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Created August 13, 2014 23:57
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taskjuggler reports with full and short views
navigator navbar {
hidereport @none
macro TaskTip [
tooltip istask() -8<-
'''Start: ''' <-query attribute='start'->
'''End: ''' <-query attribute='end'->
<-query attribute='resources'->
'''Precursors: '''
<-query attribute='precursors'->
'''Followers: '''
<-query attribute='followers'->
textreport frame "" {
header -8<-
== Industrialisation de la production ==
<[navigator id="navbar"]>
footer "----"
textreport index "Overview" {
formats html
center '<[report id="overview"]>'
textreport "Status" {
formats html
center -8<-
<[report id="status.dashboard"]>
<[report id="status.completed"]>
<[report id="status.ongoing"]>
<[report id="status.future"]>
textreport "Deliveries" {
formats html
center '<[report id="deliveries"]>'
textreport "ContactList" {
formats html
title "Contact List"
center '<[report id="contactList"]>'
textreport "ResourceGraph" {
formats html
title "Resource Graph"
center '<[report id="resourceGraph"]>'
# A traditional Gantt chart with a project overview.
taskreport overview "" {
header -8<-
=== Resume du projet ===
=== Planification ===
columns bsi { title 'WBS' },
name, start, end, effort,
chart { ${TaskTip} width 2500 }
# For this report we like to have the abbreviated weekday in front
# of the date. %a is the tag for this.
timeformat "%a %Y-%m-%d"
loadunit days
hideresource @all
caption 'Les effort sont en jours'
footer -8<-
=== Staffing ===
Voir [[ResourceGraph]] pour l'allocation detaillee des ressources
# Macro to set the background color of a cell according to the alert
# level of the task.
macro AlertColor [
cellcolor plan.alert = 0 "#00D000" # green
cellcolor plan.alert = 1 "#D0D000" # yellow
cellcolor plan.alert = 2 "#D00000" # red
taskreport status "" {
columns bsi { width 50 title 'WBS' }, name { width 150 },
start { width 100 }, end { width 100 },
effort { width 100 },
alert { tooltip plan.journal
!= '' "<-query attribute='journal'->" width 150 },
status { width 350 }
taskreport dashboard "" {
headline "Project Dashboard (<-query attribute='now'->)"
columns name { title "Task" ${AlertColor} width 200},
resources { width 200 ${AlertColor}
listtype bullets
listitem "<-query attribute='name'->"
start ${projectstart} end ${projectend} },
alerttrend { title "Trend" ${AlertColor} width 50 },
journal { width 350 ${AlertColor} }
journalmode status_up
journalattributes headline, author, date, summary, details
hidetask ~hasalert(0)
sorttasks alert.down
period %{${now} - 1w} +1y
taskreport completed "" {
headline "Taches realisees"
# hidetask ~(delayed.end <= ${now})
taskreport ongoing "" {
headline "Taches en cours"
#hidetask ~((delayed.start <= ${now}) & (delayed.end > ${now}))
taskreport future "" {
headline "Taches a faire"
#hidetask ~(delayed.start > ${now})
# A list of all tasks with the percentage completed for each task
taskreport deliveries "" {
headline "Project Deliverables"
columns bsi { title 'WBS' }, name, start, end, note { width 150 }, complete,
chart { ${TaskTip} }
taskroot infra
hideresource @all
scenarios plan
# A list of all employees with their contact details.
resourcereport contactList "" {
headline "Contact list and duty plan"
columns name,
email { celltext 1 "[mailto:<-email-> <-email->]" },
managers { title "Manager" },
chart { scale day }
hideresource ~isleaf()
sortresources name.up
hidetask @all
# A graph showing resource allocation. It identifies whether each
# resource is under- or over-allocated for.
resourcereport resourceGraph "" {
headline "Resource Allocation Graph"
columns no, name, effort, rate, weekly { ${TaskTip} }
loadunit shortauto
# We only like to show leaf tasks for leaf resources.
hidetask ~(isleaf() & isleaf_())
sorttasks plan.start.up
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