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Created May 26, 2020 03:55
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trumpet physical model (???)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
speed_of_sound = 34300 # centimeters/second
rate = 24000 # samples/second
# seconds to render
render_time = 2
# f3
fundamental = 174.61 # pitch in hertz tuning of instrument lowest note
output_gain = 0.5
#noise = 0.025
noise = 0.01
vib_rate = 2
vib_depth = 0.5
ramp_time = .5
max_pressure = 0.9
note_time = 1.5
# time in seconds of a single sample
dt = 1 / rate
# the physical wavelength size of a single sample
sample_wavelength = speed_of_sound / rate
# wavelength of the fundamental tuning in cm
fundamental_wavelength = speed_of_sound / fundamental
# length of bore will be 1/2th of that
# this gonna be a even bore
bore_length = fundamental_wavelength / 2
# number of samples across the bore length
bore_sample_length = bore_length / sample_wavelength
# separate out the int part from the fractional part
delay_samples = bore_sample_length * 2
num_segs, fractional_delay = divmod(delay_samples, 1)
num_segs = int(num_segs)
# num samples to render
render_samples = render_time * rate
# create the waveguide for the round trip
shape = (int(num_segs),)
delay = np.zeros(shape=shape)
print(f'rate = {rate}hz')
print(f'sample wavelen = {sample_wavelength}cm')
print(f'bore length cm = {bore_length}cm')
print(f'bore sample length = {bore_sample_length}cm')
print(f'number wg segs = {num_segs}')
print(f'fractional delay = {fractional_delay}')
def run_delay(delay, input_sample):
n = len(delay)
output_sample = delay[n - 1]
# propogate the delay line
for i in range(n - 1):
delay[n - 1 - i] = delay[n - 2 - i]
delay[0] = input_sample
# TODO: implement all pass for fractional delay
return output_sample
x = 0
v = 0
k = (fundamental * 8 * math.pi)**2
ne = 10
nk = 2
b = 0.1
nb = 5
input_pressure_influence = 1
coupling = 0.5
reed_gain = 1
reflection = 0.5
delay_output = 0
def run(i):
global x, v
global delay_output
t = i * dt
j = min(1, t / ramp_time) if t < note_time \
else max(0, 1 - (t - note_time) / ramp_time)
input_pressure = j * max_pressure
input_pressure *= 1 + math.sin(i * dt * 2 * math.pi * vib_rate) * vib_depth
input_pressure += np.random.rand() * noise * input_pressure
feedback = reflection * delay_output
reed_input = delay_output - feedback
reed_output = input_pressure * x**2 * reed_gain
delay_input = feedback + reed_output
delay_output = run_delay(delay, delay_input)
output = delay_input * output_gain
a = -k * (x + nk * x ** (2 * ne + 1)) - b * (v + nb * x ** 2) * fundamental
a += input_pressure * input_pressure_influence * k - coupling * reed_input * k
v += a * dt
x += v * dt
x = min(1, max(-1, x))
return output, input_pressure, x
# render it now
print(f'bout to render {int(render_samples)} samples...')
buf1 = np.empty(shape=(int(render_samples),))
buf2 = np.empty(shape=(int(render_samples),))
buf3 = np.empty(shape=(int(render_samples),))
samps = range(int(render_samples))
for i in samps:
buf1[i], buf2[i], buf3[i] = run(i)
print ("DONE")
# plot it
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(samps, buf3, '-', samps, buf1, '--', samps, buf2, '--')
plt.legend(['reed x', 'bore out', 'pressure in'])
plt.figtext(.6, .5, f'bore length = {bore_length:.2f}cm')
plt.figtext(.6, .4, f'speed of sound = {speed_of_sound}cm/s')
plt.ylabel('sound pressure level')
plt.xticks([0, render_samples/2, render_samples], ['0 ms', f'{render_time*500} ms', f'{render_time*1000} ms'])
# output it
import wave
out_buf = buf1
with'out.wav', 'wb') as f:
f.setnchannels(1) # mono
f.setsampwidth(1) # 8 bit
data = [int((x/2+1)*128) for x in out_buf]
f.writeframesraw( bytes(data) )
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