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Mehver | 这水怎么没味儿啊 Mehver

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Mehver / .gitattributes
Created July 25, 2022 06:25
这个文档可以使GitHub将Markdown文档识别为Repo语言并加入到语言统计中。| This document allows GitHub to identify Markdown as a language and add them to GitHub Repository's language statistics.
# author: GitHub@TitanRGB
# This document allows GitHub to identify Markdown as a language and add them to GitHub Repository's language statistics.
# 这个文档可以使GitHub将Markdown文档识别为Repo语言并加入到语言统计中。
*.md linguist-detectable=true
*.md linguist-documentation=false
Mehver / .gitattributes
Last active February 23, 2023 06:00
这个文档可以使GitHub正确的识别Altium Designer、KiCAD、Gerber以及Eagle的文档,并将它们加入到GitHub Repository的语言统计中。| This document allows GitHub to correctly identify Altium Designer, KiCAD, Gerber and Eagle documents and add them to GitHub Repository's language statistics.
# author: GitHub@TitanRGB
# This document allows GitHub to correctly identify Altium Designer, KiCAD, Gerber and Eagle documents and add them to GitHub Repository's language statistics.
# 这个文档可以使GitHub正确的识别Altium Designer、KiCAD、Gerber以及Eagle的文档,并将它们加入到GitHub Repository的语言统计中。
*.OutJob linguist-detectable=true
*.PcbDoc linguist-detectable=true
*.PrjPCB linguist-detectable=true
*.SchDoc linguist-detectable=true