+        RequestModel=None,
+        ResponseModel=schemas.v1.DagStructure
+    )
+    return await mock(request=request, log=log)

diff --git a/src/laminar/ b/src/laminar/
index a885c0f..2a6b843 100644
--- a/src/laminar/
+++ b/src/laminar/
@@ -108,55 +108,8 @@ def _deployment_service(
 async def app_lifespan(app: FastAPI) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]:
-    settings = get_settings()
-    if settings.mode == Mode.kube:
-        await load_kube_config(settings)
-    if settings.enable_metrics and instrumentator is not None:
-        instrumentator.expose(app)
-    services: dict[str, Service] = {}
-    async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as tg:
-        if not hasattr(app.state, "connection_pool"):
-            pool_settings = settings.pool
-            pool = GlobalLimiterPool(
-                pool_size=pool_settings.max_connections,
-                max_overflow=pool_settings.overflow,
-                idle_ttl=pool_settings.idle_ttl,
-                timeout=pool_settings.wait_timeout,
-            )
-            app.state.connection_pool = pool
-            tg.create_task(, name=f"GlobalLimiterPool-{hex(id(pool))}")
-            services["connection_pool"] = pool  # type: ignore[assignment]
-        if not hasattr(app.state, "deployment_service"):
-            svc = app.state.deployment_service = _deployment_service(settings, app.state.connection_pool)
-            services["astro_deployments"] = svc
-            tg.create_task(, name=f"AstroDeploymentService-{hex(id(svc))}")
-        # If we're in the hypervisor, set up the watchers
-        if settings.app_kind == AppKind.hypervisor:
-            services = await set_up_incident_reaper(app, services, tg)
-            services = await set_up_kube_watchers(app, services, tg)
-        if permissions_enforced() and not hasattr(app.state, "jwt_validator"):
-            app.state.jwt_validator = jwt_validator()
- = services
-        # Since we are passing a lifespan, the startup event for routers don't get fired. TODO: report bug
-        # against FastAPI that adding a lifespan to a router and then doing `app.add_router` doesn't fire the
-        # router's lifespan!
-        await app.router.startup()
-        yield
-        await app.router.shutdown()
-        # Stop all services in parallel
-        await asyncio.gather(*[svc.stop() for svc in services.values()])
+    yield

 async def _add_svc(
@@ -327,19 +280,14 @@ def build_app(settings: Settings | None = None) -> FastAPI:
     app.add_exception_handler(WorkspaceNotFound, workspace_not_found_exception_handler)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-    match settings.app_kind:
-        case AppKind.hypervisor:
-            from .hypervisor import router as module
-            # If we do `router.mount` it doesn't get included when doing `app.include_router`, so we have to
-            # set up the static files here
-            app.mount(
-                "/static", StaticFiles(directory=Path(__file__).parent / "hypervisor/static"), name="static"
-            )
-        case AppKind.api_server:
-            from .apiserver import router as module  # type: ignore[no-redef]
+    from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks
+    from .apiserver import router as module  # type: ignore[no-redef]
+    from .apitest import router as mock_module
+    app.state.mocks = Mocks()
+    app.include_router(mock_module.router)"Starting", app=module.__name__, prefix=app.root_path)

It was only later, when prompted by a colleague, that I thought to myself:

self, why did you introduce libcst when this project was already using refactor?

So I started switching to refactor. Here's what I came up with:

import ast
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copytree
from textwrap import dedent
import refactor
from refactor import Action, Replace, Rule
def match_add_prefix(node: ast.AST, prefix_code: str) -> Action | None:
if isinstance(node, ast.Module):
prefix_nodes = ast.parse(prefix_code).body
new_body = prefix_nodes + node.body
return Replace(node, ast.Module(body=new_body, type_ignores=node.type_ignores))
return None
def match_add_suffix(node: ast.AST, prefix_code: str) -> Action | None:
if isinstance(node, ast.Module):
prefix_nodes = ast.parse(prefix_code).body
new_body = node.body + prefix_nodes
return Replace(node, ast.Module(body=new_body, type_ignores=node.type_ignores))
return None
def match_replace_function_body(node: ast.AST, function_name: str, new_body_code: str) -> Action | None:
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef) and == function_name:
new_body = ast.parse(new_body_code).body
return Replace(node, ast.FunctionDef(, args=node.args, body=new_body, decorator_list=node.decorator_list, returns=node.returns))
return None
def match_replace_handler_with_mock(node: ast.AST, path: str, method: str, new_handler_code: str) -> Action | None:
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
for decorator in node.decorator_list:
if isinstance(decorator, ast.Call) and hasattr(decorator.func, 'attr') and decorator.func.attr == method:
if path in ast.unparse(decorator):
new_handler_node = ast.parse(new_handler_code).body[0]
return Replace(node, new_handler_node)
return None
def apply_rules(file_path: Path, rule_classes: list):
session = refactor.Session(rules=rule_classes)
change = session.run_file(file_path)
if change is not None:
print(f"Applied changes to {file_path}")
print(f"No changes applied to {file_path}")
def mock_handlers(src: Path):
class DagsRouteImports(refactor.Rule):
def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> refactor.Action | None:
return match_add_prefix(
from fastapi import Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from laminar.apitest.mocks import get_mock_handler
class DagStructureReplacer(refactor.Rule):
def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> refactor.Action | None:
return match_replace_handler_with_mock(
async def dag_structure(request: Request) -> JSONResponse:
mock = get_mock_handler(
return await mock(request=request, log=log)
src / "laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/",
def patch_dependencies(src: Path):
class DependenciesPrefixer(Rule):
def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> Action | None:
return match_add_prefix(
from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks
class DependenciesSuffixer(Rule):
def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> Action | None:
return match_add_suffix(
def get_mocks() -> Mocks:
return Mocks()
src / "laminar/apiserver/",
[DependenciesPrefixer, DependenciesSuffixer]
def patch_build_app(src: Path):
class AppLifespanReplacer(Rule):
def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> Action | None:
return match_replace_function_body(
async def app_lifespan(app: FastAPI) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]:
class BuildAppPatcher(Rule):
def match(self, node: ast.AST) -> Action | None:
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef) and == "build_app":
new_body = []
for stmt in node.body:
if (isinstance(stmt, ast.Expr) and
isinstance(stmt.value, ast.Call) and
'db_connection_scope_middleware' in ast.unparse(stmt)):
if isinstance(stmt, ast.Match):
new_stmts_code = dedent("""
from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks
from .apiserver import router as module # type: ignore[no-redef]
from .apitest import router as mock_module
app.state.mocks = Mocks()
new_stmts = ast.parse(new_stmts_code).body
# Constructing the new FunctionDef node with the modified body
new_node = ast.FunctionDef(,
# Apply fix_missing_locations to the entire new function definition
return Replace(node, new_node)
return None
src / "laminar" / "",
[AppLifespanReplacer, BuildAppPatcher]
def main():
src = Path.cwd() / sys.argv[1]
assert src.exists()
assert src.is_dir()
copytree(Path(__file__).parent, src / "laminar" / "apitest")
if __name__ == "__main__":

There's a few bugs here (in my code, not in refactor). When I run it, it only succeeds at matching one of the three files that I want to mutate.

 ❯ poetry run python tools/apitest/ ./src/
Applied changes to /Users/matt/src/laminar/src/laminar/
No changes applied to /Users/matt/src/laminar/src/laminar/apiserver/routers/v1/
No changes applied to /Users/matt/src/laminar/src/laminar/apiserver/

That's fine, I'm sure I can find and fix those bugs. But there's enough here that I can start to compare the two libraries. But before I do, let's look at a diff:

 ❯ git --no-pager diff src
diff --git a/src/laminar/ b/src/laminar/
index a885c0f..28978ef 100644
--- a/src/laminar/
+++ b/src/laminar/
@@ -298,12 +298,10 @@ def custom_openapi(app: FastAPI, settings: Settings) -> dict[str, Any]:
     return app.openapi_schema

