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Multiple checkbox selection with searching with ipywidgets

Multiple selection with checkboxes and search field

This gist is forked from pbugnion's great work on building a searchable multi-checkbox using ipywidgets. You can find that work in this gist.

This version adds compatability with Jupyter Widgets' interactive_output() function, and also makes it easier to see which elements were selected by sorting them to the top. It also makes a few small changes to enable this to work in Jupyter Lab.

Image of dropdown


import ipywidgets as wid
options_dict = {
    x: wid.Checkbox(
    ) for x in ['hello','world']
ui = multi_checkbox_widget(options_dict)
out = wid.interactive_output(f, options_dict)
display(wid.HBox([ui, out]))

To get the selected options:

selected_options = [widget.description for widget in ui.children[1].children if widget.value]
import requests
import random
import ipywidgets as wid
def multi_checkbox_widget(options_dict):
""" Widget with a search field and lots of checkboxes """
search_widget = wid.Text()
output_widget = wid.Output()
options = [x for x in options_dict.values()]
options_layout = wid.Layout(
border='1px solid black',
#selected_widget = wid.Box(children=[options[0]])
options_widget = wid.VBox(options, layout=options_layout)
#left_widget = wid.VBox(search_widget, selected_widget)
multi_select = wid.VBox([search_widget, options_widget])
def on_checkbox_change(change):
selected_recipe = change["owner"].description
#selected_item = wid.Button(description = change["new"])
#selected_widget.children = [] #selected_widget.children + [selected_item]
options_widget.children = sorted([x for x in options_widget.children], key = lambda x: x.value, reverse = True)
for checkbox in options:
checkbox.observe(on_checkbox_change, names="value")
# Wire the search field to the checkboxes
def on_text_change(change):
search_input = change['new']
if search_input == '':
# Reset search field
new_options = sorted(options, key = lambda x: x.value, reverse = True)
# Filter by search field using difflib.
#close_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(search_input, list(options_dict.keys()), cutoff=0.0)
close_matches = [x for x in list(options_dict.keys()) if str.lower(search_input.strip('')) in str.lower(x)]
new_options = sorted(
[x for x in options if x.description in close_matches],
key = lambda x: x.value, reverse = True
) #[options_dict[x] for x in close_matches]
options_widget.children = new_options
search_widget.observe(on_text_change, names='value')
return multi_select
# Get lots of words for our options
words_url = ''
response = requests.get(words_url)
words = response.text
words = set([word.lower() for word in words.splitlines()])
descriptions = random.sample(words, 100)
options_dict = {
x: wid.Checkbox(
) for x in descriptions
def f(**args):
results = [key for key, value in args.items() if value]
ui = multi_checkbox_widget(options_dict)
out = wid.interactive_output(f, options_dict)
display(wid.HBox([ui, out]))
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