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Last active September 4, 2024 06:03
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Save Matt54/0e358424e8af0b159f37123175136222 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RealityView - organic, wave-like sphere morphing using LowLevelMesh and metal
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import Metal
struct MorphingSphereMetalView: View {
let rootEntity: Entity = Entity()
let latitudeBands = 120
let longitudeBands = 120
var vertexCapacity: Int {
return (latitudeBands + 1) * (longitudeBands + 1)
var indexCount: Int {
return latitudeBands * longitudeBands * 6
@State var mesh: LowLevelMesh?
@State var isMorphForward: Bool = true
@State var morphAmount: Float = 0.0
@State var morphPhase: Float = 0.0
@State var timer: Timer?
@State var frameDuration: TimeInterval = 0.0
@State var lastUpdateTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
@State var rotationAngles: SIMD3<Float> = [0, 0, 0]
@State var time: Double = 0.0
@State var lastRotationUpdateTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
@State var radius: Float = 0.1
let device: MTLDevice
let commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue
let computePipeline: MTLComputePipelineState
init() {
self.device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!
self.commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()!
let library = device.makeDefaultLibrary()!
let updateFunction = library.makeFunction(name: "updateMorphingSphere")!
self.computePipeline = try! device.makeComputePipelineState(function: updateFunction)
var body: some View {
GeometryReader3D { proxy in
RealityView { content in
let size = content.convert(proxy.frame(in: .local), from: .local, to: .scene).extents
let radius = Float(0.5 * size.x)
let mesh = try! createMesh()
let modelComponent = try! getModelComponent(mesh: mesh)
rootEntity.scale *= scalePreviewFactor
self.radius = radius
self.mesh = mesh
.onAppear { startTimer() }
.onDisappear { stopTimer() }
func startTimer() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1/120.0, repeats: true) { _ in
let currentTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
frameDuration = currentTime - lastUpdateTime
lastUpdateTime = currentTime
morphPhase = morphPhase + Float(frameDuration * 0.1)
func stopTimer() {
timer = nil
func stepMorphAmount() {
if isMorphForward {
morphAmount += 0.125
if morphAmount >= 5.0 {
isMorphForward = false
} else {
morphAmount -= 0.01
if morphAmount <= 0.0 {
isMorphForward = true
func stepRotationAndScale() {
let currentTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
let frameDuration = currentTime - lastRotationUpdateTime
rotationAngles.x += Float(frameDuration * 1.0)
rotationAngles.y += Float(frameDuration * 0.0)
rotationAngles.z += Float(frameDuration * 0.25)
let rotationX = simd_quatf(angle: rotationAngles.x, axis: [1, 0, 0])
let rotationY = simd_quatf(angle: rotationAngles.y, axis: [0, 1, 0])
let rotationZ = simd_quatf(angle: rotationAngles.z, axis: [0, 0, 1])
rootEntity.transform.rotation = rotationX * rotationY * rotationZ
lastRotationUpdateTime = currentTime
func getModelComponent(mesh: LowLevelMesh) throws -> ModelComponent {
let resource = try MeshResource(from: mesh)
var material = PhysicallyBasedMaterial()
material.baseColor.tint = .orange //.init(white: 0.05, alpha: 1.0)
material.roughness.scale = 0.5
material.metallic.scale = 1.0
material.blending = .transparent(opacity: 1.0)
material.faceCulling = .none
return ModelComponent(mesh: resource, materials: [material])
func createMesh() throws -> LowLevelMesh {
var desc = VertexData.descriptor
desc.vertexCapacity = vertexCapacity
desc.indexCapacity = indexCount
let mesh = try LowLevelMesh(descriptor: desc)
mesh.withUnsafeMutableIndices { rawIndices in
let indices = rawIndices.bindMemory(to: UInt32.self)
var index = 0
for latNumber in 0..<latitudeBands {
for longNumber in 0..<longitudeBands {
let first = (latNumber * (longitudeBands + 1)) + longNumber
let second = first + longitudeBands + 1
indices[index] = UInt32(first)
indices[index + 1] = UInt32(second)
indices[index + 2] = UInt32(first + 1)
indices[index + 3] = UInt32(second)
indices[index + 4] = UInt32(second + 1)
indices[index + 5] = UInt32(first + 1)
index += 6
return mesh
func updateMesh() {
guard let mesh = mesh,
let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer(),
let computeEncoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder() else { return }
let vertexBuffer = mesh.replace(bufferIndex: 0, using: commandBuffer)
computeEncoder.setBuffer(vertexBuffer, offset: 0, index: 0)
var params = MorphingSphereParams(
latitudeBands: Int32(latitudeBands),
longitudeBands: Int32(longitudeBands),
radius: radius,
morphAmount: morphAmount,
morphPhase: morphPhase
computeEncoder.setBytes(&params, length: MemoryLayout<MorphingSphereParams>.size, index: 1)
let threadsPerGrid = MTLSize(width: vertexCapacity, height: 1, depth: 1)
let threadsPerThreadgroup = MTLSize(width: 64, height: 1, depth: 1)
computeEncoder.dispatchThreads(threadsPerGrid, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadsPerThreadgroup)
let meshBounds = BoundingBox(min: [-radius, -radius, -radius], max: [radius, radius, radius])[
indexCount: indexCount,
topology: .triangle,
bounds: meshBounds
struct VertexData {
var position: SIMD3<Float> = .zero
var normal: SIMD3<Float> = .zero
var uv: SIMD2<Float> = .zero
static var vertexAttributes: [LowLevelMesh.Attribute] = [
.init(semantic: .position, format: .float3, offset: MemoryLayout<Self>.offset(of: \.position)!),
.init(semantic: .normal, format: .float3, offset: MemoryLayout<Self>.offset(of: \.normal)!),
.init(semantic: .uv0, format: .float2, offset: MemoryLayout<Self>.offset(of: \.uv)!)
