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Last active September 6, 2024 08:38
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Packing a folder of images into a sprite atlas for use with TextMeshPro
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using TMPro;
public class EmoPacker
static string SOURCE_IMAGE_PATH = "SourceImages/Emoji/";
static string OUTPUT_ATLAS_PATH = "Assets/FGUI/Resources/Sprites/Emoji";
static float SCALE = 64f/512f; //our source assets are 512px
static int MAX_ATLAS_SIZE = 4096;
static bool SHOULD_ADD_SUBFOLDERS = true;
[MenuItem ("FutureGrind/Pack Emojis")]
static public void PackEmojis()
//first we have to pack all the textures into the atlas (scaling them by the SCALE value)
//then we have to create the correct sprite importer settings and add the spritesheet slices to that
//then we have to set up the settings in the TMP_SpriteAsset
SearchOption searchOption = SHOULD_ADD_SUBFOLDERS ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly;
string[] filePaths = new List<string>(Directory.GetFiles(SOURCE_IMAGE_PATH,"*.png",searchOption)).FindAll(s => !s.Contains("e1-png")).ToArray(); //don't return files in the e1-png folder!
var elements = new List<EmoElement>();
for(int p = 0; p<filePaths.Length; p++)
var element = new EmoElement();
element.path = filePaths[p]; = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(element.path);
element.sourceTexture = new Texture2D(0,0,TextureFormat.ARGB32,false,false);
element.sourceTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; //so we don't get pixels from the other edge when scaling
element.sourceTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
//scale the input texture
element.outputTexture = ResizeTexture(element.sourceTexture,Mathf.RoundToInt((float)element.sourceTexture.width*SCALE),Mathf.RoundToInt((float)element.sourceTexture.height*SCALE));
//pack the textures into the atlas
var textures = elements.ConvertAll<Texture2D>(e => e.outputTexture).ToArray();
var atlasTexture = new Texture2D(0,0,TextureFormat.ARGB32,false,false);
atlasTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
var rects = atlasTexture.PackTextures(textures,2,MAX_ATLAS_SIZE,false);
float scaleW = (float)atlasTexture.width;
float scaleH = (float)atlasTexture.height;
for(int e = 0; e<elements.Count; e++)
var element = elements[e];
var rect = rects[e];
element.rect = rect;
var pixelRect = new Rect(rect.x*scaleW,rect.y*scaleH,rect.width*scaleW,rect.height*scaleH); //metadata needs pixel rects;
// =;
element.meta.rect = pixelRect;
element.meta.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f,0.5f);
element.meta.border = new Vector4(0,0,0,0);
element.meta.alignment = 0;
element.tmpSprite = new TMP_Sprite(); =;
element.tmpSprite.x = pixelRect.x;
element.tmpSprite.y = pixelRect.y;
element.tmpSprite.width = pixelRect.width;
element.tmpSprite.height = pixelRect.height;
element.tmpSprite.xAdvance = pixelRect.width;
element.tmpSprite.xOffset = -2f;
element.tmpSprite.yOffset = pixelRect.height * 0.8f;
element.tmpSprite.scale = 2.5f; = e;
element.tmpSprite.hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(;
var spriteMetaDatas = elements.ConvertAll<SpriteMetaData>(e => e.meta).ToArray();
//set up the sprite importer settings
TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(OUTPUT_ATLAS_PATH+".png");
importer.spriteImportMode = SpriteImportMode.Multiple;
importer.textureType = TextureImporterType.Sprite;
importer.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
importer.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
importer.maxTextureSize = 4096;
importer.spritesheet = spriteMetaDatas;
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(OUTPUT_ATLAS_PATH+".png", ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
//cleanup textures
foreach(var element in elements)
//NEXT: add all the sprite metadata to the sprite asset
var tmpSprites = elements.ConvertAll<TMP_Sprite>(e => e.tmpSprite);
var spriteAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<TMP_SpriteAsset>(OUTPUT_ATLAS_PATH+".asset");
Debug.Log("got sprite asset! " + spriteAsset);
//I think this forces TMP reload the sprite asset after we've generated it?
//... but it has been removed, and I don't think it's needed now that TMP seems to work differently
//adding this so it updates its name and unicode table
Debug.Log("Finished packing emojis into " + OUTPUT_ATLAS_PATH+".png");
public class EmoElement
public string path;
public string name;
public Texture2D sourceTexture;
public Texture2D outputTexture;
public Rect rect;
public SpriteMetaData meta;
public TMP_Sprite tmpSprite;
//we kind of do a kernel average pixel thing
//this still gets really bad alpha premultiplied fringing though :/
static public Texture2D ResizeTexture(Texture2D source,int targetWidth,int targetHeight)
Texture2D result = new Texture2D(targetWidth,targetHeight,source.format,false,false);
result.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
Color[] pixels = new Color[targetWidth*targetHeight];
float smudge = 0.5f/(float)targetWidth;
for(int p = 0; p<pixels.Length; p++)
int c = p % targetWidth;
int r = p / targetWidth;
float sourceX = (float)c/(float)targetWidth;
float sourceY = (float)r/(float)targetHeight;
var sampleWeights = new float[] {0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0.2f,0.2f};
var samples = new Color[5];
samples[0] = source.GetPixelBilinear(sourceX,sourceY);
samples[1] = source.GetPixelBilinear(sourceX-smudge,sourceY);
samples[2] = source.GetPixelBilinear(sourceX+smudge,sourceY);
samples[3] = source.GetPixelBilinear(sourceX,sourceY-smudge);
samples[4] = source.GetPixelBilinear(sourceX,sourceY+smudge);
var finalColor = new Color(0,0,0,0);
for(int s = 0; s<samples.Length; s++)
finalColor += samples[s] * sampleWeights[s];
pixels[p] = finalColor;
return result;
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Thanks for a very useful tool! I was getting crazy manually adding icons in Photoshop and refreshing every time!
One change I had to make was the following:
//spriteAsset.spriteInfoList.Clear(); // This leads to an error, so I'm rather creating a new, empty list, which seems to work
spriteAsset.spriteInfoList = new List<TMP_Sprite>();

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munkbusiness commented May 27, 2024

This saved me so much time, thank you so much for having posted this.

There is a few issues with it, script will error unless the files already exists, and the TMP asset updates in a wierd way. But it still does the most important thing which is generate a png with all the correct metadata.

I have forked this solution to update it for 2022+ unity versions, just a few itterations, most prominently spritemetadata was obsolete:

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