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MMIO Abstraction Example
mod register;
use register::*;
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
extern fn eh_personality() {}
fn panic(_: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
loop {}
const CPU_FREQ: u32 = 16_000_000;
/// The baud rate we'll use for serial.
const BAUD_RATE: u32 = 9600;
/// The calculated value to put into the UBBR register to set the baud rate.
const UBBR_VAL: u16 = ((CPU_FREQ / 8 / BAUD_RATE) - 1) as u16;
reg! {
UDR0: u8 {
addr: 0xC6,
write mask: 0xFF,
reg! {
UCSR0A: u8 {
addr: 0xC0,
write mask: 0b1110_0011,
bits: {
MPCM0 = 0, RW;
U2X0 = 1, RW;
UPE0 = 2, R;
DOR0 = 3, R;
FE0 = 4, R;
UDRE0 = 5, R;
TXC0 = 6, RW;
RXC0 = 7, R;
reg! {
UCSR0B: u8 {
addr: 0xC1,
write mask: 0b1111_1111,
bits: {
TXB80 = 0, RW;
RXB80 = 1, R;
UCSZ02 = 2, RW;
TXEN0 = 3, RW;
RXEN0 = 4, RW;
UDRIE0 = 5, RW;
TXCIE0 = 6, RW;
RXCIE0 = 7, RW;
reg! {
UCSR0C: u8 {
addr: 0xC2,
write mask: 0b1111_1111,
bits: {
UCPOL0 = 0, RW;
UCSZ00 = 1, RW;
UCSZ01 = 2, RW;
USBS0 = 3, RW;
UPM00 = 4, RW;
UPM01 = 5, RW;
UMSEL00 = 6, RW;
UMSEL01 = 7, RW;
reg! {
UBRR0: u16 {
addr: 0xC4,
write mask: 0x0FFF,
extern "C" fn main() {
unsafe {
// Set our baud rate.
// Configure for:
// // * 2x speed
// // * 8-bit characters
// // * 1 stop bit
// // * No parity
// // * Async mode,
// // * Enable RX/TX
UCSR0A::set_value(U2X0 | MPCM0);
UCSR0B::set_value(RXEN0 | TXEN0);
UCSR0C::set_value(UCSZ01 | UCSZ00);
let message = "Hello World!";
message.bytes().for_each(|b| {
// Wait for the data register to become available.
while !UCSR0A::get_bit(UDRE0) {}
// Stick the byte into the buffer to send it.
use core::{
ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, BitOrAssign, Shl, Not},
// Used to restrict what data types a register can be.
pub trait RegisterType: Copy + BitAnd<Output=Self> + BitOr<Output=Self> + Shl<Output=Self> + Not<Output=Self> + Eq + PartialEq {
const ZERO: Self;
const ONE: Self;
impl RegisterType for u8 {
const ZERO: Self = 0;
const ONE: Self = 1;
impl RegisterType for u16 {
const ZERO: Self = 0;
const ONE: Self = 1;
// This trait and types represent whether a bit is readable and/or writable in the type system.
pub trait Access {}
pub struct Readable;
impl Access for Readable {}
pub struct NotReadable;
impl Access for NotReadable {}
pub struct Writable;
impl Access for Writable {}
pub struct NotWritable;
impl Access for NotWritable {}
// This allows us to say that access is only allowed if both bits have that access.
// It is, essentially, a boolean AND operation, hence the name.
pub trait AccessAnd<Rhs> {
type Output: Access;
impl AccessAnd<Readable> for Readable {
type Output = Readable;
impl AccessAnd<NotReadable> for Readable {
type Output = NotReadable;
impl AccessAnd<NotReadable> for NotReadable {
type Output = NotReadable;
impl AccessAnd<Readable> for NotReadable {
type Output = NotReadable;
impl AccessAnd<Writable> for Writable {
type Output = Writable;
impl AccessAnd<NotWritable> for Writable {
type Output = NotWritable;
impl AccessAnd<NotWritable> for NotWritable {
type Output = NotWritable;
impl AccessAnd<Writable> for NotWritable {
type Output = NotWritable;
// A bit needs to be associated with its parent register, and what read/write access the bit has, so incorrect usage
// is prevented at compile-time.
