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Created December 17, 2012 22:07
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if rocks > pebbles
puts "You have more rocks than pebbles."
elsif rocks < pebbles
puts "You have more pebbles than rocks."
if rocks > pebbles
puts "You have more rocks than pebbles."
elsif pebbles > rocks
puts "You have more pebbles than rocks."
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kotp commented Dec 19, 2012

In answer to CodeGurl's Blog

gravel = [[1, 3], [4, 2], [6, 6]]

gravel.each do |rocks, pebbles|

  answer =
    if rocks > pebbles 
      "You have more rocks than pebbles."
    elsif pebbles > rocks
      "You have more pebbles than rocks."
      "You have as many rocks as pebbles."
  puts answer

The elsif will raise an eyebrow, as it is used as a second conditional test, not the more appropriate else if there are only two possible results. In this case, with the other option of there being an equal amount, the elsif fits well, when you add the else statement and result.

I have dried it a bit and left the output as the last thing I want to do, rather than conditionally outputting to the screen. If I wanted to conditionally print as well, then it would be fine there, but in this case, it is something you are always doing, so to reduce later edits, if you decide not to puts the string, you only have one place to make a change.

But, and I think this is your question, I also prefer to have the greater than symbol in both places and the subject swap. To me it is clearer. After reading the if, I don't have to switch logic, I just change subjects. It is more of a visual change and less likely to be missed if I am scanning code.

But, I did fixate on the elsif at first, as it seemed out of place, without the third possibility.

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migane commented Dec 19, 2012

I'm more comfortable with logical operations, but specifically here I will do this with ternary operator:

gravel = [[1,3],[4,2],[6,6]]
gravel.each do |rocks,pebbles|
   answer = rocks > pebbles ? ["more", "than"] : (rocks == pebbles ? ["as many","as"] : ["less","than"])
   puts "You have " + answer[0] + " rocks " + answer[1] + " pebbles."

You may also if you prefer have an intermediate variable if you want to return the whole answer:

gravel = [[1,3],[4,2],[6,6]]
gravel.each do |rocks,pebbles|
   element = rocks > pebbles ? ["more", "than"] : (rocks == pebbles ? ["as many","as"] : ["less","than"])
   answer = "You have " + element[0] + " rocks " + element[1] + " pebbles."
   puts answer

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kotp commented Dec 19, 2012

I like the ternary operator.

But really there is one operator that matches the situation perfectly, and that is the equality operator, AKA the spaceship operator.

gravel = [[1, 3], [4, 2], [6, 6]].
equality = {-1 => ['less', 'than'], 0 => ['as many', 'as'], 1 => ['more', 'than']}
gravel.each do |rocks, pebbles|
  puts "You have %s rocks %s pebbles." % equality[rocks <=> pebbles]

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I like fruit better. Who wants to eat gravel? sol ;-)

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