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Last active September 16, 2023 21:34
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  • Save Mazyod/da92f8cda1783baa017f9323375c159c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Mazyod/da92f8cda1783baa017f9323375c159c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash script that loops over Docker images, and keeps only the latest tag for each image name (Repository).
set -e
echo "Script for cleaning up Docker images"
# First, we grab a list of all images
docker_images=$(docker images --format "{{.ID}}|{{.Repository}}|{{.Tag}}")
# prepare a image name lookup
declare -A image_names
# Then, we loop through the list
while read -r line; do
# We split the line into an array
IFS='|' read -r -a array <<< "$line"
# We grab the image ID
# We grab the image name
# We grab the image tag
# We check if the image_name has already been saved in image_names
if [[ -z "${image_names[$image_name]}" ]]; then
# If not, we save it
echo "Keeping ${image_name}:${image_tag}"
# If yes, we remove the image
echo "Removing ${image_name}:${image_tag}"
docker rmi "${image_name}:${image_tag}"
done <<< "$docker_images"
# Next time this breaks, port it to python!
echo "Script for cleaning up Docker images"
echo "===================================="
echo ""
# Run prune before deleting tags to clean up problematic <none> tags
echo "Pruning images"
echo "--------------"
docker system prune -f
echo ""
echo "Remove older tags for images"
echo "----------------------------"
# First, we grab a list of all images
docker_images=$(docker images --format "{{.ID}}|{{.Repository}}|{{.Tag}}")
# prepare a image lookups
declare -A image_ids
declare -A image_tags
# Then, we loop through the list
while read -r line; do
# We split the line into an array
IFS='|' read -r -A array <<< "$line"
# We grab the image ID
# We grab the image name
# We grab the image tag
# We check if the image_name has already been saved in image_ids
if [[ -z "${image_ids[$image_name]}" ]]; then
# If not, we save it
echo "Keeping ${image_name}:${image_tag}"
# If yes, we check if image_id matches and image_tag is older
elif [[ "${image_ids[$image_name]}" == "$image_id" ]] && [[ "${image_tags[$image_name]}" < "$image_tag" ]]; then
# If yes, we delete the saved image
echo "Found newer tag for ${image_name}:${image_tag}"
echo "Deleting ${image_name}:${image_tags[$image_name]}"
docker rmi "${image_name}:${image_tags[$image_name]}" || true # ignore errors (e.g. if image is in use)
# And we save the new image
# If yes, we remove the image
echo "Deleting ${image_name}:${image_tag}"
docker rmi "${image_name}:${image_tag}" || true # ignore errors (e.g. if image is in use)
done <<< "$docker_images"
echo ""
# Run prune after deleting tags to clean up layers and cache
echo "Pruning images (again)"
echo "----------------------"
docker system prune -f
echo ""
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