pub trait Bit {
type ReadAccess: Access;
type WriteAccess: Access;
type Register: Register;
fn bit_id(&self) -> <Self::Register as Register>::DataType;
// The BitBuilder allows the user to write expressions like `Bit1 | Bit2` to build up a bit pattern, while
// still retaining the connection to the register and the restrictions on read/write access.
pub struct BitBuilder<DataType: RegisterType, Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>, R: Access, W: Access>{
data: DataType,
_p: PhantomData<(Reg, R, W)>
impl<DataType: RegisterType, Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>> BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, Readable, Writable> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
data: DataType::ZERO,
_p: PhantomData,
impl <DataType: RegisterType, Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>, R: Access, W: Access> BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R, W> {
pub fn raw_value(&self) -> DataType {
// This one's pretty gnarly. Basically, this lets the user do `bits | bits`, while continuing the connection
// with the register. The resulting BitBuilder will have the most restrictive read/write access.
// E.g. A BitBuilder with read/write access being ORed with one with only read access will result in a BitBuilder
// with only read access.
impl<DataType, Reg, R1, W1, R2, W2> BitOr<BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R2, W2>> for BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R1, W1>
where R1: Access,
R2: Access,
W1: Access,
W2: Access,
DataType: RegisterType,
Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>,
R2: AccessAnd<R1>,
W2: AccessAnd<W1>,
type Output = BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, <R2 as AccessAnd<R1>>::Output, <W2 as AccessAnd<W1>>::Output>;
fn bitor(self, rhs: BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R2, W2>) -> Self::Output {
BitBuilder {
data: |,
_p: PhantomData,
// This just lets us OR a BitBuilder with a Bit from the same register. As with above, the most restrictive access
// applies.
impl<DataType, Reg, R1, W1, B> BitOr<B> for BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R1, W1>
where R1: Access,
W1: Access,
DataType: RegisterType,
Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>,
B: Bit<Register=Reg>,
B::ReadAccess: AccessAnd<R1>,
B::WriteAccess: AccessAnd<W1>,
type Output = BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, <B::ReadAccess as AccessAnd<R1>>::Output, <B::WriteAccess as AccessAnd<W1>>::Output>;
fn bitor(self, rhs: B) -> Self::Output {
BitBuilder {
data: | (DataType::ONE << rhs.bit_id()),
_p: PhantomData,
// This one's a little restrictive, but lets us do things like:
// let mut bits = TWEN | TWIE | TWINT;
// if ack {
// bits |= TWEA;
// }
// TWCR::set_value(bits);
// One restriction is that both read and write access of the new bit must exactly match the access of the BitBuilder.
impl<DataType, Reg, R1, W1, B> BitOrAssign<B> for BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R1, W1>
where R1: Access,
W1: Access,
DataType: RegisterType,
Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>,
B: Bit<Register=Reg, ReadAccess=R1, WriteAccess=W1>,
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: B) { = | (DataType::ONE << rhs.bit_id());
// This trait is to fix an irritating papercut. If we don't have it and have set_value take a BitBuilder, it would
// mean that we could do this:
// TWCR::set_value(TWEN | TWIE);
// But not this:
// TWCR::set_value(TWEN);
// Which feels incredibly inconsistent.
pub trait SetValueType {
type DataType: RegisterType;
type Register: Register<DataType = Self::DataType>;
type WriteAccess: Access;
fn value(&self) -> Self::DataType;
impl<DataType, Reg, R, W> SetValueType for BitBuilder<DataType, Reg, R, W>
where DataType: RegisterType,
Reg: Register<DataType = DataType>,
R: Access,
W: Access,
type DataType = DataType;
type Register = Reg;
type WriteAccess = W;
fn value(&self) -> DataType {
// Abstracts away the messy volatile pointer accessses and bit-twiddling needed for an MMIO.
// The type needs to be tracked, as does a write mask, as some bits should never be written to.
