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Calculate a high Fibonnachi number and send a Pushover message
Import-Module PS-Pushover
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
$current = $previous = 1;
while ($current -lt 1000000000) {
$current,$previous = ($current + $previous),$current
Send-PushoverMessage $current -title "Fibonnachi result" -user "user key" -token "user token"
Send a message when a Storage Spaces Pool, Virtual or Physical Disk is no longer of Health Status.
Windows 2012 R2 Storage Spaces provides CmdLets to monitor the status of Pool, Virtual or Physical Disk.
This script will send an alert if it notices anything is not Healthy, with the name of the server and the details.
Set this task up inside Task Scheduler
$poUserID = "XXXXX"
$poToken = "XXXXX"
Import-Module PS-Pushover
# Check Storage Pools
$storagePoolStatus = Get-StoragePool | Where-Object {$_.HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"}
forEach ($storagePool in $storagePoolStatus)
$message = "($($env:COMPUTERNAME)) Storage Pool ""$($storagePool.FriendlyName)"" is $($storagePool.HealthStatus)."
Write-Output $message
Send-PushoverMessage -user $poUserID -message $message -token $poToken -priority 2
# Check Virtual Disks
$virtualDisks = Get-VirtualDisk | Where-Object {$_.HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"}
forEach ($vd in $virtualDisks)
$message = "($($env:COMPUTERNAME)) Virtual Disk ""$($vd.FriendlyName)"" is $($vd.HealthStatus). Operation Status is $($vd.OperationalStatus)."
Write-Output $message
Send-PushoverMessage -user $poUserID -message $message -token $poToken -priority 2
# Check Physical Disks
$physicalDisks = Get-PhysicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.HealthStatus -ne "Healthy"}
forEach ($pd in $physicalDisks)
$message = "($($env:COMPUTERNAME)) Physical Disk ""$($pd.FriendlyName)"" is $($pd.HealthStatus). Operation Status is $($pd.OperationalStatus)."
Write-Output $message
Send-PushoverMessage -user $poUserID -message $message -token $poToken -priority 2
Send a high priority Pushover message when a new log file arrives
Import-Module PS-Pushover
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher -Property @{
Path = 'c:\logs'
Filter = '*.txt'
NotifyFilter = [System.IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName,LastWrite'
$action = {
$filename= $($event.sourceEventArgs.Name)
Send-PushoverMessage "$filename created" -title "New file" -user "user key" -token "api token" -priority 1
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $watcher -EventName Created -SourceIdentifier "New log file" -Action $action
Send a message when a torrent has finished
uTorrent allows a script to be ran with various parameters when a torrent has finished downloading
or its state has changed.
Settings can be found at Options -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Run Program
Set the option Run this program when a torrent finishes" to the following
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File C:\Pushover-uTorrentNotify.ps1 %N
Import-Module PS-Pushover
Send-PushoverMessage -title "Download Finished" -message $args[0] -sound "cashregister" `
-user "user key" -token "api token"
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