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Created November 3, 2012 07:47
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Basic Memory Allocator on the DCPU
; --------------------------------------------
; Title: MemoryTest
; Author: Measter
; date: 02/11/2012
; Version:
; -------------------------------------------
set pc, start
.include memory.asm
;Initialize memory. Initializing takes the space to be
;reserved for the stack. In this case, 4,096 words.
;The initialization calculates the available space between
;the mem_tree label and the end of the memory, mines stack reserve.
set push, 0x1000 ;Reserve for stack.
jsr mem_init
add sp, 1 ;Discard previously pushed data.
;Request one clusters of memory.
;Takes a single value, and returns the cluster ID.
set push, 1 ;Cluster count.
jsr mem_request
set a, pop ;Retrieve cluster ID.
;Let's fill that allocation with ABBA.
;Filling takes only the value and the cluster ID.
;It finds out how large the allocation is through the
;memory tree.
set push, 0xABBA ;Value to fill with.
set push, a ;Cluster ID.
jsr mem_fill
add sp, 2 ;Clear the pushed values off the stack.
;We will use this location to store the next allocations.
;You can store [mem_cluster_size] locations in each cluster.
;Let's first retrieve the memory address of the previous allocation.
set push, a ;Cluster ID
jsr mem_get_address
set a, pop ;Memory address.
;Request a second pair of clusters.
;The function will search the tree for the first empty part
;large enough to fit the request.
;If it cannot find one, it returns 0xFFFF.
set push, 2 ;Cluster count.
jsr mem_request
set [a], pop ;Cluster ID.
set push, 0xDEAD
set push, [a]
jsr mem_fill
add sp, 2
;Allocating and filling another two clusters.
set push, 2 ;Cluster count.
jsr mem_request
set [a+1], pop ;Cluster ID;
set push, 0x7777
set push, [a+1]
jsr mem_fill
add sp, 2
;Now we will free the allocation stored in the first position in
;the storage cluster.
;This will leave a two cluster gap between ABBA and 7777.
;You have the option of zeroing the memory, or leaving it as is.
;In this case, I decided to zero the memory.
set push, 1 ;Zero cluster.
set push, [a] ;Cluster ID.
jsr mem_free
add sp, 2
;Now we will request a three cluster allocation. stepping through
;the program will show that it skips the two cluster gap because
;it's not large enough.
set push, 3 ;Cluster count.
jsr mem_request
set [a], pop ;Cluster ID
set push, 0xBEEF
set push, [a]
jsr mem_fill
add sp, 2
set pc, finished
;This must be at the end of the program, as it contains markers
;used by the memory manager for finding the end of the program.
.include memory_end.asm
; --------------------------------------------
; Title: MemFunctions
; Author: Measter
; Date: 02/11/2012
; Version: 1.0a
; --------------------------------------------
; Creates memory tree. Tree stores whether cluster is in use, and size
; of allocation.
; sp+0 : Stack Reserved Space
set push, z
set z, sp
add z, 2
set push, a
ife [mem_is_init], 1
set pc, mem_init_skip
;Find size of available memory.
;A = length of memory.
set a, 0xFFFF
sub a, mem_tree
sub a, [z] ;Space for stack
;Set tree size.
div a, [mem_cluster_size]
set [mem_tree_size], a
;Set mem_start to end of tree.
set [mem_start], mem_tree
add [mem_start], [mem_tree_size]
;Set init check to true.
set [mem_is_init], 1
set a, pop
set z, pop
set pc, pop
; Frees a section of clusters.
; Input
; SP+1 : Zero Cluster Memory
; : 1 = Yes
; : 0 - No
; SP+0 : Cluster ID
set push, z
set z, sp
add z, 2
set push, a
set push, b
set push, c
;Find first cluster in tree.
;A = start cluster ID.
set a, mem_tree
add a, [z]
;Find number of clusters in allocation.
