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Last active July 21, 2024 14:19
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My notes and observations about python nanobind + scikit-build-core usage

My notes and observations about python nanobind + scikit-build-core usage

nanobind is a tool and a library for implementing native C/C++ extensions for python. You can implement such extensions in many ways, but nanobind makes life a bit more easier, especially if you write C++ and use CMake to build your native code.

nanobind recommends using the scikit-build-core as the build backend; it handles the heavy lifting of building stuff through CMake during python package build process. It even supports using Ninja. And as a cherry on top, it is able to download CMake and Ninja from pypi if they are not available locally.

Setup using nanobind+scikit-build-core can produce pre-built wheels that can be distributed to users similar to pure python modules - user installs the wheel and then imports stuff the usual way; the fact that the underlying functionality was implemented in C/C++ is more or less transparent. The only difficulty is that C/C++ extension packages are platform-specific, whereas pure python packages are usually universal.

Anyways. There are some example projects that describe how to setup a project with nanobind:


Host tooling:

  • C++ compiler
  • python3, python3-venv, and python3-dev or similar
  • (optional) cmake and ninja


The setup consists of three parts:

  1. Setup virtual env
  2. Writing pyproject.toml
  3. Writing the extension stub (.cpp)
  4. Writing toplevel CMakeLists.txt
  5. Writing a dummy python package

0. Setup virtual env

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install nanobind 'scikit-build-core[pyproject]'

# optionally also:
$ pip install cmake ninja

Note that this is only necessary for local testing and development; when distributing the final package, these dependencies are automatically installed during the build process (see below the build-system.requires in pyproject.toml)

1. Add pyproject.toml

at minimum you'll need

requires = ["scikit-build-core >=0.4.3", "nanobind >=1.3.2"]
build-backend = ""

name = "supermodule"
version = "0.0.1"

2. Add dummy extension stub (.cpp)

The contents here are not really important; this note only focuses on the project setup itself. You can use the example code, from [5] for example:

// put this into my_ext.cpp

#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>

namespace nb = nanobind;

using namespace nb::literals;

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    m.doc() = "This is a \"hello world\" example with nanobind";
    m.def("add", [](int a, int b) { return a + b; }, "a"_a, "b"_a);
    m.attr("the_answer") = 42;

3. CMakeLists.txt

You'll need the usual CMake boilerplate (cmake_minimum_required(...); project(...))

Full example:

Then you'll need to add

# Try to import all Python components potentially needed by nanobind
# Adjust version to match your required minimum python version
find_package(Python 3.8
  REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development.Module

# Import nanobind through CMake's find_package mechanism
find_package(nanobind CONFIG REQUIRED)

nanobind_add_module(my_ext my_ext.cpp)

# link other libraries the usual way:
# target_link_libraries(my_ext PRIVATE some_other_lib)

# Install directive for scikit-build-core
install(TARGETS my_ext LIBRARY DESTINATION supermodule)

Note that the first find_package() usually should find the required components from your host system's environment, while the latter nanobind specific CMake module is provided by the nanobind python package, which now resides in our virtual environent (venv/).

In our virtual environment, the CMake module is provided in venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nanobind/cmake/nanobind-config.cmake (for example). Note that if you attempt to configure the project as-is, it will likely fail since that module is not in the CMakes module search path (CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH):

$ cmake -B out -S . -G Ninja
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:20 (find_package):
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "nanobind" with any
of the following names:


You can overcome this problem with:

$ cmake -B out -S . -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$PWD/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/nanobind/cmake

However this is annoying and clearly specific to the path of the current venv and python version.

Some documentation suggest using this instead:

  COMMAND "${Python_EXECUTABLE}" -m nanobind --cmake_dir

find_package(nanobind CONFIG REQUIRED)

which does the same thing, but dynamically at configure time. The magic sauce is provided by python3 -m nanobind --cmake_dir which queries for the required path in the current environment, and in our venv it should print

$ python3 -m nanobind --cmake_dir 

just as we want, excellent.


