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Created August 24, 2020 18:02
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Update an existing CloudFlare DNS record with the current Public IP (effectively a DynDNS)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import requests
from CloudFlare import CloudFlare
import pathlib
import logging
from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler
class Application:
Updates a record of CloudFlare DNS, in order to use it as a Dynamic DNS
There are several attribute in this class and are created incrementally:
:attr _token: the token for accessing cloudflare DNS Api v4
:attr _domain: the domain name (zone)
:attr _record: the record (name only, no domain) to update as `A` record
:attr _current_ip: the current public ip as reported by ``
:attr _cloudflare: the cloudflare API endpoint
:attr _zone_id: the current zone id for requests
:attr _record_data: the dictionary with all the parameters of the DNS record
:attr _record_id: tha DNS record id
def __init__(self, config_file: str, logger=logging):
self._token = None
self._domain = None
self._record = None
self._current_ip = None
self._cloudflare = None
self._zone_id = None
self._record = None
self._record_data = None
self._record_id = None
self._logger = logger
if self.should_update():
def read_configuration(self, config_file):
The configuration file is a json file with the following information:
- token: cloaudflare token for DNS update
- domain: DNS domain name
- record: name of the record (the domain is appended automatically)
If the file does not exists raises a ValueError.
If one of the required information is not found, raises an AttributeError
If the json cannot be prsed will raise a JSONDecodeError
:param config_file: the configuration file to load
:type config_file: str
:raise ValueError: if the configuration file does not exists
:raise AttributeError: if the key are missing or the value is incorrect
:raise json.JSONDecodeError: if the json is invalid
config_file = pathlib.Path(config_file)
if not config_file.exists():
raise ValueError(f"File {config_file} does not exists")
with open(config_file) as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
for name in ["token", "domain", "record"]:
if not name in data:
raise AttributeError(f"Missing configuration key: {name}")
if not isinstance(data[name], str):
raise AttributeError(f"Data configuration at key {name} is not a string: invalid")
self._token = data["token"]
self._domain = data["domain"]
self._record = f"{data['record']}.{self._domain}""Working on {self._record}")
def retrieve_record(self):
Retrieve the current record from the DNS zone and the requested record
:raise ValueError: the current confguration cannot identify one and only one zone and record
self._cloudflare = CloudFlare(token=self._token)
zones = self._cloudflare.zones.get(params={'name': self._domain})
if len(zones) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Too many zones received with name {self._domain}. Aborting")
self._zone_id = zones[0]['id']"Domain {self._domain} id found")
records = self._cloudflare.zones.dns_records.get(self._zone_id, params={'name': self._record, 'type': 'A'})
if len(records) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Too many records found for {self._record}. Aborting")
self._record_data = records[0]
self._record_id = self._record_data['id']"Found record :A: {self._record} -> {self._record_data['content']}")
def should_update(self):
Compare the DNS stored ip with the current one
:return: true if the if must be updated
:rtype: bool
current_record_ip = self._record_data['content']
_should_update = current_record_ip != self._current_ip
if _should_update:
self._logger.warning(f"IP is changed from {self._record_data['content']} to {self._current_ip}: Updating")
else:"Current public IP {self._current_ip} is still valid")
return _should_update
def update_record(self):
Update the current record in the DNS
record_data = self._cloudflare.zones.dns_records.put(self._zone_id, self._record_id, data={
"name": self._record,
"type": "A",
"proxied": False,
"content": self._current_ip
if record_data["content"] != self._current_ip:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot set the current ip: Unknown error")"Updated {self._record} informations")
def current_public_ip(self):
Request from `` the current public ip
Sets :attr:`_current_ip`
:raise requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: if the site is offline
self._current_ip = requests.get('').json()['ip']"Current public ip is: {self._current_ip}")
def main():
import argparse
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Updates CloudFlare DNS record of a specific zone with the current public IP")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", required=True, help="Configuration file with all the configurations")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--cron", action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
logger = logging.getLogger(sys.argv[0])
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s :: %(name)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(message)s')
syshandler_log = SysLogHandler(address="/dev/log")
if not args.cron:
iostream_log = logging.StreamHandler()
Application(args.config, logger)
except Exception as error:
import traceback
if __name__ == "__main__":
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