-def build_app(settings: Settings | None = None) -> FastAPI:
+def build_app(settings: Settings | None=None) -> FastAPI:
     global app, instrumentator
     if settings is None:
         settings = get_settings()
     api_url = urlparse(settings.api_url)
     app = FastAPI(
         title="Laminar " + settings.app_kind.value,
@@ -311,37 +309,24 @@ def build_app(settings: Settings | None = None) -> FastAPI:
-    app.openapi = functools.partial(custom_openapi, app, settings)  # type: ignore[method-assign]
+    app.openapi = functools.partial(custom_openapi, app, settings)
     if settings.enable_metrics:
         instrumentator = build_prom_instrumentator(app, settings)
-    app.middleware("http")(db_connection_scope_middleware)
     if not settings.enable_pretty_log:
         AccessLoggerMiddleware, prefix=api_url.path, request_id_header_name=settings.request_id_header_name
-    app.add_exception_handler(ValidationError, pydantic_validation_exception_handler)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-    app.add_exception_handler(DeploymentNotFound, deployment_not_found_exception_handler)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-    app.add_exception_handler(WorkspaceNotFound, workspace_not_found_exception_handler)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
+    app.add_exception_handler(ValidationError, pydantic_validation_exception_handler)
+    app.add_exception_handler(DeploymentNotFound, deployment_not_found_exception_handler)
+    app.add_exception_handler(WorkspaceNotFound, workspace_not_found_exception_handler)
-    match settings.app_kind:
-        case AppKind.hypervisor:
-            from .hypervisor import router as module
-            # If we do `router.mount` it doesn't get included when doing `app.include_router`, so we have to
-            # set up the static files here
-            app.mount(
-                "/static", StaticFiles(directory=Path(__file__).parent / "hypervisor/static"), name="static"
-            )
-        case AppKind.api_server:
-            from .apiserver import router as module  # type: ignore[no-redef]
+    from laminar.apitest.mocks import Mocks
+    from .apiserver import router as module
+    from .apitest import router as mock_module
+    app.state.mocks = Mocks()
+    app.include_router(mock_module.router)"Starting", app=module.__name__, prefix=app.root_path)
     return app

diff noise

What I notice about this diff is that libcst preserved comments and whitespace, while refactor was a bit more heavy handed. This only matters because I have to read my refactored code while developing it, and these omissions distract from the change I'm looking to achieve. Otherwise they're functionally the same.

Confession time: I leaned on ChatGPT to write both of these. I am an expert at neither.

Is it fair to praise libcst and criticize refactor because ChatGPT makes decisions that I like when it uses libcst and it makes decisions that I dislike when it uses refactor? Probably not. Maybe there's a way to make refactor kick out diffs with less noise, but I don't know if it's worth taking the time to investigate.

rules as classes (refactor) vs rules as objects (libcst)

Compared with libcst's interface, which accepts objects, I dislike that refactor's rule interface accepts classes. It makes things awkward when I want to create a generic rule (Prefix, say) and then parameterize it later. libcst conforms to the zen re:

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it

I wanted to parameterize a rule, so I used __init__ to store parameters on its object and then I referenced those parameters in the rule code.

refactor sent me for a bit of a loop here. For a while I was messing around with metaclasses trying to figure out how to provide parameters and get classes. Probably I could've made a factory method for them. I ended up doing what you see above: defining the match methods at module scope and then creating rule classes which just call into them.

project liveness

As leery as I am of letting mere numbers inform an analysis like this one, especially numbers emitted by a microsoft product, there's something to be said for libcst being more actively developed:

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 1 13 20 PM

So I've got a few weak reasons to prefer libcst over refactor. And then there's this one, which is a questionable:

If I chose libcst, I can move on to the next task, because I tried it first and I'm done with it. If I chose refactor, I still have to finish the job.

I'm not sure how important being consistent everywhere is, I'll have to run it by my teammate.

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