// One thing that does need to be provided is the ability to set a raw value, as some registers
// are data registers, not control/status registers. Bit-twiddling these makes no sense.
pub trait Register: Sized {
type DataType: RegisterType;
const ADDR: *mut Self::DataType;
// Some bits should always be written 0 when writing, this allows that.
const WRITE_MASK: Self::DataType;
unsafe fn set_raw_value(val: Self::DataType) {
Self::ADDR.write_volatile(val & Self::WRITE_MASK);
unsafe fn set_value<V>(val: V)
where V: SetValueType<DataType=Self::DataType, Register=Self, WriteAccess=Writable>
let value = val.value();
unsafe fn get_value() -> Self::DataType {
unsafe fn get_bit<B>(bit: B) -> bool
where B: Bit<Register=Self, ReadAccess=Readable>
let bit = Self::DataType::ONE << bit.bit_id();
(Self::get_value() & bit) != Self::DataType::ZERO
unsafe fn set_bits<V>(bits: V)
where V: SetValueType<DataType=Self::DataType, Register=Self, WriteAccess=Writable>,
let val = Self::get_value();
Self::set_raw_value(val | bits.value());
unsafe fn clear_bits<V>(bits: V)
where V: SetValueType<DataType=Self::DataType, Register=Self, WriteAccess=Writable>,
let val = Self::get_value();
Self::set_raw_value(val & !bits.value());
unsafe fn replace_bits(
mask: BitBuilder<Self::DataType, Self, Readable, Writable>,
new_val: BitBuilder<Self::DataType, Self, Readable, Writable>,
) {
let reg_val = Self::get_value() & !;
let masked_val = &;
Self::set_raw_value(reg_val | masked_val);
// Unfortunately, all the traits and above make actually defining a register and its bits something that no sane person
// should do. Fortunately, because it's the same for all registers/bits, macros can be used.
// These two are just for expanding the read/write access type defs. It allows the other macros to just match
// the access flags as a token tree, and have these two expand it.
macro_rules! expand_read_access {
(R) => {
type ReadAccess = crate::register::Readable;
(W) => {
type ReadAccess = crate::register::NotReadable;
(RW) => {
type ReadAccess = crate::register::Readable;
macro_rules! expand_write_access {
(R) => {
type WriteAccess = crate::register::NotWritable;
(W) => {
type WriteAccess = crate::register::Writable;
(RW) => {
type WriteAccess = crate::register::Writable;
// This one is what creates all the types representing the bits.
macro_rules! reg_named_bits {
$name:ident : $type:ty {
$( $(#[$bit_doc:meta])* $bit:ident = $id:expr, $acc:tt;)+
) => {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct $bit;
impl crate::register::Bit for $bit {
type Register = $name;
fn bit_id(&self) -> $type {
impl crate::register::SetValueType for $bit {
type DataType = $type;
type Register = $name;
fn value(&self) -> $type {
use crate::register::Bit;
1 << self.bit_id()
impl<B2> core::ops::BitOr<B2> for $bit
where Self: crate::register::Bit,
B2: crate::register::Bit<Register = <Self as crate::register::Bit>::Register>,
B2::ReadAccess: crate::register::AccessAnd<<Self as crate::register::Bit>::ReadAccess>,
B2::WriteAccess: crate::register::AccessAnd<<Self as crate::register::Bit>::WriteAccess>,
type Output = crate::register::BitBuilder<
<<Self as crate::register::Bit>::Register as crate::register::Register>::DataType,
<Self as crate::register::Bit>::Register,
<B2::ReadAccess as crate::register::AccessAnd<<Self as crate::register::Bit>::ReadAccess>>::Output,
<B2::WriteAccess as crate::register::AccessAnd<<Self as crate::register::Bit>::WriteAccess>>::Output,
fn bitor(self, rhs: B2) -> Self::Output {
crate::register::BitBuilder::new() | self | rhs
// There are a lot of bits, and it would be useful to namespace them. This macro allows the user to access the bits
// like this: TWCR::TWEN;
macro_rules! reg_bit_consts {
$struct_name:ident {
$( $(#[$bit_doc:meta])* $bit:ident ),+ $(,)*
) => {
impl $struct_name {
pub const $bit: $bit = $bit;
macro_rules! reg {
$name:ident : $type:ty {
addr: $addr:expr,
write mask: $mask:expr $(,)*
) => {
pub struct $name;
impl crate::register::Register for $name {
type DataType = $type;
const WRITE_MASK: $type = $mask;
const ADDR: *mut $type = $addr as *mut $type;
$name:ident: $type:ty {
addr: $addr:expr,
write mask: $mask:expr,
bits: {
$( $(#[$bit_doc:meta])* $bit:ident = $id:expr, $acc:tt;)+
) => {
reg_named_bits! {
$name: $type {
$( $(#[$bit_doc])* $bit = $id, $acc; )+
reg! {
$name: $type {
addr: $addr,
write mask: $mask,
reg_bit_consts! {
$name {
$( $bit ),+
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