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Created February 16, 2013 13:41
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Analysing keyboard layouts Prints out stdin in the manner of the scan on Summarises transitions between left and right hand
# Prints out stdin in the manner of the scan on
# Summarises transitions between left and right hand
$input = `cat`;
# Qwerty
$l = "`¬1!2\"3£4\$5%6^qQwWeErRtTaAsSdDfFgG\\|zZxXcCvVbB";
$r = "7&8*9(0)-_=+yYuUiIoOpP[{]}hHjJkKlL;:'@#~nNmM,<.>/?";
print STDERR "Qwerty: ";
count_transitions($l, $r, $input);
# Colemak
$l = "`¬1!2\"3£4\$5%6^qQwWfFpPgGaArRsStTdD\\|zZxXcCvVbB";
$r = "7&8*9(0)-_=+jJlLuUyY;:[{]}hHnNeEiIoOuU#~kKmM,<.>/?";
print STDERR "Colemak: ";
count_transitions($l, $r, $input);
# Dvorak
$l = "`¬1!2\"3£4\$5%6^@',<.>pPyYaAoOeEuUiI\\|;:qQjJkKxX";
$r = "7&8*9(0)[{]}fFgGcCrRlL/?=+dDhHtTnNsS-_#~bBmMwWvVzZ";
print STDERR "Dvorak: ";
count_transitions($l, $r, $input);
sub count_transitions {
my ($l, $r, $input) = @_;
@lhs = split(//, $l);
@rhs = split(//, $r);
$transitions = 0;
$left = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach (split //, $input) {
foreach $x (split (//, $_)) {
if ( $x ~~ @lhs) {
print "\e[7m$x\e[m";
$transitions++ unless $left;
$left = 1;
elsif ($x ~~ @rhs) {
print "$x";
$transitions++ if $left;
$left = 0;
else {
print $x;
print "$i\n" unless ($i % 1000000);
print STDERR "$transitions transitions\n";
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