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convert quick time music movies into midi files!
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# convert quicktime music movie into midi file
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import namedtuple
from abc import ABC
import itertools
import sys
import io
import struct
def variable_length_quantity(value, level=0) -> bytes:
msb, lsb = divmod(value, 128)
if level > 0:
lsb |= 0x80
return (variable_length_quantity(msb, level + 1) if msb > 0 else b'') + bytes([lsb])
class MIDIChunk(ABC):
def __init__(self, type, data):
self.type = type = data
def __bytes__(self):
return self.type[:4].encode('ascii') + struct.pack('> I', len( +
class MIDIChunkHeader(MIDIChunk):
def __init__(self, format, n_tracks, division):
data = struct.pack('> H H H', format, n_tracks, division)
super().__init__('MThd', data)
class MIDIChunkTrack(MIDIChunk):
def __init__(self, events):
data = b''.join(map(bytes, events))
super().__init__('MTrk', data)
class MIDIFile:
def __init__(self, chunks):
self.chunks = chunks
def from_data(cls, format, division, tracks):
return cls([MIDIChunkHeader(format, len(tracks), division)] + \
[MIDIChunkTrack(events) for events in tracks])
def __bytes__(self):
return b''.join(map(bytes, self.chunks))
class MIDIEvent:
def __init__(self, delta_time, data):
self.delta_time = delta_time = data
def __bytes__(self):
d = variable_length_quantity(self.delta_time) +
return variable_length_quantity(self.delta_time) +
class MIDIEventChannel(MIDIEvent):
def __init__(self, delta_time, status, channel, *data):
data = bytes([(status & 0xf0) | (channel & 0x0f)]) + bytes([x & 0x7f for x in data])
super().__init__(delta_time, data)
class MIDIEventNoteOff(MIDIEventChannel):
def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, note, velocity):
super().__init__(delta_time, 0b10000000, channel, note, velocity)
class MIDIEventNoteOn(MIDIEventChannel):
def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, note, velocity):
super().__init__(delta_time, 0b10010000, channel, note, velocity)
class MIDIEventAfterTouch(MIDIEventChannel):
def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, note, velocity):
super().__init__(delta_time, 0b10100000, channel, note, velocity)
class MIDIEventControlChange(MIDIEventChannel):
def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, controller, velocity):
super().__init__(delta_time, 0b10110000, channel, controller, velocity)
class MIDIEventProgramChange(MIDIEventChannel):
def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, program):
super().__init__(delta_time, 0b11000000, channel, program);
class MIDIEventPitchWheelChange(MIDIEventChannel):
def __init__(self, delta_time, channel, value):
# value is between -1 and 1
value = int((value + 1) * 0x2000)
msb, lsb = divmod(value, 0x80)
super().__init__(delta_time, 0b11100000, channel, lsb, msb)
class MIDIEventMeta(MIDIEvent):
def __init__(self, delta_time, type, meta_data=b''):
data = bytes([0xff, type, len(meta_data)]) + meta_data
super().__init__(delta_time, data)
class MIDIEventMetaEndOfTrack(MIDIEventMeta):
def __init__(self, delta_time):
super().__init__(delta_time, 0x2f)
def unpack(stream, fmt):
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
buf =
return struct.unpack(fmt, buf)
class Atom:
def __init__(self, type, data):
self.type = type = data
def from_stream(cls, stream) -> Atom:
size, type = unpack(stream, '>I 4s')
data = - 8) if size > 0 else
return cls(type.decode('ascii'), data)
except (UnicodeDecodeError):
pass # malformed
except struct.error:
pass # end of atom
def all_from_stream(cls, stream):
while atom := cls.from_stream(stream):
yield atom
def from_bytes(cls, string) -> Atom:
return cls.from_stream(io.BytesIO(string))
def all_from_bytes(cls, string):
return cls.all_from_stream(io.BytesIO(string))
def children(self):
return Atom.all_from_bytes(
def find_child(self, child_type):
for child in self.children:
if child.type == child_type:
return child
if grandchild := child.find_child(child_type):
return grandchild
class AtomSTCO:
def __init__(self, offsets):
self.offsets = offsets
def from_stream(cls, stream):
flags, length = unpack(stream, '> 4s I')
offsets = [unpack(stream, '> I')[0] for i in range(length)]
return AtomSTCO(offsets)
def from_bytes(cls, string):
return cls.from_stream(io.BytesIO(string))
class AtomSTSD:
def __init__(self, entries):
self.entries = entries
def from_stream(cls, stream):
def unpack_entry(stream):
size, data_format, data_reference_index = unpack(stream, '>I 4s x x x x x x H')
description = - 16)
return {'data_format': data_format,
'data_reference_index': data_reference_index,
'description': description}
flags, length = unpack(stream, '> 4s I')
return AtomSTSD([unpack_entry(stream) for i in range(length)])
def from_bytes(cls, string):
return cls.from_stream(io.BytesIO(string))
class Chunk:
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __iter__(self):
stream = io.BytesIO(
while long_word :=
if long_word == b'\x60\x00\x00\x00':
yield long_word
class ChunkStream:
def __init__(self, chunks):
self.chunks = chunks
def __iter__(self):
return itertools.chain(*self.chunks)
def from_paths(cls, resource_path, data_path):
with open(resource_path, 'rb') as resource_stream:
with open(data_path, 'rb') as data_stream:
