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DCNorris' Peerj Latex template
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
\documentclass[$if(fontsize)$$fontsize$,$endif$$if(lang)$$babel-lang$,$endif$$if(papersize)$$papersize$paper,$endif$$for(classoption)$$classoption$$sep$,$endfor$]{$documentclass$} | |
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% Originally coded by Matt Ralston, Jan 14 2021 | |
% Alex Ball's tutorial LaTeX code for making a bibLaTeX oxyear style (biblatex-oxref) | |
% Bibliography. | |
% I used the following document, hosted on the CTAN servers of | |
% to create the bibliography using Alex's style guide. | |
% Thank you, sincerely, Alex for the awesome library. | |
% | |
% $if(biblatex)$ | |
% $if(biblio-title)$ | |
% | |
% \RequireBibliographyStyle{oxref} | |
% \ExecuteBibliographOptions{giveninits,labeldateparts,sorting=nyt,pagetracker,mergedate,maxcitenames=2} | |
% | |
% \RequireCitationStyle{authoryear-comp} | |
% \ExecuteBibliographOptions{uniquename=init} | |
% $endif$ | |
% $endif$ | |
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% use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments | |
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% use microtype if available | |
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% Import biblatex | |
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% Fix footnotes in tables (requires footnote package) | |
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% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{} | |
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% Make links footnotes instead of hotlinks: | |
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\author[$$]{$$} | |
\affil[$$]{$author.affil$} | |
$if($% | |
\corrauthor[$$]{$$}{$$} | |
$endif$ | |
$if(author.thanks)$% | |
\thanks{$author.thanks$} | |
$endif$ | |
$endfor$ | |
$else$ | |
$endif$ | |
$if(abstract)$ | |
\begin{abstract} | |
$abstract$ | |
\end{abstract} | |
$endif$ | |
$if(keywords)$ | |
\subsection*{Keywords}\label{keywords} | |
$for(keywords)$$keywords$$sep$, $endfor$ | |
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% $if(bibliography)$ | |
% \newcommand{\pjbibliography}{\small\bibliographystyle{unsrtnat}% | |
% \bibliography{$for(bibliography)$$bibliography$$sep$,$endfor$}% | |
% \label{endmain}% | |
% } | |
% $endif$ | |
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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
% | |
% An unofficial LaTeX class for PeerJ articles. | |
% | |
% Created by Overleaf (writeLaTeX). | |
% | |
% Based on the SelfArx document class. | |
% | |
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% Remove brackets from numbering in List of References | |
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% | |
% article meta data | |
%% LLT 18 Aug 2016: no more! | |
% \newcommand{\keywords}[1]{\def\@keywords{#1}} | |
%% LLT 18 Aug 2016: but need corresponding author | |
\newcommand{\corrauthor}[3][]{% | |
\def\thecorrauthor{% | |
Corresponding author:\par #2$^{#1}$\par | |
\medskip | |
Email address: #3\par} | |
} | |
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\def\go{\end{abstract}}\else | |
\typeout{^^J^^J PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY \string\begin\space \string\end^^J | |
\gdef\theabstract{\vskip12pt BADLY FORMED ABSTRACT: PLEASE DO | |
NOT USE {\tt\string\begin...\string\end} COMMANDS WITHIN | |
THE ABSTRACT\vskip12pt}\let\go\relax\fi | |
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% | |
% custom title page | |
% | |
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\vskip1em% | |
% LLT 18 Aug 2016: needs corresponding author now | |
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\fi | |
\vskip18pt | |
{% | |
\noindent | |
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}% | |
}% | |
%% LLT 18 Aug 2016: no more keywords | |
% \vskip18pt% | |
% \noindent | |
% \parbox{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep\relax}{% | |
% \if@peerjlineno\internallinenumbers\fi% | |
% {\color{color1}\keywordname\hspace*{1em}} \@keywords% | |
% }% | |
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%----------------------------------------------- | |
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%----------------------------------------------- | |
\let\oldbibliography\thebibliography | |
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\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\hspace*{-\tocsep}\refname}% | |
\oldbibliography{#1}% | |
\setlength\itemsep{0pt}% | |
} |
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