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Last active June 5, 2018 14:18
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Raspberry Pi 2 Crashplan
#Starting point: 2015-02-16-raspbian-wheezy.img (installed according to, overclocked to "Pi2", connected with SSH)
# Connect the external harddisk:
# Add this to /etc/fstab (replace the UUID with your harddrives UUID, use "sudo blkid" to get it)
# /dev/disk/by-uuid/6da588d6-0f78-497a-9c2e-bcfd5fdc9866 /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 0
# and install usbmount:
# sudo apt-get install usbmount
# Move swap:
# sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall
# Your /etc/dphys-swapfile should look like this (the size limit is not needed):
# CONF_SWAPFILE=/mnt/data/swapfile
# sudo dphys-swapfile setup
# sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
# ssh into your raspberry (CWD: /home/pi)
sudo apt-get install libjna-java
tar xvzf CrashPlan_3.7.0_Linux.tgz
cd CrashPlan-install/
sudo ./ # Defaults are OK except for the bakcup destination: /mnt/data/crashplan
sudo rm -r /usr/local/crashplan/jre
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm-vfp-hflt /usr/local/crashplan/jre
cd /usr/local/crashplan
sudo rm
sudo wget
sudo rm
sudo wget
sudo sed -i.bak 's-FULL_CP="$TARGETDIR-FULL_CP="/usr/share/java/jna.jar:$TARGETDIR-g' /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine
# To configure Crashplan you need to use the graphic tool from a desktop machine with Crashplan installed
sudo service crashplan stop
ssh [email protected] -L 4243:localhost:4243
CrashPlanDesktop # This is now connected to the CrashPlan on the RaspberryPi -> You basically just have to allow friends to backup to this PC if you want this. No need to backup the RaspberryPi itself.
# Close SSH connection
sudo service crashplan start
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Thanks for the detailed install directions! :)

Will this work on a Banana Pi?

Will this work with CrashPlan 4.5.0 ?

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CrashPlan 4.5.0 has different directories. I was unable to get it to work. I uninstalled and was able to get the rapi running, following the uncommented lines 1- 29.

I then followed the Patch the CrashPlan UI instructions here

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