atom_moov = Atom.from_stream(resource_stream)
mdat =
atom_stco = AtomSTCO.from_bytes(atom_moov.find_child('stco').data)
atom_stsd = AtomSTSD.from_bytes(atom_moov.find_child('stsd').data)
chunks = [Chunk(entry['description'][4:]) for entry in atom_stsd.entries] \
+ [Chunk(mdat[offset:]) for offset in atom_stco.offsets]
return ChunkStream(chunks)
class AbsoluteEvent:
def __init__(self, time, function):
self.time = time
self.function = function
def relative_event(self, time, time_scale):
return self.function(int((self.time - time) * time_scale))
class ConversionContext:
def __init__(self, chunk_stream):
self.chunk_stream = iter(chunk_stream)
def process_word(self, long_word):
for handler in handlers:
if handler.match(long_word):
return handler.handler(self, long_word)
print(f'unknown event: {list(map(hex, long_word))}')
return 0
def read_long_words(self, n):
return b''.join([next(self.chunk_stream) for i in range(n)])
def midi_events(self):
time = 0
for event in sorted(, key=lambda x: x.time):
yield event.relative_event(time, self.time_scale)
time = event.time
def to_midi(self) -> MIDIFile:
self.time_scale = 960 * 2
self.time = 0
self.channels = {} = []
for long_word in self.chunk_stream:
division = 960
return MIDIFile.from_data(0, division, [self.midi_events])
def add_event(self, time, function):, function))
def add_note(self, channel, note, velocity, duration):
def function_on(delta_time):
return MIDIEventNoteOn(delta_time, channel, note, velocity)
def function_off(delta_time):
return MIDIEventNoteOff(delta_time, channel, note, velocity)
self.add_event(self.time, function_on)
self.add_event(self.time + duration, function_off)
def add_program_change(self, channel, program):
def function(delta_time):
return MIDIEventProgramChange(delta_time, channel, program)
self.add_event(self.time, function)
def add_pitch_wheel_change(self, channel, value):
def function(delta_time):
return MIDIEventPitchWheelChange(delta_time, channel, value)
self.add_event(self.time, function)
def add_end_of_track(self):
def function(delta_time):
return MIDIEventMetaEndOfTrack(delta_time)
self.add_event(self.time, function)
handlers = []
class EventHandler:
def __init__(self, signature, mask, handler):
self.signature = signature
self.mask = mask
self.handler = handler
def match(self, long_word):
return long_word[0] & self.mask == self.signature & self.mask
def handler(signature, mask):
def decorator(handler):
handlers.append(EventHandler(signature, mask, handler))
return handler
return decorator
@handler(0b10010000, 0b11110000)
def event_long_note_request(context, long_word):
long_word += context.read_long_words(1)
part = (long_word[0] & 0x0f) << 8 \
| (long_word[1] & 0xff) << 0
pitch = (long_word[2] & 0xff) << 8 \
| (long_word[3] & 0xff) << 0
velocity = (long_word[4] & 0x1f) << 2 \
| (long_word[5] & 0xc0) >> 6
duration = (long_word[5] & 0x3f) << 16 \
| (long_word[6] & 0xff) << 8 \
| (long_word[7] & 0xff) << 0
## TODO microtonal..
if pitch > 128:
pitch //= 256
context.add_note(context.channels[part], pitch, velocity, duration / 600)
#print(f'note request: {long_word} {context.channels[part]} {part} {pitch} {velocity} {duration / 600}')
@handler(0b00100000, 0b11100000)
def event_short_note_request(context, long_word):
part = (long_word[0] & 0x1f) >> 0
pitch = (long_word[1] & 0xfc) >> 2
velocity = (long_word[1] & 0x03) << 5 \
| (long_word[2] & 0xf8) >> 3
duration = (long_word[2] & 0x07) << 8 \
| (long_word[3] & 0xff) >> 0
context.add_note(context.channels[part], pitch + 32, velocity, duration / 600)
#print(f'note request: {part} {pitch} {velocity} {duration / 600}')
@handler(0b01000000, 0b11100000)
def event_short_controller_request(context, long_word):
part = (long_word[0] & 0x1f) << 0
controller = (long_word[1] & 0xff) << 0
value = struct.unpack('>h', long_word[2:])[0]
if controller == 32: # bend
context.add_pitch_wheel_change(context.channels[part], value / 512)
#context.midi.addControllerEvent(0, context.channels[part], context.time, controller, value // 256)
print(f'controller request: {part} {controller} {value}')
@handler(0b00000000, 0b11100000)
def event_rest(context, long_word):
duration = long_word[1] << 16 \
| long_word[2] << 8 \
| long_word[3] << 0
#print(f'rest: {duration / 600}')
context.time += duration / 600
@handler(0b11110000, 0b11110000)
def event_general(context, long_word):
part = (long_word[0] & 0x0f) << 8 \
| (long_word[1] & 0xff) << 0
length = (long_word[2] & 0xff) << 8 \
| (long_word[3] & 0xff) << 0
payload = context.read_long_words(length - 1)
program = struct.unpack('>I', payload[-8:-4])[0]
if program < 128:
if len(context.channels) == 9:
context.channels[part] = 10
context.channels[part] = len(context.channels)
if program > 1:
program -= 1
context.add_program_change(context.channels[part], program)
context.channels[part] = 9
context.add_program_change(context.channels[part], program - 16385)
print(f'general event {part} = {context.channels[part]} = {program}')
def convert_with_paths(resource_path, data_path, midi_path):
with open(midi_path, 'wb') as midi_stream:
chunk_stream = ChunkStream.from_paths(resource_path, data_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} [path to resource fork] [path to data fork] [path to output file]')
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