static var vertexLayouts: [LowLevelMesh.Layout] = [
.init(bufferIndex: 0, bufferStride: MemoryLayout<Self>.stride)
static var descriptor: LowLevelMesh.Descriptor {
var desc = LowLevelMesh.Descriptor()
desc.vertexAttributes = VertexData.vertexAttributes
desc.vertexLayouts = VertexData.vertexLayouts
desc.indexType = .uint32
return desc
struct MorphingSphereParams {
var latitudeBands: Int32
var longitudeBands: Int32
var radius: Float
var morphAmount: Float
var morphPhase: Float
#Preview {
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
struct VertexData {
float3 position;
float3 normal;
float2 uv;
struct MorphingSphereParams {
int32_t latitudeBands;
int32_t longitudeBands;
float radius;
float morphAmount;
float morphPhase;
// Smooth noise function
float smoothNoise(float2 st) {
float2 i = floor(st);
float2 f = fract(st);
// Generate pseudo-random values for the four corners of the containing unit square
float a = sin(dot(i, float2(12.9898, 78.233)) * 43758.5453);
float b = sin(dot(i + float2(1.0, 0.0), float2(12.9898, 78.233)) * 43758.5453);
float c = sin(dot(i + float2(0.0, 1.0), float2(12.9898, 78.233)) * 43758.5453);
float d = sin(dot(i + float2(1.0, 1.0), float2(12.9898, 78.233)) * 43758.5453);
// Compute smooth interpolation weights
float2 u = f * f * (3.0 - 2.0 * f);
// Interpolate between corner values
return mix(a, b, u.x) +
(c - a)* u.y * (1.0 - u.x) +
(d - b) * u.x * u.y;
// Fractal Brownian Motion
float fbm(float2 st) {
float value = 0.0;
float amplitude = 0.5;
float frequency = 1.0;
// Reduce octaves for smoother effect
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
value += amplitude * smoothNoise(st * frequency);
st = st * 2.0 + float2(3.14, 2.71);
amplitude *= 0.5;
frequency *= 2.0;
return value;
kernel void updateMorphingSphere(device VertexData* vertices [[buffer(0)]],
constant MorphingSphereParams& params [[buffer(1)]],
uint id [[thread_position_in_grid]])
int x = id % (params.longitudeBands + 1);
int y = id / (params.longitudeBands + 1);
if (x > params.longitudeBands || y > params.latitudeBands) return;
float lat = float(y) / float(params.latitudeBands);
float lon = float(x) / float(params.longitudeBands);
float theta = (1.0 - lat) * M_PI_F;
float phi = lon * 2 * M_PI_F;
float sinTheta = sin(theta);
float cosTheta = cos(theta);
float sinPhi = sin(phi);
float cosPhi = cos(phi);
float3 basePosition = float3(cosPhi * sinTheta, cosTheta, sinPhi * sinTheta);
// Use a very low frequency for the noise
float2 noiseCoord = float2(theta, phi) + params.morphPhase * 10000;
float noiseValue = fbm(noiseCoord) * 2.0 - 1.0;
// Apply a sine wave to create a more organic, wave-like motion
float waveEffect = sin(params.morphPhase + theta * 6.0 + phi * 2.0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Combine noise and wave effect
float combinedEffect = mix(noiseValue, waveEffect, 0.5);
// Reduce the overall morphing amount for subtler effect
float morphScale = 0.15 * params.morphAmount;
float3 offset = basePosition * (combinedEffect * morphScale);
float3 position = (basePosition + offset) * params.radius;
float3 normal = normalize(position);
vertices[id].position = position;
vertices[id].normal = normal;
vertices[id].uv = float2(lon, lat);
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