;C = cluster count
set c, [a]
;C = last cluster ID.
add c, a
;Zero cluster memory if requested
ife [z+1], 0
set pc, mem_free_skip_zero
set push, 0 ;Value.
set push, [z] ;Cluster ID
jsr mem_fill
add sp, 2
;Iterate over allocation tree, starting from giver cluster ID,
;untill we reach end of allocation. Set value of all to 0 as we go.
ife a, c
set pc, mem_free_loop_end
set [a], 0
add a, 1
set pc, mem_free_loop_start
set c, pop
set b, pop
set a, pop
set z, pop
set pc, pop
; Requests a memory allocation.
; Input
; SP+0 : Cluster Count
; Output
; SP+0 : Cluster ID if found space.
; : 0xFFFF if no space found.
set push, z
set z, sp
add z, 2
set push, a
set push, i
set push, b
set push, c
ife [z], 0
set pc, mem_request_exit
;Check if memory has been initialized.
ife [mem_is_init], 0
set pc, mem_request_init
set pc, mem_request_no_init
;Initialize memory, with 0x1000 word stack reserve.
set push, 0x1000
jsr mem_init
add sp, 1
;A = Current location.
set a, mem_tree
;Iterate over tree, find space big enough for request.
ife a, [mem_start] ;End of tree reached.
set pc, mem_request_exit_loop_null
;Starting at A, go over the following N clusters to see if
;they are available. Where N = cluster count.
;I = loop counter.
;B = cluster being checked for use.
;C = whether requested size can fit in section.
set i, 0
set b, a ;Set B to A for inner check.
set c, 1 ;Whether we can fit the request in available area.
ife i, [z]
set pc, mem_request_inner_check_loop_exit
;if the value of B is not 0, then it has already been allocated.
ifn [b], 0
set pc, mem_request_in_use
set pc, mem_request_not_in_use
set c, 0
set a, b ;Set A to the start of the found allocation.
add a, [b] ;Add the value of B to skip to the end
;of the allocation.
;A = the cluster ID after the end of the found allocation.
set pc, mem_request_inner_check_loop_exit
add i, 1
add b, 1
set pc, mem_request_inner_check_loop_start
;If a suitable area has been found (if C = 1),
;set all sectors from A to B as used.
ife c, 0
set pc, mem_request_skip_set
sub b, 1 ;Fix fencepost error.
set [b], [z] ;Store cluster size in tree
ife b, a
set pc, mem_request_exit_loop_found
sub b, 1
set pc, mem_request_set_loop_start
set pc, mem_request_loop_start
;A = memory cluster ID.
sub a, mem_tree
set [z], a ;Stick it in the stack for retrieval.
set pc, mem_request_exit
set [z], 0xFFFF
set c, pop
set b, pop
set i, pop
set a, pop
set z, pop
set pc, pop
; Fills the given cluster ID with the given value
; sp+1 : Fill Value
; sp+0 : Cluster ID (0-indexed)
set push, z
set z, sp
add z, 2
set push, i
set push, a
set push, b
;Get cluster size.
set b, mem_tree
add b, [z]
;B = allocated size.
set b, [b]
;Cluster start location = (id * size) + mem_start.
;I = start location.
set i, [z]
mul i, [mem_cluster_size]
add i, [mem_start]
;Size = count * cluster size.
set a, b
mul a, [mem_cluster_size]
;Set end point.
;A = end location,
add a, i
;For each word in the cluster location
; set word to new value.
ife i, a
set pc, mem_fill_loop_end
set [i], [z+1] ;Set value.
add i, 1
set pc, mem_fill_loop_start
set b, pop
set a, pop
set i, pop
set z, pop
set pc, pop
; Fetches the memory address of the given cluster ID
; Input
; SP+0 : Cluster ID.
; Output
; SP+0 : Memory Address.
set push, z
set z, sp
add z, 2
;Cluster start location = (id * size) + mem_start.
mul [z], [mem_cluster_size]
add [z], [mem_start]
set z, pop
set pc, pop
; --------------------------------------------
; Title: MemMarkers
; Author: Measter
; Date: 02/11/2012
; Version: 1.0
; --------------------------------------------
;Setting the cluster size. The larger the cluster size is, the smaller the
;allocation tree will be.
dat 0x20
;Stores the memory initialization state.
dat 0
;Stores the start location of the memory clusters.
dat 0
;This is the size of the allocation tree.
dat 0
;The start of the allocation tree and memory.
;This must be at the end of the program.
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