  • the execute_process() trick does not seem to be necessary when building the package outside the venv, for example when running python3 -m build - I guess the build backend (scikit-build-core) extends the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH dynamically for us. But this stuff is good to know anyways.
  • You don't need to shoehorn everything into the my_ext module; you can keep it as simple as possible while simply linking to existing CMake-enabled libraries in other project(s). You can import existing projects into the build with find_package() if they have proper CMake config modules, or even with add_subdirectory() if the project is a local submodule.

4. Create dummy python module

$ mkdir -p src/supermodule

then in src/supermodule/ write:

from .my_ext import add, the_answer

__all__ = [

Things to note:

  • The supermodule is a dummy module for wrapping the native extension my_ext
  • the my_ext is a native shared library object (.so) that is build during the package build process; it does not exist yet.
  • Th install() directive in the CMakeLists.txt places the my_ext library into our supermodule directory during build process.
  • The import module name (src/supermodule) does not need to match the name of the project (supermodule) in the pyproject.toml: having the same name for both is just a convention.

Now, if everything works, you should be able to do something like this:

$ python3 -m build -w
$ python3 -m venv venv-new
$ ./venv-new/bin/pip install dist/supermodule-0.0.1-cp312-cp312-macosx_13_0_arm64.whl
$ ./venv-new/bin/python3 -c 'import supermodule; print(supermodule.add1(supermodule.the_answer, 1))'

note that the paths and .whl name changes based on system and python version. You can list all files that were provided in the wheel:

$ find venv-new/ -type f -ipath "*supermodule*":

it should list at least flies <prefix>/supermodule/ and <prefix>/supermodule/

NOTE: This is strictly a demonstration of pre-building the package/wheel. You shouldn't need to do this during development, as it becomes annoying rather quickly. You can simply run pip install . to rebuild and install the package automatically. Also, see below note about "editable rebuild"; it should make life much much easier.


Create git repo, add the files created here. Do NOT add the venv directories or any built extensions into your repo. Keep the repo strictly sources only.

If you publish the package in Github (for example), you should be able to install it directly like this:

$ python3 -m venv venv-temp
$ ./venv-temp/bin/pip install git+<your-username>/<your-repo>

And if everything is working correctly, the module should build and install without errors. Obviously this requires at least a C++ compiler on the host where you run this command. However, if you distribute pre-built wheels (.whl, see above), users do not need to have anything besides pip.

Key takeaways

Once the nanobind-enabled package is setup, you do not need to interact with the C/C++ compiler, CMake, or Ninja directly. You should be able to accomplish project setup related tasks with just plain pip commands. The build backend (scikit-build-core) and nanobind should handle everything for you automatically, so you can focus on writing C++ and Python code.


I am not yet sure how the native extension provides typing/annotation support; there was some mention of mypy in nanobind documentation. To be continued...

Editable rebuilds

Documentation suggests setting up local development environment with

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install nanobind 'scikit-build-core[pyproject]'
$ pip install --no-build-isolation -ve . -Ceditable.rebuild=true

Now, if whenever you open the REPL and run import supermodule, the native extension is automatically rebuilt through CMake:

$ python3
>>> import supermodule
Running cmake --build & --install in <pwd>/build/cp312-cp312-macosx_13_0_arm64
ninja: no work to do.
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Up-to-date: <pwd>/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/supermodule/

Neat, isn't it? Although the documentation suggest this is a bit hacky, and might have some issues. I don't know, I have not observed any.. yet.


  • the -Ceditable.rebuild=true (as in -C/--config-settings) is a directive to scikit-build-core, see [2] for more choices
  • in the editable setup, the module is split in two locations:
    >>> supermodule.__file__
    >>> supermodule.my_ext.__file__
  • the auto-rebuild is not REPL-specific, and should work when importing the module in any other python script. Useful when doing test driven development
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